" I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do." -Edward Everett Hale

These are a couple of pictures from the First Waseca Triathlon. We had lots of fun running the water station. It was very impressed with the will of the people that swam, biked and ran it. I hope that next year we can do it. By we I mean a team of three. I would like to do the running part, Rick wants to do the biking part and then we need a swimmer. We have a whole year to find one!
After the triathlon we did not do a whole lot on Sunday. Did a little cleaning, nothing fun.
Yesterday I get to babysit Liam and Josie while Amy went to the workout center. Liam is so cute. We were in the bedroom and he wanted to know where the stairs were. I had stairs going up to my bedroom in my old house. It was pretty funny. He told Amy he wanted to go to Nana's old house. Josie is rolling all over the place. She is getting so big. I miss watching them once a week. Amy needs to work more so I can watch them more. Christa and Jese also stopped by for a short visit yesterday. They got approved for a house loan so they are now house shopping. I think it is someone else turn to move them since Rick and I did it the last two times!!! They have way to much stuff. But I guess Jese did help move some of my stuff here so I guess we can almost call it even.
I ran around Loon lake yesterday. It is about 3.5 miles from our house. It is the most I have run since the surgery. It felt good. It was so humid out. I am glad I went right away in the morning. After the kids left I went and got a new phone. I hated mine. I got a blackberry. Now I just need to figure out how to use it. I had to call Amy several times last night with questions.
Today I took Dexter to the vet to be groomed and get his shots. Then I am making a chicken barley stew for Rick. Tonight I am going to a wine and cheese tasting with the ladies from the FAC for a ladies night out. Should be fun.
Later Sharon
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