Monday, June 1, 2009

A person's a person, no mater how small. -Horton Hears a Who

Another Saturday and Sunday gone by. Saturday I spent most of the day at mom's for the garage sale. Since I had hardly anything there I sold it all. Not one thing of mine brought back home. Rick sold a ton of stuff. We took a truck and trailer load over and came home with two plastic toats. He was very happy. After I got home I cleaned and cleaned the house. Sunday was very busy. I got up and ran and then I cleaned the house a little more. They had the open house. I guess only two groups of people came through. To bad they did not get it in the paper on Wed. That would have helped. Oh well I will just wait some more for it to sell. It has been on the market for 5 weeks now. After I cleaned my house I went to Ricks house with Dexter. He made us some pancakes for a late breakfast. They were so good. It has been a long time since I have had pancakes. Then we took the dogs for a walk. When we got back we cleaned out all of Jese's room. It is ready to be painted now. Then we moved to the basement. We got a ton done. We have more stuff for the next garage sale! Amy and Adam came over and decided that they would take Ricks couch from the basement. So they moved that over to there house. They also took Ricks kitchen table and chairs. We are going to use mine. So we had to get mine back from there house and take it to Ricks. Lots of moving! Amy and Adam are also going to take Ricks big TV. They have to pay for that. Good thing I have lots of kids to get rid of all of our stuff on! Today I have been busy washing clothes. I was able to lift this morning too. I got a bill in the mail on Saturday for $333.00 that I have to pay the dentist. I was so mad. It cost me a total of $884. out of $2156. for my tooth. The dentist makes a killing, what a rip. I capped out my insurance for the year. So I guess I better not have anything else go wrong with my teeth until January of next year.
I am going to go take Dexter for a walk now.
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