Game Fun
Yesterday Amy, Liam, Josie and I went to Winona to visit Christa and Jese. She made us chicken and potato's for lunch and then we HAD to play games. Well really Christa and Amy just made fun of me for my playing skills. Ok I know UNO is a easy game but I have only played it one other time and that was years ago. You think they would let me win at least once. But no Amy is like the game Nazi. And then they wonder why I don't want to play games with them! Anyhow we had a good time. Today I am just trying to get my laundry done. I just got back from Walmart. I had to buy a new exercise ball since Jada tried to eat mine. I have been reading the Twilight books. They are so good. I am on the last one. I just want to keep reading but I HAVE to get some cleaning etc. done. So if I want to get any reading in today I better go.Later Sharon
1 comment:
you forgot to mention who won ALL the games!!! AMY IS THE CHAMPION!!!
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