"It came without ribbons, It came without tags, It came without packages, boxes, or bags. Christmas can't be bought from a store... Maybe Christmas means a little bit more." -- Dr.Seuss
It is going to be a very busy weekend for me. Tonight after work I am meeting Sara, Kim and Julie at the FAC and then we are going up to the cities to go see Wicked. I am very excited, it is suppose to be very good. It has been sold out for months now. We are going out to eat before the show. I brought my clothes to work with me to change here before I go. I sure hope I remembered everything.
This weekend I am going to the MOA for my annual trip with Theresa, Erica and Jodi. We have been going since the MOA opened for a weekend of fun. We go out for supper on Fri. and go to a movie. Then on Sat. we go to the MOA and shop all day. Sunday we usually go to Kohls, Ikea and a couple of other stores. The difference this year is that it is going to be more about getting together then shopping. All of us are cutting way back on Christmas spending. I really have very little to get yet. No one has any money to spare this year. I think the only good thing that the economy being so bad is doing is that people are realising that they can still have Christmas without all the big spending. People may just get back to the real reason for Christmas. It is all about being with the people you love, not how much you can hall in or give out. I think Dr. Seuss has it right....maybe Christmas means a little bit more.
Have a great weekend everyone.
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