Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No More Cast!!!!

I got my cast off today! I was soooo glad. It is really hard to do things with just one hand. Everything is looking really good. Hard to tell by the pictures but my hand is pretty bruised up. I have to keep the tape over the incision for a week or so. I am not suppose to take it off but let it fall off on it own. The doctor said I only have to wear the brace when I am doing something that is making it hurt. He said I can go back to lifting in a week or two I just have to take it slow and if it start to hurt I have to stop. He said I cannot hurt anything I will just make it swell up and get sore. He said no archery for awhile but that is ok since it is the off season. Now I hope my left wrist gets better now that I can use my right wrist again! I have been pretty busy the last few days. On Friday of course was Christa's graduation. Saturday Rick and I took Dexter to my mom and dads and they watched him for the day/night. We went to Stillwater to an archery shoot. I just got to watch but I was glad to be out of the house. After the shoot we went to REI and then we went to Eric and Serena's new house for a Eric's 40th birthday party. It was lots of fun. Sunday we went and picked up Dexter and visited with mom, dad, Linda and Beth. After that I just sat around for the afternoon. Yesterday was a long day. It was the only day I had to stay home and try and do stuff with the cast on. Very limited on what I could do . I did put on a big glove and planted my window boxes. I only got the cast a little dirty! At 4:30 I picked up Rick and then we picked up Jese and headed to Mankato. Rick bought Jese a new road bike. Jese was super excited. I left Rick and Jese in Mankato and then drove back to Waterville to wait for them. They biked the 21 miles back to Jese's house. They had a good time. That brings us to today. I am going to go through my pictures for mom and dad's anniversary party on Sat. So I better get to it.

Later Sharon

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