Friday, December 10, 2010

Box full of memories

I am finally able to put my Christmas tree up. I love taking all the Christmas decorations out of the boxes and looking at them. It is like a box full of memories. I look at  each tree ornament and remember when I got it or who gave it to me. The ornaments that my kids made over the years are the ones that are most special to me, it is like having a history of them growing up hanging on my tree. I have a couple of ornaments that were my Grandma's and even if they are starting to have chips of paint coming off of them, I still put them on the tree. Because they make me think of her every time I look at them. So my tree my be a hodgepodge of ornaments but I love it all the same.
Now Christa will tell you that I have ruined tree decorating for her. She claims that I would let them help put on the lights and then take them back down and rearrange them to how I liked it. Then she claims that I would let them put up the ornaments but only where I wanted and if I did not like where they put it I would move it to a spot more of my liking. Now I am sure she in remembering it all wrong. After all anyone who knows me knows that I would never be that picky about something like the placement of a tree ornaments.....
You will have to make up your own mind on who you believe.....
Later Sharon 


Sharon said...

here let me help.i get to take the tree out of the box and put it in the stand, i may put my ornaments on only after thorough dicussion on were it would look best. OH I DO GET TO TURN THE LIGHTS ON AND OFF TOO.
(but not on the flashing or racing setting) hope this helps.
ps in her defense the tree always looks great. that's right sucking up:)

Sharon said...

Rick, you need to sign me out if you are going to leave a comment or looks like I am leaving it myself :)