Sunday, September 6, 2009


I have had a very busy and fun weekend. On Thur. Amy brought Liam and Josie over so I could watch them while she went for a run. I brought up some of Jese's old toys for Liam to play with. He was super excited to play with them . When Rick came home he told him " look what MY Nana gave me" He is so cute. Thur. evening Rick finally talked me into going with the Waseca Bike Club for a ride. They were nice and slowed down for me. We went 26 miles at a 15.9 MPR pace. Went pretty good. I did not die until the end.
Friday I got up and cleaned like crazy then at 12:45 I met Jodi in Owatonna for lunch and a movie. It was great to see her again since it has been forever! When I got home Rick and I went to Walmart and Hyvee and got our food for the week. While we were at Hyvee I found some licorice stick candy. I have not been able to stop eating them since. It is so bad. I even took some in the car with us on Sat.
Saturday Rick and I went for a run in the morning. It was soooo bad. Rick ran about 2 miles and then I went on to go around the lake. It was the worse run I have had in a long time. Not sure what my problem was. I even had to stop and walk twice. It must be all the licorice sticks I have been eating! After that we went up the the cities and met Eric and Serena at the Cheese Cake Factory for supper. It was so good. Everyone loved there food and of course the cheese cake we all had to have. When we were done eating we all went to Ikea. I could not believe how busy it was there. We did not get home until 9:00. A late night for us!
Sunday Rick got up and made donuts. They were very good. Then we went down to the basement and got the floor put back together and started to paint. Of course we ran out of paint. At 4:00 Christa came over and we went to Owatonna to meet Theresa and we went to a movie. I know 2 movies in one weekend. It was fun to see Theresa again since I have not seen her awhile either. When I got back home I did not do much and was in bed by 9:00.
Today it is back to work. I would have loved to stay home but it is hard to give up the double time and half that I am getting today.
So that about wraps up the weekend.
SharonPosted by Picasa

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