Friday, March 27, 2009


Its another cold day. I went for a run this morning and it did not feel good to run today. I hate that. It is not often that I have to stop and walk but I had today. I think I was just tired and cold. My fingers were cold before I even went out but I am refusing to turn my heat up anymore then 66. Who wants to have the heat on in March....not me!
So last night since it was the last night of league I figured I better shot weather or not my wrist hurt. Well while I was shooting it really did not hurt at all. But today I am paying for it. I actually woke up during the night and it hurt. Whats up with that! Then this morning it was really achy. I have a sweet bump on my wrist where the tendons are all swelled up. It got bigger over night. I know it is pretty cool. The good news is I shot pretty good last night. I got a 295 33X.
I have been cleaning away today. Trying to get the house clean before Liam and Josie come over on Sat. I am going to babysit them for a little while. I have not had them over in forever. I was going to have Liam over for a play date but that was the day my tooth went crazy and I had to go to the dentist.
I guess I better get back to cleaning. Then I have to go to the store. I am making baked fish with orange-jicama slaw for supper. I need to get a couple things for it.
Later Sharon Posted by Picasa

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