Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Christmas Cookies ( Aunt Elaine's Recipe)
3 Cups flour
1 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 cup shortening
3 eggs 1 t. vanilla
Sift dry ingredients, add shortening and mix with fork. Add eggs, vanilla and mix. Roll out thin and cut into desired shapes. Sprinkle with sugar if desired. Bake at 375 for 8 min. Makes about 4 dozen.
This is my sugar cookie recipe. I made some on Monday. It is the first time in at least 3 years that I have made them. They are so good. I have ate way to many of them already! Christa and Amy both had to make them after hearing that I did. I gave them my recipe, they both claim that I was withholding it from them. But now I have to be a fight with Jese because he told Christa that he did not like them. I am pretty sure that not liking the family cookies is grounds for divorce. So other then making cookies I have not been up to much. I had to work yesterday. I made a big football player cry yesterday because I would not take his $50. parking ticket back. I know I am sooooo mean. Today I am taking a hour off of work so I can go hunting. With the time change this weekend my hunting time is very limited. Amy said that Liam keeps asking for me. I have not babysat him for 3 weeks now. It is the longest time since he was born that I have gone without having him for a day. I will have to take him on my day off for a couple of hours because he misses me so much. Well I better get to work since I am at work.
Later Sharon
3 Cups flour
1 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 cup shortening
3 eggs 1 t. vanilla
Sift dry ingredients, add shortening and mix with fork. Add eggs, vanilla and mix. Roll out thin and cut into desired shapes. Sprinkle with sugar if desired. Bake at 375 for 8 min. Makes about 4 dozen.
This is my sugar cookie recipe. I made some on Monday. It is the first time in at least 3 years that I have made them. They are so good. I have ate way to many of them already! Christa and Amy both had to make them after hearing that I did. I gave them my recipe, they both claim that I was withholding it from them. But now I have to be a fight with Jese because he told Christa that he did not like them. I am pretty sure that not liking the family cookies is grounds for divorce. So other then making cookies I have not been up to much. I had to work yesterday. I made a big football player cry yesterday because I would not take his $50. parking ticket back. I know I am sooooo mean. Today I am taking a hour off of work so I can go hunting. With the time change this weekend my hunting time is very limited. Amy said that Liam keeps asking for me. I have not babysat him for 3 weeks now. It is the longest time since he was born that I have gone without having him for a day. I will have to take him on my day off for a couple of hours because he misses me so much. Well I better get to work since I am at work.
Later Sharon
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Stand-Off
I am finally feeling better today. Friday I was coughing so much that I was loosing my voice. I called in sick to work yesterday. I was glad I did because I was still coughing a lot in the morning. But by last night I was starting to feel better. Today I feel much better. I am glad because I hate to be sick on my days off! I have to babysit Cassie and Nicks dog Jada this weekend. The cats do not like her at all. Charlie pretty much shows her who is the boss but poor Harper is to little. Jada will not leave her alone. She want to pick her up and toss her around. So we had a few battles over that. Now Harper is hiding upstairs. Last night she discovered how to get up on my bed so she decided she need to sleep with me. Charlie was not to happy about that at first but she got over it and they both slept with me for most of the night. Today I am not sure what I am going to do. I was going to go hunting this afternoon but the 50 mile-an-hour winds is putting a stop to that. I just looked out the window and it is snowing!!!!! Well I better go Jada keeps putting the ball under the desk and it is driving me nuts!
Later Sharon
Thursday, October 23, 2008
" There is no excellence in archery without great labor." -Maurice Thompson

Today I went home sick from work. I started to feel sick yesterday. I have a touch of a cold. I went to bed last night at 8:20 and I think I was sleeping by 8:25. This morning I got up and it felt like I had not slept at all. All I wanted was a slow day at work. But no it was busy! So anyhow I went home at 1:00 after my relief came in. I could have stayed at work but since there was three of us on and I have over 500 hours of sick leave I came home. I figured the rest would do me good. So after I got home I ate some lunch and then did the dishes and then thought will now what do I do. I did not want to just sit and watch t.v. because I knew I would never get back up. So I went in the basement and shot 70 arrows. I have not shot that much since last April. I even shot at a target for the first time with my new hinge release. It went pretty good. Of course I am only shooting at 7 yards. But I am taking it slow. I want to do it right, I am going to have a good year this year. I am really starting to look forward to shooting again. It has been a long time. This is the first time since I started shooting that I did not shot in the summer. It is good to be back. By the way the picture of me is from Jan. 2007. It is with my old bow. I like my new bow much better. Well I guess it is not really new since this will be the 2nd year of shooting it. Well I think it is time to hit the couch.
Later Sharon
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I really do not know anything today but Amy said I had to update my blog so I am........ Lets see yesterday I spent the day cleaning, doing laundry and I used my elliptical in the morning. I found out that using my elliptical also hurt my leg when I pedaled backwards. So I was real happy about that. I also made wild rice soup. It was very good. I went hunting, did not see anything. After that I came home and watched the movie Spirit of the Marathon. I should not have watched it, it just makes me sad. Today I am at work. I wrote a ton of tickets because it is raining so the students all try and park on campus. After work I am going to lift and watch the UFC. So there is my update for the day.
Later Sharon
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Christa!

Love You
Monday, October 20, 2008
Carleton Penis

more pictures
Liam Helping
Christa and her birhtday cake
Amy and Christa in Makato eating lunch
Oct. Birthdays Sarah 21, Beth 18, Christa 22 and Dad 73
Christa and her birhtday cake
Amy and Christa in Makato eating lunch
Oct. Birthdays Sarah 21, Beth 18, Christa 22 and Dad 73
Christa's Birthday Weekend
The start of the pie making
Bronx was helping too!
Liam Showing Christa how to cut apples
Bronx was helping too!
Liam Showing Christa how to cut apples
What a weekend. Friday night I went out hunting. Did not see anything. Then Saturday was the start of Christa's birthday weekend. She got to my house around 11:00 and then we had to go to Walmart and Hyvee so get all the pie making stuff. We finally got to Amy's about 1:00 and starting making the pies. Amy likes to say that she did all the apple pealing but she did not. I pealed 2 bags of the apples and made all the crust. It took us forever because someone got very small apples so it took twice as long as it should have! We made 18 apple pies and 9 extra crust for pumpkin pies. It was a lot of work. Christa said that next year Amy and I can do it ourselves. After the pie making I got to make supper for everyone. I of course was more then happy to do it. We had steak and shrimp, Christa's choice. Sunday Amy, Christa and I went to Mankato shopping. I may have gotten a couple of things. But not as much as Christa. After shopping we went to my mom's and Dad's for the Oct. birthday party. We always get together for the Oct. because there is 4 of them. Christa and my dad were born on the same day. Christa is 22, my dad is 73. Beth it 18 and Sarah is 21. It was lots of fun to see everyone. Cassie and Nick even came down. Today I am trying to get a little house cleaning done and then at 4:00 I am going hunting. So i better go get ready.
Later Sharon
Friday, October 17, 2008
"Church isn't where you meet. Church isn't a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Let's not go to church, let's be the church." -Bridget Willard
So yesterday I was talking to my mom and she told me that the church was have a mass for a friend of hers that had died a few years back. And then she told me you have to pay the church for them to say mass. I was outraged. You have to pay the church to pray for your loved one who you have lost. It is just unbelievable to me. How can the Catholic church justify a practice like this. It is a mass that they are already giving and they only say the name of the person once, saying something like we pray for so and so. It is a no wonder that people are leaving the Catholic church. I grew up Catholic going to Catholic school for 6 years and went to church every Sunday and most holy days. I bought into it all. But as I got older I began to realise that it is just a bunch of money, power hungry people that run the church. They really do not care about the people they are suppose to be helping. I really have a big problem with a lot of the things the Catholic church tells me I should believe. The pro-life bullshit is a big one. Then there is all the no sex before marriage and no birth control all they while the priest are having sex's with everyone, including children while the whole time saying they are doing Gods work. I could go on and on and on. I have such a hard time with not only the Catholic church but with organize religion itself. Why do you need to go sit a building to pray. Who says you are going to go to hell if you do not go to church every Sunday and do not donate money to the church. Why is it you can not just talk to God on your own. This is not say I hate all churches. I believe that there is some good ones out there that do a lot of good and have good honest people that do there best to help those in need. But do we really need someone to tell us how and when we should pray. I think all of us need to find in our own way how and when we need or want to talk to God. I think he helps people when they need it most.
Ok I am done with my rant now. I will get off my soap box! Yesterday I signed Rick and I up to shoot the Pro-Am in IA in Jan. You do in on the computer, I did both of us because then you can shoot close to each other. Well when they posted our times and bail on there web site they put Rick down as Rick Wadekamper. It was pretty funny. They finally got it changed this morning.
Tonight I am going hunting and then I am spending the rest of the weekend with Christa. It is her birthday weekend. Well really her birthday is not until Tue. but since she will be in Winona we will celebrate this weekend. I will take lots of pictures and tell you all about in on Monday. So with that I hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy it!
Later Sharon
So yesterday I was talking to my mom and she told me that the church was have a mass for a friend of hers that had died a few years back. And then she told me you have to pay the church for them to say mass. I was outraged. You have to pay the church to pray for your loved one who you have lost. It is just unbelievable to me. How can the Catholic church justify a practice like this. It is a mass that they are already giving and they only say the name of the person once, saying something like we pray for so and so. It is a no wonder that people are leaving the Catholic church. I grew up Catholic going to Catholic school for 6 years and went to church every Sunday and most holy days. I bought into it all. But as I got older I began to realise that it is just a bunch of money, power hungry people that run the church. They really do not care about the people they are suppose to be helping. I really have a big problem with a lot of the things the Catholic church tells me I should believe. The pro-life bullshit is a big one. Then there is all the no sex before marriage and no birth control all they while the priest are having sex's with everyone, including children while the whole time saying they are doing Gods work. I could go on and on and on. I have such a hard time with not only the Catholic church but with organize religion itself. Why do you need to go sit a building to pray. Who says you are going to go to hell if you do not go to church every Sunday and do not donate money to the church. Why is it you can not just talk to God on your own. This is not say I hate all churches. I believe that there is some good ones out there that do a lot of good and have good honest people that do there best to help those in need. But do we really need someone to tell us how and when we should pray. I think all of us need to find in our own way how and when we need or want to talk to God. I think he helps people when they need it most.
Ok I am done with my rant now. I will get off my soap box! Yesterday I signed Rick and I up to shoot the Pro-Am in IA in Jan. You do in on the computer, I did both of us because then you can shoot close to each other. Well when they posted our times and bail on there web site they put Rick down as Rick Wadekamper. It was pretty funny. They finally got it changed this morning.
Tonight I am going hunting and then I am spending the rest of the weekend with Christa. It is her birthday weekend. Well really her birthday is not until Tue. but since she will be in Winona we will celebrate this weekend. I will take lots of pictures and tell you all about in on Monday. So with that I hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy it!
Later Sharon
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
"Challenge Life.....before it challenges you."
It has been a busy few days. Sunday I went to Mankato shopping. Well really I mostly just went looking. I only bought a cycling jersey and got some free underwear from Victoria Secret. I was going to go hunting on Sunday night but it was way to windy. Monday I babysat Liam. Between Liam and Harper I was wore out by the end of the day. Yesterday I worked and then I helped clean up a mile of the 35W with the FAC. It went pretty fast because in the fall the grass is to high to really see the garbage. So I did not get home until 7:30 last night. It was a long day. Today I am all stuffy, Liam had a cold when I watched him on Monday so I am sure I will get it now too. Hope I do not get sick like I did last year. I am pretty sure I was close to dieing last year. Last night I was talking to Steve Wuger at FAC and he told me he had ITBS in his leg years ago. I asked him what he did to make it better and he said he did not run or bike for a YEAR. I am pretty sure I am not going a whole year with out doing anything! A YEAR.....give me a break. Harper and Charlie are getting along better now. Charlie was pretty pissed at me for a couple of days. She would not stay in the same room as me if Harper was around. Now she actually will stay in the same room and does not hiss at Harper every time she walks by. This morning they even stayed by each other while I was getting ready for work. I am sure within a couple of day they will be sleeping together. If for no other reason then to keep each other warm. It is cold in my house and I am refusing to turn the heat on yet! I am leaving work today an hour early to go hunting. It should be a good night for it. I guess I better get to work.
Later Sharon
Later Sharon
Saturday, October 11, 2008
This is Charlie meeting his new friend Harper

Charlie has been telling me in cat meow that she is lonely and needs a new friend. So I got her a friend today. She is tan and gray with bright blue eyes. We (Charlie and I) have named her Harper. Well I am not really sure if she is a really a she but since it will be fixed anyhow we will call it a she. So far Charlie and Harper are getting along pretty good. I think it will be a good match up. I guess I will find out if I come home from work one day and find that Charlie has beaten the crap out of Harper! Other then getting a new kitten today I have been very busy. I cleaned up my yard. I cleaned out the flowers from my garden, trimmed my bushes and even trimmed my maple tree. It needed it bad. Last night I went bow hunting for the very first time in my life. I even sat way up high in a tree stand. I did not see anything :(
Charlie has been telling me in cat meow that she is lonely and needs a new friend. So I got her a friend today. She is tan and gray with bright blue eyes. We (Charlie and I) have named her Harper. Well I am not really sure if she is a really a she but since it will be fixed anyhow we will call it a she. So far Charlie and Harper are getting along pretty good. I think it will be a good match up. I guess I will find out if I come home from work one day and find that Charlie has beaten the crap out of Harper! Other then getting a new kitten today I have been very busy. I cleaned up my yard. I cleaned out the flowers from my garden, trimmed my bushes and even trimmed my maple tree. It needed it bad. Last night I went bow hunting for the very first time in my life. I even sat way up high in a tree stand. I did not see anything :(
But it was fun to be out in the wood. I had forgotten how peaceful it is to sit out in the woods and just watch and listen. Not sure if I am going out tonight. Rick does not like to go out when it is so hot out. We have lots of time yet before the opening of shot gun season. That is when I will be done unless it is super nice out. I do not like to hunt in the cold. Man are the ladybugs bad!!! They are everywhere today. They are starting to cover my house. I am not going to go out my front door anymore until it gets cold out and they are gone! Well I guess I better go check on Harper. I have not heard Harper or Charlie in a while.......
Later Sharon
Thursday, October 9, 2008

ITB syndrome (ITBS) is inflammation of the iliotibial band (ITB), the strong band of thick tissue that runs down the outside of the thigh.
So yesterday was such a nice day I decided it was time to run again. After all it has been over a week since I last ran and that went very well. So I was running along just fine, no pain in leg, doing pretty good other then being well out of running shape. So I was pretty excited that I was able to run 3.5 miles with little pain. Got home did some stretching and still felt great. Even went up and down the stairs several time, if you have ITBS you know that stairs really hurt, still no pain. So I went to bed last night happy as can be, thinking that my ITBS was finally going away. So this morning I get up and I was not so happy. My leg had totally tightened up. That is really the only way to explain how it feels. I was so pissed. Now today at work it hurts. So once again I can not run. Well at least for a week. Chirsta said she would run the Turkey day run with me on Thanksgiving. She also said Jese would run it with us because otherwise he would feel left out. ( I am thinking he would rather be left out then run.) So anyhow I have to run a little so I am ready for it.
Today is my last day of work and then I have four days off. I really have no big plans for the weekend. I am going to go hunting on Fri. evening. And on Sat. and Sunday if it is nice out. I do not do cold and rainy!
Well now that I have complained a lot I better get back to work.
Later Sharon
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
"Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear."

It is raining out buckets today. But I don't care because I am at work. Today I am leaving work at 1:00 because I have a doctor appointment at 1:30. So I will get home early today!!! I am going to lift when I get home because yesterday I did not because I picked up Liam and then I went and shot my bow so I did not have time. It is almost time for archery to start so I need to get shooting again. I was almost in a fight with Christa today. We almost had to not talk to each other. But we made up and now we are not fighting anymore. Thank goodness because I don't know what I would do if I did not talk to Christa at least 5 times a day. I am pretty sure she called me 10 times on Sunday. Good thing I was able to answer the phone so many times because every time she called it was something really important! Well I guess I better get some work done today at work.
Later Sharon
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What a great Saturday! The day started out good because I got to sleep in. Then Rick picked me up and we went to Walmart. I was once again out of everything. I had to spend $18.00 on cat food. I HAVE to buy two different kinds for Charlie because that is what she likes. Anyhow after that we stopped at Amy and Adam's house to pick up a cycling trainer that she had and to visit. After lunch Rick and I went for a 21 mile bike ride. It was windy! We road 10 miles into the wind. It was hard work. But coming back was much faster. I then went home and Rick when out hunting. At 6:00 I got a call from Rick saying he got a deer! He was very excited. So I went to New Richland and met him and then we went to get the deer out of the woods. I was hard work. The dumb deer just had to go and die on the other side of a dried creek bed. So we had to drag the thing up a steep embankment, then threw the woods over several big logs and then we had to take it over a plowed field. Who has there fields plowed already!!! Thank goodness Rick has a deer hauler. It was still hard because we had to lift it over everything and pulling a big deer though a plowed field is not easy. Anyhow as you can see by the pictures it is a very nice deer. GOOD JOB RICK!!!!
So today I am having a lazy Sunday. I may go to REI to look at some biking stuff or I may just sit around watching movies all day. Since I have not been in the shower yet I guess I better get going.
Later Sharon
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"The only queer people are those who don't love anybody." -Rita Mae Brown

What a beautiful day it is out. The sun is shinning it is cold out and best of all it is my day off!!! I love this weather. I am happy it is fall. Today I am trying to clean since on my last days off I really did not clean anything. My house was a mess. So far I have gotten a lot done. I am going to change my living room furniture around next. Hate to leave it in one place for to long. Amy and Liam came over for a short visit this morning. This afternoon I am going for a bike ride and then tonight it is the debate. I love watching the debates. This one should be a good one. That is all the time I have today. I HAVE to get some house work done.
Later Sharon
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