Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Funeral songs

I have been at a couple of wakes in the past few years where they have had music playing in the back ground. At some it was just back ground music and at others it was songs that the person who had died liked to listen too. So it go me thinking that I would really like that at my wake. So over the past couple of years I have made up a play list of songs that I like and saved them under funeral songs. Now some might think that is odd for me to be thinking about my funeral when I am not sick or have any plans of dieing anytime soon. But really it is not. I think everyone should talk with there families about what they want and really should have a Will written up spelling it all out if you don't think your family will do as you wish. Of course I say all the time that I should have a Will but I don't yet. Maybe I will get it done this year :)
Anyhow back to my funeral. I don't want one. That's right I don't want a funeral.  What I want is a memorial service or wake. I want my music to be playing and I want lots of pictures of my life and the people that have shared my life with me. I want to be cremated before this. I do not want to be put in a casket and put on display. It has always bothered me when going to wakes how the person in the casket never looks like themselves. I don't want people to remember me like that, I want them to remember me by what I look like in pictures in happy times. I don't want my ashes to be saved in a box. I want who ever outlives me to take my ashes to all the places over my life time that I have been to that have made me happy and spread a little of me at each of these places.
I hope none of this happens for a long, long time!
Later Sharon


Rick said...

me too except for the will part. sooner the better:)

Christa said...

I thought you just wanted to be flushed down the toilet!!!! :)