Wednesday, January 28, 2009
In one week I will be in Vegas. I cannot wait, it is going to be warm! I am very sick of the cold weather. I wish it would just warm up a little bit.
I have not been up to to much the last few days. I am pretty much over my cold so that is nice. Last night I had league at WAC. I shot pretty good. Much better then last week. It was fun. Hope to keep it up for Thur. night
Just had to respond to a call at work...there was a student dresses in a chicken suit standing in the food service by the eggs with a sign that said " How would you feel if I was eating your babies." Pretty funny. I think the students have to much time on there hands, I say give them more homework!
Okay I guess I better get to work. Hope there is no more chicken sightings!
Later Sharon
Monday, January 26, 2009
Bra Hunting
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009
Hope for better times.....
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Later Sharon
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Good Week
It has been a good week so far. Yesterday at league I shot a 298 35X. I was happy with that, it is the best score I have had this year with my new release. And I had to shoot at the stupid 5 spot Vegas target. I hate that target, I can not see the X when I shoot. Most of the 4 that you see are from the practice rounds. Today I went to Ricks house and ran on the treadmill. I ran 3.25 miles with no leg pain. I really hope that I am done with the ITBS. I really miss running. I will just have to take it slow again. I would love to run another half marathon this summer. I will have to see how it goes. This afternoon Amy, Cassie and I are going to go the the movie. I was not going to go because they said the weather was going to be bad. But it seems the the snow is done for the day so we are going. Just hope we don't freeze to death! It is so cold out that it hurts to go out in it. I am really glad I don't work nights anymore and would have to go lock buildings every night. Now I just have to open them on the weekends, and this weekend is my last to work for 4 weeks. So by the time I get back on weekend it should be much nicer out. Only 20 more days till I go to Vegas. I am starting to get excited for it. Charlie has started to pull her hair out. I come home to clumps of cat hair all over and then last night I watched her just pull it out. I think she is lonely now that Jada is gone and I have been gone so much with work and archery. Poor Poor Kitty.
Got to go vacuum up cat hair.
Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Life is too short for drama and petty things, so laugh hard, love truly and forgive quickly. Live While You Are Alive.Tell the people you love that you love them at every opportunity. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second time. Lost time can never be found."
I finally finished reading the Twilight books. They were very good. It has been awhile since I read a series of books that I could not put down. I spent way to much of my off time reading. But I guess that it is not waisted time if you enjoy what you are doing.
I had a good time at league this week. It is fun to back shooting with everyone.
I had to work all weekend so that sucks. I really don't mind working so much as I hate it that I have to miss the things that are going on while I am at work.
It snowed again last night. It has been a bad winter for driving to work for me. Looks like there is enough snow to go CC skiing again. Maybe I will be able to go on my days off. But I heard that it is going to get really cold the next week so maybe I will just stay in my nice warm house.
Later Sharon
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Game Fun

Later Sharon
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
bye bye Jada
Charlie hiding from Jada on top of the fridge
Jada looking sad because I will not let her get into the garbage can
Today Jada is going home. I would like to say I am going to miss her but that is not the case. She has been pretty good. But I think she knows she is going home today because she can't sit still for more then two seconds. I have not been up to much the last few days. I was very busy at work yesterday because the students all came back. I had tons for parking stuff to do and will have a ton waiting for me when I get back on Friday. Today league starts at WAC. Then on Thur. it starts at FAC. I don't think I am ready for it yet but I guess I have no choice. Now I am just waiting for Cassie to get here so I can clean up all the dog hair that is all over my house.
Later Sharon
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Years Day!