Happy 4Th of July one day early!!!! I figured I better update today since I will be busy tomorrow. I have decided I am going to run the race tomorrow and just pretend that my leg will not hurt. After all it only hurts when I run and since I have not run since last Sat. it should be just fine. And it is only 4.2 miles, that is like nothing. After this race is done I don't have anymore scheduled for awhile so I can let my leg rest. And I might even make that doctor appointment to have it looked at. I really did not want to go to the doctor before Fri. because I am pretty sure he would tell me not to run, so this way I can say I did not know for sure that I should not run. After all I have run this race the last two years so I HAVE to run it again. It would not be the 4TH of July without the race.
So when Rick pulled out my bushes the front of my house on Sunday with the bushes came a bunch of HUGE worms. I thought I was going to throw up they were so gross. I have a bit of a phobia about worms. Then Rick had to pick them all up and put them in a container to keep them because he was going to go fishing. I was sure I was not going to be able to sleep thinking about all those worms. Well I did not have to worry because Rick forgot them in the back of his truck and they all dried up and died!!!!!
I only have 8 more hours of work left and then I am off for 5 days! I am going to enjoy having so many days off with nothing pressing to do.
Happy Birthday to Jodi a couple of days late! I am such a bad friend I forgot it was your birthday again! Some year I will remember before the date!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
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