me shooting at the Pro-Am |
Rick Shooting at the Pro-Am |
Hannah (in the middle) Winning the Adult Female Freestyle |
Just the word brings fear into a lot of archers. Target panic is a bad, bad thing to get when you shoot competitive archery. It comes in many forms but what it comes down to is you are not able to hold on the target when you bring your bow up. It is not easy to overcome it but it can be done if you work on it. I have had it for about the last 5 years. Sometimes it is really bad and others I can keep it under control. In 2010 it was probably the worse. Then in 2011 I pretty much took the year off. I shot league but did not shoot any tournaments other then Vegas. Just the thought of shooting the MSAA State shoot last year sent me into a panic. Well this year has been different. For the first time in a long time I am enjoying shooting again without being totally stressed out about it. I won't say I am cured but I will say it is much better. It has been a long road to get here but it is worth it. Some might ask why I would want to even shoot archery if it causes so much stress. Well I will tell you why...... because when everything goes right and you have a great game it is so rewarding. Just like any other sport you have to put in the time if you want to be good. This past weekend we shot the IA Pro-Am and I had my best score since 2006. It was one of the most relaxing tournaments I have shot in years. I had a great time not only because I shot good but because others that I know also shoot good. Rick had his best score ever at the Pro-Am on the second day when we shot the Vegas Target. And Hannah, who had to shoot as an adult this year won the adult female freestyle class. All of us at the Waseca Archery Club are very proud of her. So I am very glad that I did not give up on archery and I am looking forward to a great year of shooting.
The Pro-Am was in Des Moines this year for the first year. We went down on Saturday morning and spent the night. When in was in Mason City we just drove back and forth. It was fun to have it someplace different. We did not get home until 8:00 last night. When we got back into town we stopped at Amy's house and picked up the dogs. They were very happy to see us. Dexter did not want to leave my side when we got home.
Today I had the day off. I lifted when I got up and then I had to take Morgan to the vet for her shots. The vet told me she has luxate patellas. I guess it means that her knees fall out of the joint real easy. He said that as long as she keeps her weight where it is now we should be okay. She weights a whole 13 pounds. He said that it is when dogs get overweight and put stress on there joints that it will give them problems. So hopefully she will be okay with it. I did some internet doctoring on it and it sounds like most dogs can live just fine with it without having to have surgery. Other then that she is a heathy happy dog.
I am suppose to be doing laundry so I guess I better get to it.
Later Sharon
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