Thursday, July 9, 2009


Well I survived the surgery. It did not go exactly like the doctor wanted. It should have taken an hour but it took him almost 2 hours. The gallbladder was so swelled up and infected that he had a hard time getting it out. Thank God he did not have to cut me open to get it. It was close to that. He said he did not know how I have been walking around with it so infected. He told Rick I must have a high tolerance for pain. The top picture is of the gallbladder before he took it out. He said it should be small and be the color blue. Not red and full of infection. To the right of the gallbladder is the bile duct. He also said that is about double the size it should be. Because the gallbladder was so infected he put in a drainage tube. I have to empty it every 8 hours or when it get full. It is pretty gross. I had to go back to the doctor this morning so he could look at it. He is making me keep it in one more day. So now I have to go back tomorrow morning and have it removed. I did not sleep very well last night because I have to sleep on my back so I don't mess up the tube. I will be glad when it is out. He also told me I cannot lift anything over 10 pounds for 6 weeks. That is a long time. I guess I am going to get out of moving any heavy stuff! I am feeling pretty good. I am taking Percocet for the pain. It is pretty strong stuff. So far I have not had any ill effects from eating. I am taking it slow. I am going to try and eat some scrambled eggs later today. I am getting hungry so I am thinking that is a good sign. I was down to 96 pounds yesterday. So I have lost 7 pounds now. I hope to start gaining it back fast. The couch and a movie is calling my name.
Sharon Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

manybows said...

Well, you've got guts!!