Did you know that on July 2 we will be halfway through 2009. 182 days done and 182 days to go. I really hope the next 182 days are a lot better then the last 182.
I am on my last day of my first 5 day rotation at work. It is the first 5 day rotation I have worked in 9 weeks. Between my wrist and all the other crap that has medical happened to me I have had to take a lot of time off. I don't hardly remember how to work 5 days in a row. It has been hard to get myself out of bed at 3:55 A.M. I will be glad to sleep in tomorrow.
Other then work I have not been up to a lot. Rick painted the bathroom and Jese's old room this weekend while I was working. They look great. After he was done I moved a few things over. I am planing to get a bunch of stuff moved on my days off. I took the weekend off because we always run the 5 mile race around Clear Lake on the 4th of July. I am pretty sure I will be walking most of the race. Good thing it is a walk/run.
Saturday I went to Beth's graduation party after work. It was lots of fun to see all the relatives. We don't get to see each other enough.
I go to the doctor tomorrow so I should find out when my surgery is going to be. I have been getting a bit anxious about it. Not so much about the surgery but the fact that I am going to be sick again. I am really dreading not feeling well and not be able to do what I want to. It has taken me almost 2 weeks to start to feel normal after getting out of the hospital. I really don't want to start all over again. Hopefully it all goes well and I will recover much faster this time. At least I know what I am in for this time.
I got a bunch of parking stuff to do at work today so I better go.
Later Sharon
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I'M BACK!!!!
Liam was over yesterday and he wanted to share my ice coffee. So of course I had to let him. You can never start a coffee habit to soon!
I RAN TODAY! I am so excited to be able to run again. I have not ran in 22 days. That is a long time! It was slow going but felt pretty good. I ran 3 miles. If had not been so hot out I am sure it would have even gone better. I am just happy to be able to run at all and to feel almost normal again. I lifted yesterday and that went very well too. Not up to my pre-hospital weights yet but getting there. I should be completely back about the time I have to go in for surgery and then I can start all over again!
I don't have time to update much today. I have to hem some curtains for Christa and I am trying to get a few things moved to Ricks house today. I guess it will be my house too so I should stop calling it Ricks house.
Later Sharon
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
"Quilts are like lives. They"re made up of a lot of little pieces."
This is how Dexter likes to sleep. He goes under the pillow all by himself!
It is a little hot out there! I hate summer. I would much rather have the cold and snow. I hate the humidity and the bugs of summer. Yesterday I had to work my first full day. Went by pretty slow. All the students are gone so not a whole lot to do for a couple of months. Won't get busy again until August. Today I have not been up to much. Did my laundry this morning. I also had a meeting with my investment guy at Edward Jones. Not that there is a whole lot left to invest after all the stock market dives. It can only get better......
I am going to sale my washer and dyer on Craig's list. So I have to get that up today. I am also going to put Rick's TV on there. I have to get the info for it from him tonight. We are going to go to Mankato tonight and stop at 2nd Wind and see what they will give me for my weight machine since we will not need two of them. We are also going to get some paint so we can get some rooms painted in Ricks house. So you ask why are you selling all this stuff now. Well I SOLD MY HOUSE!!!! I got an offer last week. I countered and they accepted! She was pre approved for her loan so it should all go well. The house was already inspected on Sat. so that is done. I am closing on July 31. That will give me lots of time to get all my stuff moved to Ricks house. Now we just need to get rid of the extra stuff we have.
That is about all I know for today. Stay inside, its hot out!
Later Sharon
Monday, June 22, 2009
Great Weekend in Duluth
We had a great weekend end in Duluth. All three of the girls finished the half-marathon. They all did good. Amy and Christa had no training at all but still finished it in under the time limit. Cassie who trained took 10 minutes off her time last year. I am very proud of all three of them. I hope that next year I will be able to run it with them!
We got up to Duluth about 4:00 on Thursday. It was raining lightly so we got to set up the tents in the rain. After we got everything set up we went into Duluth to the Expo to pick up the race packets and do a little shopping. Christa and Cassie got new shoes. Amy, Christa and I got some new sports bras. Everything was a good deal of course. After that we went to out for supper at a really good restaurant. By then I was shot so we went back to the camp grounds and went to bed early.
Friday we got up and went out for breakfast. With Cassie around you don't really cook when you go camping you go out to eat. Then we went to target because Cassie's air bed had a hole in it and she did not want to sleep on the ground for the next two night. While there we did a little clothing shopping. Once again it was a good deal! Then we went back to the expo and then walked around down by the lake. It was a little cool out and foggy. We ate at the spaghetti dinner for the runners and then went back to camp. Adam got up there around 10:00.
Saturday was the race day. We all got up at 4:00. Adam and I took Cassie, Amy and Christa to the bus drop off so they could go to the start of the race. They have to be on the bus by 5:00. After that Adam and I went back to camp and showered and ate and then we went to mile 6.5 to cheer everyone on. First Cassie came by she was looking good. Then Amy and Christa came by they were looking good too. After they passed we drove to the finish line. We were able to see all three girl pass by again. They did great. Once the race was done they were all pretty shot. Christa the most. After they recovered enough we went back to camp so they could clean up. Adam and I made them some chicken for lunch and then we went back into Duluth for the after party. They had lots of good bands playing. We did not stay too long because it was really hot. We went to Grandma's restaurant for supper. The food is always good there and you have to eat there if you are in Duluth, it's required! After eating we went back to camp and had a camp fire. We were all in bed pretty early.
Sunday we left for home around 9:15. We had a good trip home. Well all except the part where I got a speeding ticket. Hooker cop! I was only going 41 in and 30 and it was right before the sign that said 55. So now I have to pay $130. I really think Christa should have to pay part of it because it was her fault I was going that way because I had to drop her off in Waterville. It is only fair that she chip in!
It was a really fun weekend. I really hope to be able to run it next year after I get this stupid gall bladder stuff all taken care of!
Good Job Cassie, Amy and Christa!!!!!
We got up to Duluth about 4:00 on Thursday. It was raining lightly so we got to set up the tents in the rain. After we got everything set up we went into Duluth to the Expo to pick up the race packets and do a little shopping. Christa and Cassie got new shoes. Amy, Christa and I got some new sports bras. Everything was a good deal of course. After that we went to out for supper at a really good restaurant. By then I was shot so we went back to the camp grounds and went to bed early.
Friday we got up and went out for breakfast. With Cassie around you don't really cook when you go camping you go out to eat. Then we went to target because Cassie's air bed had a hole in it and she did not want to sleep on the ground for the next two night. While there we did a little clothing shopping. Once again it was a good deal! Then we went back to the expo and then walked around down by the lake. It was a little cool out and foggy. We ate at the spaghetti dinner for the runners and then went back to camp. Adam got up there around 10:00.
Saturday was the race day. We all got up at 4:00. Adam and I took Cassie, Amy and Christa to the bus drop off so they could go to the start of the race. They have to be on the bus by 5:00. After that Adam and I went back to camp and showered and ate and then we went to mile 6.5 to cheer everyone on. First Cassie came by she was looking good. Then Amy and Christa came by they were looking good too. After they passed we drove to the finish line. We were able to see all three girl pass by again. They did great. Once the race was done they were all pretty shot. Christa the most. After they recovered enough we went back to camp so they could clean up. Adam and I made them some chicken for lunch and then we went back into Duluth for the after party. They had lots of good bands playing. We did not stay too long because it was really hot. We went to Grandma's restaurant for supper. The food is always good there and you have to eat there if you are in Duluth, it's required! After eating we went back to camp and had a camp fire. We were all in bed pretty early.
Sunday we left for home around 9:15. We had a good trip home. Well all except the part where I got a speeding ticket. Hooker cop! I was only going 41 in and 30 and it was right before the sign that said 55. So now I have to pay $130. I really think Christa should have to pay part of it because it was her fault I was going that way because I had to drop her off in Waterville. It is only fair that she chip in!
It was a really fun weekend. I really hope to be able to run it next year after I get this stupid gall bladder stuff all taken care of!
Good Job Cassie, Amy and Christa!!!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The after party
This is me in the outfit that Cassie picked out for me.
Adam, Cassie, Christa and Amy at the after party
Christa could not take one more step....
Adam, Cassie, Christa and Amy at the after party
Christa could not take one more step....
After the race
Christa and Cassie...will someone take me back to the car!
Cassie....I will get up and shower in a minute
Cassie's blister
Cassie....I will get up and shower in a minute
Cassie's blister
more race day pictures
Amy with less then a mile to go
Christa all done in 2:58
Cassie all done in 2:35
Christa all done in 2:58
Cassie all done in 2:35
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Dumb Dexter
This is what Dexter does everyday. I does not like the bed made so he jumps on it and digs around until it is to his liking. Dumb Dog!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"Stories were a living thing. They changed to suit the teller or the times." -From Prayers for Sale
Another day of being home...... Today I got to watch Liam while Amy went running shoe shopping. I have not had Liam over in a long time. It was fun to have him here. He talks and talks. We had lots of fun. We played outside until it started to get cold and rain. He is such a good boy. I took Dexter into the vet this morning to get a hair cut. He looks all cute again. After Liam left I was super tired but I did not take a nap. I figured I better start staying up ALL DAY or I will never make it at work. I am ready to go back. I need to see people!
Last night Rick and I went to Hyvee and I got myself a Top of the Iowa T-Bones steak. Rick grilled it up for me. It was sooooo good. I also had a twiced baked potato. I hardly ever eat red meat so needless to say my stomach hurt when I was done, even though I only ate half the potato and half the steak. It was worth it because it was so good. I have lost another pound since I got home for a total of six pounds. I was not happy about it. I was sure I had gained at least 2 of the lost pounds back. But no I lost more! All the work I have done the last 3 years to keep myself at a good weight is all down the drain. I am trying to eat all the time to get my weight back up before I have to have my surgery.
I got sick of sitting around so this afternoon I took my bow out and shot for the first time since April. I could only shoot 12 arrows but man did it feel good to do something physical. I am going to try and lift a little in the morning. I am sure it will be very little but it will be a start.
Did not hear anything from the people that looked at my house yesterday for a second time so I am guessing they are not going to make a offer on it.....hookers!
That's it for the day
Another day of being home...... Today I got to watch Liam while Amy went running shoe shopping. I have not had Liam over in a long time. It was fun to have him here. He talks and talks. We had lots of fun. We played outside until it started to get cold and rain. He is such a good boy. I took Dexter into the vet this morning to get a hair cut. He looks all cute again. After Liam left I was super tired but I did not take a nap. I figured I better start staying up ALL DAY or I will never make it at work. I am ready to go back. I need to see people!
Last night Rick and I went to Hyvee and I got myself a Top of the Iowa T-Bones steak. Rick grilled it up for me. It was sooooo good. I also had a twiced baked potato. I hardly ever eat red meat so needless to say my stomach hurt when I was done, even though I only ate half the potato and half the steak. It was worth it because it was so good. I have lost another pound since I got home for a total of six pounds. I was not happy about it. I was sure I had gained at least 2 of the lost pounds back. But no I lost more! All the work I have done the last 3 years to keep myself at a good weight is all down the drain. I am trying to eat all the time to get my weight back up before I have to have my surgery.
I got sick of sitting around so this afternoon I took my bow out and shot for the first time since April. I could only shoot 12 arrows but man did it feel good to do something physical. I am going to try and lift a little in the morning. I am sure it will be very little but it will be a start.
Did not hear anything from the people that looked at my house yesterday for a second time so I am guessing they are not going to make a offer on it.....hookers!
That's it for the day
Monday, June 15, 2009
Pity Party
Last night I was having a pity party for myself. I am sick of not feeling good. I know poor poor me!
The pictures are of some of the flowers that I got while in the hospital. They are all so pretty and they still look good after a week. It is nice to have flowers in the house. They smell so good. I did not do to much all weekend. Saturday I made Rick take me to Kohl's because I had 30% off. I really needed some new summer clothes. I got lots of shirts and 3 pairs of shorts. After that Rick had a job to look at so I took a nap in the car while he looked at it. When I got home I took Dexter for a walk and then took my lawn chair and book to the back yard and read. Saturday night we just watched a movie.
Sunday WAC had a shoot so I went out there to watch and visit. It was fun to see everyone. Maybe someday I will be able to shoot again (this is the pity party for myself talking again.) After the shoot we went out for lunch with a couple of the people. We went to the local Mexican restaurant. I had vegetable burritos. I only ate one and boy did my stomach hurt after that. They are not even spicy. After an hour or so I felt better. After that I took a nap, this is the lack of energy I wish I would get rid of. I am always so tired. Rick came over and we grilled chicken breast for supper. Well I was going to cook but he ended up doing all the cooking. He is so nice. After that we just watched a little TV and then it was off to bed.
I am feeling better each day, it is just taking soooo long. I really wish I could go out and run and bike and lift again. I am really sad that I cannot run the half marathon on Sat. with the girls in Duluth. I know I was not in as good as shape as I was last year but I was looking forward to running it. I am going to go up to Duluth and cheer the girls on. We should have lots of fun.
Today I am going to clean so they can show my house again. This is the person that is coming back for a second look. I hope they make an offer.
Okay I am done with the pity party. I will try to be cheerful and happy from now on. I just have to remember that I am getting better everyday!
Have a good Monday
Later Sharon
Thursday, June 11, 2009
In all my sickness I forgot to tell you about Cassie. She got a big promotion at work! She is a great worker and they love her at Target. She had to make it through 3 interviews and beat out lots of other people for the job. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You did good!
Christa said I had to update my blog because she could not look at it until I changed the pictures. Not much has happened since the last update. Just been home. I am getting better. I have been able to eat will no ill affects. So now that all the fluids they have pumped in me are out I weighted myself this morning. I went from 103 before I got sick to 98 lbs now. Not to bad considering I did not eat anything for 5 days. Now I will have to work on gaining it back so I can start to feel good enough to run and bike again. Should not take to long I hope.
Hope the sun stays out today.
Later Sharon
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
There's no place like home.

I know you have all been waiting so here are the pictures I promised. The blue/green stint is the one that is going into my gallbladder and the white one is the second one the doctor put in going into my pancreas. I know pretty cool.
I am so happy to be home. Even if I am so tired that I can hardly move. I got home around 11:00. Christa came and picked me up from the hospital and got me into the house. Rick had flowers waiting for me when I got home. That was nice. After Christa left I took a shower in my own shower, with my own shampoo and soap. It was wonderful. I ate a very small lunch and then had to drive over to Amy's house. They showed my house at 1:00 so I had to leave. I don't know who was more excited to see me Liam or Dexter. They both missed me. Dexter sat on my lap the whole time I was there. When I left Liam kept saying "no Nana no go home." I told him when I feel a little better he can come over to play. After I go home I was pretty tired. I did not do much. Dexter and I sat outside for awhile. It is cold out!
Good news. They are showing my house again on Monday to the person who looked at it yesterday. It is a good sign when they have a second showing. I can only hope.
Well I can hear the couch calling to me.....
Later Sharon
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I will try to make more sense this time!
So looking at my blog from the other day I see that it looks like I was drunk when I wrote it. I could not have any more mistakes in it! That is what you get when you have lots of pain medicine in you.
I am still in the hospital. Sunday night was not good. Lots of pain. So Monday morning the Doctor decided that he need to do another ERCP ( Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) This time he put another stint in the pancreas. This was to help me get rid of the pancreatitis. The stint that he put in the gallbladder is doing it's job. My jaundice is gone and the labs are all coming back good. After I got back from the ERCP yesterday I felt much better. I have not had any pain medicine since yesterday morning. My stomach has gone way down. I don't look like I am pregnant anymore. This morning I got to eat a liquid diet. I had jello, and some chicken broth. It tasted so good until I got the explosive diarrhea. That was not good. I hope dinner stays in a little longer. The doctor said I could go home tomorrow if I am able to keep food down and can move onto solid food today. I better be able too!!! I miss home. In about one month I will have to come back to have one more ERCP to get rid of gallstones that are in the bile duct. They are the ones that are causing all the problems. If they just take the gallbladder out with out getting them out of the bile duct I will still have troubles. The same day I have this done they will do the laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. It should all be done in a day surgery. It sounds like when I have that done I will have to be off work for about 2 weeks. But at least this time I can plan the days off so everyone will know it will need to be covered. I hate to call in sick and make others work for me. I know how much I hate it when I have to stay late unexpectedly. My roommate left today. She was a good roommate she was 84 years old. She fell down and was having trouble taking care of herself. She is going to a nursing home. She was a fun lady to talk to. Hope I don't get a new roommate. I like having the room to myself. I have gotten lots of very nice flowers, it makes the room looks nice, well as nice as a hospital room can look :)
Well I hope this blog makes more sense then the last one! I hope to make my next update from home.
Oh I forgot to say I have pictures of the stints the doctor put in. When I get home I will scan them so you can see it too. I know you all what to see the inside of my body!
Later Sharon
I am still in the hospital. Sunday night was not good. Lots of pain. So Monday morning the Doctor decided that he need to do another ERCP ( Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) This time he put another stint in the pancreas. This was to help me get rid of the pancreatitis. The stint that he put in the gallbladder is doing it's job. My jaundice is gone and the labs are all coming back good. After I got back from the ERCP yesterday I felt much better. I have not had any pain medicine since yesterday morning. My stomach has gone way down. I don't look like I am pregnant anymore. This morning I got to eat a liquid diet. I had jello, and some chicken broth. It tasted so good until I got the explosive diarrhea. That was not good. I hope dinner stays in a little longer. The doctor said I could go home tomorrow if I am able to keep food down and can move onto solid food today. I better be able too!!! I miss home. In about one month I will have to come back to have one more ERCP to get rid of gallstones that are in the bile duct. They are the ones that are causing all the problems. If they just take the gallbladder out with out getting them out of the bile duct I will still have troubles. The same day I have this done they will do the laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. It should all be done in a day surgery. It sounds like when I have that done I will have to be off work for about 2 weeks. But at least this time I can plan the days off so everyone will know it will need to be covered. I hate to call in sick and make others work for me. I know how much I hate it when I have to stay late unexpectedly. My roommate left today. She was a good roommate she was 84 years old. She fell down and was having trouble taking care of herself. She is going to a nursing home. She was a fun lady to talk to. Hope I don't get a new roommate. I like having the room to myself. I have gotten lots of very nice flowers, it makes the room looks nice, well as nice as a hospital room can look :)
Well I hope this blog makes more sense then the last one! I hope to make my next update from home.
Oh I forgot to say I have pictures of the stints the doctor put in. When I get home I will scan them so you can see it too. I know you all what to see the inside of my body!
Later Sharon
Sunday, June 7, 2009
getting sick sucks
So it has not been a good last few days. I went to work on Thur. and after eating my breakfast I started to feel sick. I left work and spent the day going from my couch to the bathroom to dry heave. I felt so sick, I just kept getting worse. On Friday I again just laid around. I had to leave my house for an hour because they were showing it. I went to Amys house and laid on her couch. Liam was so cute. He made me a card and kept bring books over to me and would read them to me, well as good as a two year old can read. Well by that took about all my energy. Sat. morning was just as bad. My back hurt so bad that I could hardly walk. And my skin was now yellow. Rick came over and decided that I needed to go to the hospital. We went to the Waseca emergency room. The doctor there said the she was sure I had something wrong with my gall bladder. They started an IV and gave me a bunch of liquids, pain stuff and anti nausea medicine. Then they sent me for a CT scan. I guess I am full of gall stones. After that they put me in an ambulance and I got sent to Mankato to Immanuel St. Joseph's hospital. After a couple of hours here I went down to have a scope put down my trough and they broke up a couple of the big gall stones that were embedded in the gall ducked. Well on of the risk of having this done is that 1 in 50 people will get pancreastis. Well you guessed it I got it. So now I cannot eat anything. I can drink water as long as I can keep it down. I have a IV in that they are giving me liquids in and pain med. It hurts. So after that goes away in a week or so they are going to do the scope deal again and then take the gall bladder out. I will be really happy when I can eat again! Rick has been so good, he has been here all day. Amy has Dexter at her house so he is being taken care of. Amy also came over last night to see me. Amy and CHRISTA came over to see me today. Christa did very good with her hospital phobia and all. Cassie and Nick came also. Nick is the best son-in-law because he is the only one to come and see me. Well I guess Jese and Adam are ok too since Jese had to work and Adam had to take care of Liam and Josie since they could not come. So that has been my last few days. Sick, hospital, pain, and no food. My last real meal was on Wed. night. Amy brought me her lap top computer so that is nice. I can at least check my email etc. And of course update this! Well I guess I better go since they are going to move my IV to the other hand because it is all swelling up in my left hand.
Later Sharon
Later Sharon
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Yesterday Amy, Liam, Josie, Christa and I went up to Cassie and Nicks house for the day. We went to a couple of stores and then went out for lunch at the Roasted Pear. The food was really good. After that we went to the pool to go swimming. I guess you cannot take pictures at the pool so the only one I got was the top photo. After I took it they told me I could not take anymore. Liam and Josie both loved the water. Liam had lots of fun and did not want to go home. I even put on a swimming suit and exposed my whiter the white skin to the sun. We had a really good day. After swimming we went back to Cassie and Nick's house and let Liam eat a piece of cake that I had bought him. For some reason Amy got mad at us because we did not take Liam's shirt off before he ate......I am sure the chocolate will come out of the shirt. Today I am at work.
Later Sharon
Monday, June 1, 2009
A person's a person, no mater how small. -Horton Hears a Who
Another Saturday and Sunday gone by. Saturday I spent most of the day at mom's for the garage sale. Since I had hardly anything there I sold it all. Not one thing of mine brought back home. Rick sold a ton of stuff. We took a truck and trailer load over and came home with two plastic toats. He was very happy. After I got home I cleaned and cleaned the house. Sunday was very busy. I got up and ran and then I cleaned the house a little more. They had the open house. I guess only two groups of people came through. To bad they did not get it in the paper on Wed. That would have helped. Oh well I will just wait some more for it to sell. It has been on the market for 5 weeks now. After I cleaned my house I went to Ricks house with Dexter. He made us some pancakes for a late breakfast. They were so good. It has been a long time since I have had pancakes. Then we took the dogs for a walk. When we got back we cleaned out all of Jese's room. It is ready to be painted now. Then we moved to the basement. We got a ton done. We have more stuff for the next garage sale! Amy and Adam came over and decided that they would take Ricks couch from the basement. So they moved that over to there house. They also took Ricks kitchen table and chairs. We are going to use mine. So we had to get mine back from there house and take it to Ricks. Lots of moving! Amy and Adam are also going to take Ricks big TV. They have to pay for that. Good thing I have lots of kids to get rid of all of our stuff on! Today I have been busy washing clothes. I was able to lift this morning too. I got a bill in the mail on Saturday for $333.00 that I have to pay the dentist. I was so mad. It cost me a total of $884. out of $2156. for my tooth. The dentist makes a killing, what a rip. I capped out my insurance for the year. So I guess I better not have anything else go wrong with my teeth until January of next year.
I am going to go take Dexter for a walk now.
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