Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A year in review

The new year started out with a lot of snow and Rick and I spending the best New Years Day ever. We did noting. It was great, we had the best lazy day ever. Sitting around watching movies and eating crap all day. It was just fun to be together and relax!
 We got our new puppy Morgan
 I had a girls night out and went to Minneapolis and saw Girls Only The Secret Comedy of Women
Liam turned four
 We went to Vegas
 Rick Got his new bow
 Josie discovered glue!
 Cassie and I took a mosaic class
 Grandma Trenda turned 90 and I turned 49
The month started out with yard work 
 I got my new road bike
 Rick won the MSAA State
 Cassie hosted Easter for the Becker side
Rick and I biked the Canon Valley Bike Trail 

 Rick built the grandkids a sandbox
 Christa had her baby shower
 We had everyone over for a fire and supper
 Rick put in a new storm door with a doggie door in it.
Rick and I both got new bikes for trail riding.
 I shot my first outdoor 3-D
 We finished the rock garden
 And best of all in June Eil was born
July brought hot weather and kept me inside so I did a little sewing 
 Rick did the biking part of the Waseca Triathlon
We went up to Diane and Rod's up north for a Becker Family vacation. Everyone had a great time.
 We finally got some trees cut in the yard and now have lots of wood for the fire place.
 The best thing about August was that Oliver was born. We now have 4 grandbabies!

 WAC had the Jack Zimmerman Benefit shoot.
Rick and went to South Dakota and biked the Mickelson Trail 

We finally finished the bathroom upstairs.
 Rick, Colette and I biked the Mankato River Ramble
 Rick shot a deer
 I shot my first deer with a bow
 Rick got a new truck
 We made apple pies
Amy and Liam joined Rick and I for a Turkey supper.
 We had a new shed built
 Cassie and I took a cooking class
 We had leaves and acorns everywhere that had to cleaned up
We had Thanksgiving at Jeannie and Mitch's house for the Becker side

 We got the bedroom done
 Eli and Oliver were baptized
And lastly Christmas. We had Christmas Eve in New Richland and Christmas Day at our house for the Becker side. We are having Christmas with the kids on Friday.

I am sure I left lots of stuff out from the year but this was just some of the highlights. 2011 was a good year and I hope that 2012 will be the same.
Later Sharon

1 comment:

Rick said...

what a great yr even with all the snow, we did a lot of stuff. know wonder we're tired.