Saturday on my way to work I had one cat, 3 raccoons and a deer all run in front of my car. I am glad my breaks work good. There have been three deer that have run in front of my car in the last month when I am going to work. I hope this is not a sign that it is time for me to hit something again. I already have a smashed in bumper from hitting a raccoon a couple of years ago. Or maybe it is a sign that I am going to get a deer hunting this year.
Friday Christa came over with her dog for a puppy play date. Dexter is getting along very good with Kipper now. It is a good thing since Christa has to watch Dexter for me in Sept. when Rick and I are going away for the weekend. We took the three dogs for a walk and I usually let Dexter and Dudley off the leash in a baseball park to run. I told Christa to let Kipper off because he would just run along with the other two. Well he did for about 2 feet and then ran off in the other direction. It was pretty funny because when he ran he was not watching where he was going and ran right into a fence. Silly dog. After we got the dogs all tired Christa would not leave so I took her to grocery store with me. We have not been grocery shopping together in years. Good thing because she made me spend way to much on grocery's.
Friday night Rick and I watched the documentary on Mike Tyson. It was really good. I have never been a huge Mike Tyson fan but it really made me kind of sad to see the waste of such a talented man. The whole film was him talking about his life. It was pretty interesting to see where he came from and all his ups and downs. Also I was surprised to find out that he is not just a dumb fighter, he is actually a educated man. To bad he cannot get his shit together.
I had a sluff weekend and have not run or biked since Friday. I was lazy!
Yesterday Rick and I went to the pizza ranch for supper. Well I ate a piece of fried chicken. BIG MISTAKE. My stomach hurt soooooo bad. I had huge stomach cramps for a couple of hours. I found out I cannot eat fried chicken since having my gallbladder out!
I am at work today. Only two more days to work and I have a 4 day weekend.
Later Sharon
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Does anybody want some junk....
Do you know that when you combine two households you end up with a lot of extra junk! I spent all day yesterday getting stuff together and marking stuff for the garage sale. We have so much stuff to get rid off. We are having a garage sale in Sept. when Waseca has there city wide garage sales. There is always a lot of people in town for them so I hope we get rid of a lot. What ever we have left over we will take to mom's garage sale at the end of Sept. I hope we don't have anything left! Other then that I have not been up to much. On Wed. I watched Liam and Josie for a couple hours so Amy could go to the Doctor. She is feeling much better now. Liam can not say Dudley, he calls him Dugley. I guess we are going to have to change his name. I signed up for the Jesse James Day 5K. I have never run that race so I figure I should. It is not until Sept. 13. Today I am going to go for a run and then do some cleaning. Nothing to fun. Back to work on Sat.
Later Sharon
Monday, August 24, 2009
I just can't give it up.......
This is my leather billfold. I bought it for $17.00 when I was a senior in high school at Brett's Department store. So that makes it 30 years old. I still use it. I have tried different billfolds over the years but I always come back to this one. I just can't give it up, it is just the perfect billfold. I think it is "vintage" now. So I have to keep using it. I guess my kids will just have to throw it away when I am dead!
Later Sharon
Nothing New......
Amy said I had to update my blog so I am. My weekend has been pretty uneventful. Not much to write about. I worked all weekend so that took care of most of my days. I went for a short run in my new five finger shoes. I think I am going to like them once my legs get use to running with my new and better form. I ran just over 5 miles on Sat. in my regular shoes but I tried to make sure I was running with my new form. Well I guess I did okay because my calf muscles were killing my on Sunday. When I got out of bed in the morning I could hardly walk! It was pretty funny. It felt like I had not run in years. But I am hope full that in the end it will make me a better runner. Other then that I did not do a whole lot this weekend. Amy and Adam and the kids stop over on Sat. for a visit. Christa and Jese stopped over Sunday also for a visit. I was crabby on Sunday so they did not stay long! I was super tired on Sunday. I went to be early so I feel much better today. So that is my exciting update for the day.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Rick putting the TV stand together
Dexter and Dudley in there new ties
Five finger shoes-the picture makes my leg look huge!
Dexter and Dudley in there new ties
Five finger shoes-the picture makes my leg look huge!
" You don't stop running because you get old, you get old because you stop running."
So much had happened since I last updated! On Monday I went to court to officially become a Becker again! Christa and Jese came with me to be my witnesses. They had to say that yes I was Sharon Wadekamper and how long they have know me and how they knew me. After that we all went to Mankato so I could go to the Social Security office to change my name on my social security card. We also went to Petco and Christa and Jese got some fish. I bought Dexter and Dudley ties. They of course love them. I also bought Liam a pet catfish named Marty. Liam loved him but then Amy had to go and kill him the next day. She put him in a water picture because he was picking on her other fish. Then she put him in another fish tank but it was just to much for Marty. He died. Poor Poor Marty he was such a nice fish while he was alive. After we got back from Mankato I spent all day on the phone changing my name on all my credit cards and accounts. WHAT A PAIN! Everyone was different on what they needed for proof. It was endless. I still had more to do the next day. Monday night Rick and I want for a 10 mile bike ride at 16 mpr then Rick ran about 2 miles and I ran 3 miles. I was very happy with how it went.
Tuesday I did not do a whole lot. I lifted in the morning and then just did laundry etc. I don't think I did much else.
Wednesday I watched Liam and Josie for an hour or so. After that Rick and went to Mankato for the contractors dinner at Menards. When we got there it was raining and the dinner was outside. So we decided that we should just eat at Famous Daves. I had catfish and french fries. It was my first truly greasy meal since the surgery. My stomach hurt like crazy for about 3 hours. But it was worth it because it was so good. We also stopped at DeGroods and finally got a new TV stand. Rick took the rest of the day off of work and put it together and got the speakers all put up and hooked up the blueray player. Everything looks great now and it all works great.
Today I went for a run and decided to take Dudley with me. Big mistake. I just cannot get a good pace running with the dog. I started out way to fast and ended up having to walk about 2 blocks of my 4.5 mile run. This afternoon my 5 finger shoes came. I am super excited to try running with them. They are very comfortable. I know they look really ugly but that is okay.
So there that is my updates for then week. It is back to work tomorrow.
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Oops I may have went to Best Buy yesterday and I may have bought a sweet new receiver for our sound system. The one we have was not working right and it was driving me nuts. So I had to buy it.
Rick and I went to Mankato last night because I wanted to go to Scheels to try on the Five Finger shoes that are my new obsession. I read about them in the book Born To Run and every since I have wanted to try them. I spent all day yesterday researching them on the Internet. I HAVE TO HAVE THEM!!! Of course when we got to Scheels I found out they only have men's sizes. Hookers!!! So now I have to order them off the Five Finger web site. I hope they fit. My feet are just too small so it will be close. I cannot wait to get them and give them a try. I will keep you all updated because I know you want to know!
So as you see since I could not buy the shoes I wanted I had to buy the receiver:) Rick started to hook it up last night but it go late so we went to bed. He is going to get it all hooked up today so we can watch a movie with great sound tonight!!
Later Sharon
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Summer time blue's

It is way to hot out for me. I want the cool weather back. I hate having the air on! I have not been up to much the last few days. I ran around Clear Lake, 4.5 miles, twice. I also biked 20 miles one day with Rick. Last night Rick and I ran 1 mile then biked 4.5 miles and then ran 1 more mile. We wanted to see if we could run after biking. Of course if we do the Cannon-Wells Duathlon we have a lot more training to do. I was happy that it went better then I thought it would. Legs did not feel bad at all. I still get stomach pains a little when I run. They come and go. I think I got them yesterday because I also lifted twice this week. Still a little sore when I work on the abs. Oh well.....
Yesterday I babysat Liam and Josie while Amy went to work out. Liam said his name was Liam John Hagre, then he wanted to know what Rick's name was. Next he wanted to know what my name was. When I told him it was Sharon Marie Becker he said Nooooo it's Nana. He is so cute!
Other then that I have not done much. Today I am back at work. I am only working 4 days in a row this time because I took Monday off to go to court for my name change.
Later Sharon
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Jese
Today is Jese's 23rd birthday. Last night Christa, Jese, Rick and I went to New Richland to celebrate Jese and his grandma's birthday. We went out to eat with them and Randy and Karen and then we all had birthday cake. It was lots of fun. Jese made the cake it was very good.
Today I have been very busy. I got up and took the dogs for a walk and then I went for a 4 mile run. It went very good today. After that I have been doing a lot of cleaning, laundry and even went to the Walmart to get some grocery's. Then I came home and did more cleaning and made some hot dish for supper. Next I took our leftover giant marshmallows and made some rice krispy bars. They are pink because some of the giant marshmallows are strawberry. They taste pretty good. Rick and Jese just went for a bike ride so I am going to go fold some towels. I know this has been a super exciting blog!
Later Sharon
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I DID IT!!!!!!

Yes that's right I actually did it.....I worked 5 days in a row!!! I know It is unbelievable. I finally feel like I am back into a routine again. No more sickness for me!!!!
Yesterday was so hot. It has been such a nice summer that it is now really hard to deal with the humidy and heat. When I got home last night from work I went for a run. I was only going to run couple of miles but once I started I figured I should just run all the way around Clear lake. So I did. I ran 4 miles. It is the first time I have made it around the lake since the 4th of July. It felt great! When I got back I had to peal my clothes off me they were so wet from sweat. I looked like I ran through a shower with my clothes on. It was gross. I guess that is what happens when you run in such humid weather.
Today I am just going to finish up my work day and then I think I will go home and take it easy. Need to save up my energy for my days off. Of course I don't have to much to do on my days off either. But that is okay, I am sure I will keep myself busy.
Have a happy Sunday.
Later Sharon
Friday, August 7, 2009
Fall is in the air

Work, work, work that is what I have been up to. Just kidding! I have been at work for 3 days now but it is slow so I have not really been working to hard. But in a couple of weeks the students start coming back then I will be super busy.
Tuesday night I went to a wine and cheese tasting with the FAC ladies. It was lots of fun. I miss seeing everyone. Got to taste some really good cheese and wine. I had to drive home so I did not taste to much wine!
Wed. after work I went for a 18 mile bike ride with Rick. I am still way to slow for Rick, but he is being nice and slowing down for me. We averaged 14 miles an hour. Would like to average around 16-17 miles an hour. Maybe by the end of the summer I will get there. Of course archery season is approaching fast. I need to get my bow out to get ready for hunting. I talked to dad last night about hunting in his woods. He said he saw a nice big buck and a Doe and two fawns yesterday. Rick and I are going to go over one there soon and scout deer and get some stands sent up. I am excited to hunt there because there is way more deer in his woods then down in New Richland were we hunted last year. Good thing I have a dad with such good hunting land.
Yesterday I stopped at the Waseca court house and turned in my paper work for my name change. It cost me $320. I go to court on Aug. 17 and then I will no longer be a Wadekamper and will be a Becker again. It will be a pain in the butt to change everything but that is okay, once it is done I will never have to do it again. Even if I ever get married again I am not changing my name. I am going to be a Becker for life. Well really I always was a Becker, I just lost the name for a few years!
Today after work I am meeting Rick in Owatonna to go to the bike shop and then get a few grocery's. It is going to get hot and muggy tonight and Sat. might have to turn the air on. I hate the humidity. It has been so nice the summer not having it much.
Have a nice day
Later Sharon
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
" I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do." -Edward Everett Hale

These are a couple of pictures from the First Waseca Triathlon. We had lots of fun running the water station. It was very impressed with the will of the people that swam, biked and ran it. I hope that next year we can do it. By we I mean a team of three. I would like to do the running part, Rick wants to do the biking part and then we need a swimmer. We have a whole year to find one!
After the triathlon we did not do a whole lot on Sunday. Did a little cleaning, nothing fun.
Yesterday I get to babysit Liam and Josie while Amy went to the workout center. Liam is so cute. We were in the bedroom and he wanted to know where the stairs were. I had stairs going up to my bedroom in my old house. It was pretty funny. He told Amy he wanted to go to Nana's old house. Josie is rolling all over the place. She is getting so big. I miss watching them once a week. Amy needs to work more so I can watch them more. Christa and Jese also stopped by for a short visit yesterday. They got approved for a house loan so they are now house shopping. I think it is someone else turn to move them since Rick and I did it the last two times!!! They have way to much stuff. But I guess Jese did help move some of my stuff here so I guess we can almost call it even.
I ran around Loon lake yesterday. It is about 3.5 miles from our house. It is the most I have run since the surgery. It felt good. It was so humid out. I am glad I went right away in the morning. After the kids left I went and got a new phone. I hated mine. I got a blackberry. Now I just need to figure out how to use it. I had to call Amy several times last night with questions.
Today I took Dexter to the vet to be groomed and get his shots. Then I am making a chicken barley stew for Rick. Tonight I am going to a wine and cheese tasting with the ladies from the FAC for a ladies night out. Should be fun.
Later Sharon
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