Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Liam In The Cage
Today I had to watch Liam for a hour or so and he was being a bad boy so I put him in a cage. Ok not really. I am watching Jada for the next 9 days and I have her kennel and Liam thought it was funny to go in it. Cassie and Nick are in sunny Mexico so I get Jada. Nicks parents took the whole family down there for Christmas. Cassie and Nick are so lucky. It is going good so far with Jada. She has been a good girl for me. I hope it keeps up. I have not been up to a whole lot since Christmas. I had to work all weekend. It was dead at work. I had a bunch of parking stuff I had to do for my boss, it took me from 11:00 to 3:00 to get it done on Sat. It kept me busy for the day. I have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off of work. I was going to take New Years Day off but I really have not big plans so now I am going to work it and get the double time and a half. Work should pay for all of my archery fees for the year. Well I better get going I am going to cook. Yes I said I was going to cook. I know it is hard to believe but it is true. I figured I better try and cook at least one time on my days off.
Later Sharon
Friday, December 26, 2008
Oh What Fun......
Can you say Christmas Sweater....We had so much fun at the Becker Christmas with all of our Christmas Sweaters. It was so funny when we all started to get there. At first mom did not notice that we were all wearing sweaters. Then when Cassie and Nick got there she thought Nick was wearing one of her sweaters. Then all of the sudden she realize that we ALL had Christmas sweaters on . Then she finally noticed that Dad had one on too. It was so funny. We really had a great time with it. Tons of laughs. It was a great day. Thanks to Cassie and Jeff for coming up with the idea!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. On Tue. all the kids came over to my house for our Christmas. It was lots of fun. It was so fun to watch Liam open his gifts and get all excited when he got a toy! That is what Christmas is for.....the little kids. It was really a fun day.
Yesterday I had to work. After work I came home to a sink full of dishes that Christa and Jese left me. That was nice. So after cleaning up some of the mess I got changed and met Rick and all of his family at church for the Christmas Eve mass. Then I went home and cooked a chicken dish that I am taking to my moms today.
Today I am at work. I am leaving at 2:00 to go to my mom's for our get together. I have not seen Diane and Rod since last December. It will be good to see them. I will have lots of pictures to put up of all of our Christmas sweaters........
Have A Great Day!
Yesterday I had to work. After work I came home to a sink full of dishes that Christa and Jese left me. That was nice. So after cleaning up some of the mess I got changed and met Rick and all of his family at church for the Christmas Eve mass. Then I went home and cooked a chicken dish that I am taking to my moms today.
Today I am at work. I am leaving at 2:00 to go to my mom's for our get together. I have not seen Diane and Rod since last December. It will be good to see them. I will have lots of pictures to put up of all of our Christmas sweaters........
Have A Great Day!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Nothing New
We have gotten so much snow. It is pretty out. Of course I say that because I have not had to drive anywhere the last two days. Today I had Liam for a little while. He had fun jumping on the bed! And no I did not cause the cuts on his face, he came that way to my house! Today I cleaned and cleaned to get ready for Christmas with the kids. They are all coming over on Tue. afternoon. Have to go I am going to go shoot.
Later Sharon
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Cross Country Skiing

Yesterday after work I finally got to go cross country skiing. It was so nice out. We went across the lake and back. It took about 40 minutes. I wish it would stay nice out so I could go again on Sunday. But that is not to be. I just got into the office and as I was coming into the building the first snowflakes started to fall. It looks like we are going to have a good old fashion blizzard by the end of the day. If it starts to look bad out I am going to leave work early to try and get home before the really bad stuff hits. Some poor girl has her wedding up here today. That would really suck. They have the chapel decorated really nice. Hope the weather holds out for them. I am really glad I do not have to work on Sunday. I am going to stay in my nice warm house all day. Better get to work.
Later Sharon
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snow Covered Roads

This is what it looked like driving in this morning!!!! The plows did not even go down highway 13. They always have 13 plowed before I go to work. It was really bad, I could hardly see the road. It was drifting over and every time another vehicle went by it was total whiteout. I never drove over 30 miles an hour all the way in. It took forever to get to work. But I made it. I hope it is better when I drive home at 4:00.
Later Sharon
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it 'Christmas' and went to church; the Jews called it 'Hanukkah' and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say 'Merry Christmas!' or 'Happy Hanukkah!' or (to the atheists) 'Look out for the wall!' ~Dave Barry, "Christmas Shopping: A Survivor's Guide"
It is back to work for me today. I lucked out and have not had to drive in all the snow we have been getting over the last week. But I guess my luck is going to run out because they are saying we are going to get another 6 inches of snow on Thur. night and Friday morning. Oh well I am sure I will make it to and from work just fine, I always do. It is going to cost me a small fortune this month to pay off Coop for cleaning the snow out of my driveway and sidewalks. It really needs to stop snowing everyday. Once a week would be just fine.
Yesterday I watched Liam and Josie for the first time. Went good since Josie slept almost the whole time. I had them at 7:20 in the morning until noon. So after they left I got on my bike and biked for 25 minutes. I did not get in the shower until 2:00. So needless to say I did not get a whole lot done yesterday. But I guess it is ok since I had 5 days off and really had nothing big that I had to get done. Yesterday afternoon Rick and I went to the club to shoot. Then we went to Walmart so I could buy Mamma Mia. Then when we got back to my house we watched it. It is the best movie ever.
I found out the other day it is going to cost $150.00 to take my bow case on the plane to and from Vegas. If it is over 62 linear inches they charge you a excess baggage fee. It is hard to find a bow case the is that small. Last year they did not charge any of us for excess baggage. They have changed the rules this year. What a rip off. So Rick and I decided that we would put both of our bows in his case. That way we would only have to pay $75. each instead of $150. each. Still that is way to much.
So now you are all updated on my life.
Later Sharon
It is back to work for me today. I lucked out and have not had to drive in all the snow we have been getting over the last week. But I guess my luck is going to run out because they are saying we are going to get another 6 inches of snow on Thur. night and Friday morning. Oh well I am sure I will make it to and from work just fine, I always do. It is going to cost me a small fortune this month to pay off Coop for cleaning the snow out of my driveway and sidewalks. It really needs to stop snowing everyday. Once a week would be just fine.
Yesterday I watched Liam and Josie for the first time. Went good since Josie slept almost the whole time. I had them at 7:20 in the morning until noon. So after they left I got on my bike and biked for 25 minutes. I did not get in the shower until 2:00. So needless to say I did not get a whole lot done yesterday. But I guess it is ok since I had 5 days off and really had nothing big that I had to get done. Yesterday afternoon Rick and I went to the club to shoot. Then we went to Walmart so I could buy Mamma Mia. Then when we got back to my house we watched it. It is the best movie ever.
I found out the other day it is going to cost $150.00 to take my bow case on the plane to and from Vegas. If it is over 62 linear inches they charge you a excess baggage fee. It is hard to find a bow case the is that small. Last year they did not charge any of us for excess baggage. They have changed the rules this year. What a rip off. So Rick and I decided that we would put both of our bows in his case. That way we would only have to pay $75. each instead of $150. each. Still that is way to much.
So now you are all updated on my life.
Later Sharon
Monday, December 15, 2008
Weekend Fun
I had a great weekend. Saturday I finally got my Christmas cards done. They are addressed and just waiting stamps now. I should be able to get them in the mail today! Sat. afternoon Rick and I went hunting. It was so nice out. It is fun to be out in the woods with all the snow. I did not see any deer but lots of deer tacks. Of course seeing the tracks does me no good. Rick saw one deer but it was far off. After hunting we drove by a house in New Richland that puts up a big Christmas display. It was pretty cool. You really can't see how good it is by the pictures. After we warmed up Rick and I went to a restaurant that just opened in Waseca called the Starfire Grill. It was really good. It is nice to have a good new restaurant to eat at in town. Sunday I was not feeling the best. I have been fighting a cold all week, it just enough to make me feel just a little off. In the morning I biked for 20 min. that was long enough... it drained me. Then I went down to WAC and visited for awhile. We were having a shoot. By then the weather had turned cold so Rick and I decided that we would have a movie day. We watched 3 movies! I never just sit around a watch movies, it was nice to just be lazy for a day. Rick made some meatloaf for supper. It was really good. I have not had meatloaf in years and years because I cannot make it. I have a meatloaf curse. The last time I made it back in the early 90's Cassie said it was so bad the dog would not eat it. So that was when I gave up on meatloaf. But now Rick can make it for me! Today I am going to watch Liam for a couple hours while Amy takes Josie for her fist Dr. appointment. I am going to go lift now.
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