"The Weather out there today is hot and shitty with continued hot and shitty in the afternoon. Tomorrow a chance of continued crappy with a pissy weather front coming down from the north. Basically, it's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut." -From Good Morning Vietnam
It's a little hot out there. I just came in from walking to Hyvee. I thought I would walk since I did not go for a run this morning like I was going to. I got up early and was all set to go when it started to rain. So I thought I would just lay down on the couch for a couple minutes. Well I fell a sleep and woke up at 9:00! I missed the whole storm. We did not get it to bad, just some tree branches down around town. On my walk to Hyvee I saw huge tree branch on someones boat they had in there driveway. Last night Rick and I went to the Dark Knight. It was one of the better movies that I have seen in a long time. I would give it 4 out of 4 stars. Today I have not done much. I am going to go make spicy peanut chicken over rice for supper. I hope it is good. One last thing.... Yesterday Amy and Liam came to my house before I got home. Amy said Liam ran all over the house looking for me shouting Nana, Nana! Yes he finally said Nana. Of course when I got home he would not say it again!
Later Sharon
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My Boobs Are Bigger Then Your Boobs
Today Jodi came over to my house and did the pencil test on Amy......She said its a girl!!! She also said Amy is going to have 4 kids, two boys and two girls. Christa and I hope she is right about it being a girl because it is what we want! But I guess if it is a boy we will still love it.
I got up early today and got tons done. I had all my laundry done before 11:00. I also paid all my bill, weeded my garden, down loaded some songs, and went to the store. I know can you believe I did all of that in one day. Now I am eating a fast supper and then Rick and I are going to go to Bat Man.
Got to go.
Later Sharon
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But...if it's real, you'll feel it.

I just talked to poor poor Amy. She said the city has turned off her power from 9:00 to 12:00 to work on something. I hope she does not melt!
I had a bad dream the other night. I dreamed that Amy got shot. I woke up sobbing, it was awful.
I am going to go back to trying not to melt now.........
Later Sharon
Thursday, July 24, 2008
"You look good, healthy, your boobs are big." -Cassie

The title of this blog is what Cassie said to me on Thur. when she first saw me.
Wow did I have some busy days off! Lots of fun! On Tue. night I went to Mamma Mia. It was sooooo good. Everyone should go see it. It was really fun to see everyone again too. On Wed. morning Amy, Liam and I got up bright and early and went to Winona to visit Christa and Jese. Christa made us a very good lunch and an excellent cake. After lunch we went to a store downtown and then Christa tried to take us to campus to the bookstore but she got lost. Poor Poor Christa she has no sense of direction. It is a good thing she has a GPS in her car. When we finally got to campus we went to visit Jese at his job. I carried Liam all the way across campus. It is a good thing I am so strong! We got home from Winona around 5:00 and then it was off to the fair. Rick and I went to watch the tractor pull. It was very loud and smoky. On Thur. I had to get up early again to go to my waste of time Dr. appointment. He said I ITBS just like I knew he would. He said it will take 4 to 6 weeks to get over it if I do no running. I still can run as long as it does not hurt. So I am all OK. After the Dr. appointment I met Cassie in Owatonna to look at phones. Then we went to Waseca and looked at some more phones. So now I have a very nice new phone that has the Internet on it and a bunch of other stuff that I need to learn how to use. Then at 1:30 Amy, Liam, Cassie and I went to the fair. It was fun to watch Liam with all of the animals. He was scared of the pigs. I ate WAY to much fair food. Today I am going to have a salad to make up for all the bad stuff I ate yesterday! Then after all of that I went to Mankato with Rick to get some bike helmets. I am now going to be one of the dorks that has a bike helmet on when I bike. Now today it is back to work. So sad to be back to work again. I need a couple more days off just to rest!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Stupid Pheasant
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin from the Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes
This past weekend I had to work and it was sooooooo hot! They shut off the air in the buildings all weekend so some of them are so hot you can hardly breath. I have 21 building that I have to check and 40-50 flights of stairs I have to walk up and down. I do it right away in the morning but it does not matter they are still hot and going up and down all those stairs makes my legs really hurt. OK I am done complaining now.
My days off are going to very busy and fun. Tonight I am going to a movie with the girls, Jodi, Theresa and Erica. We have not gotten together in months. We are going out for supper first. It will be good to see them again. On Wed. Amy, Liam and I are going down to Winona to go visit Christa. She is going to make me my birthday/mothers day cake. And she is also going to make us lunch. When we get back to Waseca I am going to go the fair to watch the tractor pull. It is free and lots of fun to watch. I am sure I will also have to get some fair food! On Thursday I have to go to the Doctor for my leg. Even though I know it will be a waste of time and $30.00 I am going so my children will leave me alone. Anyhow I ran today about 4 miles. My right leg only hurts a little and my left not at all. So I am sure I will be waisting my time. After the Dr. Cassie is meeting me in owatonna and I am going to get a new phone. Then we are off to the fair with Amy and Liam. Should be fun. I am going to have to get all of my house work done today so I can have fun Wed. and Thur.
Later Sharon
Thursday, July 17, 2008

"If you're still, and if you don't hope to much, peace will come to you. It's a grace. But you have to choose happiness."
-Dean Koontz, Forever Odd
Today it rained and rained. We got 4 1/2 inches in Waseca. When I got home from work I had water in my basement. It was only a little bit, not even enough to mop up. The only other time I got water in the basement was last summer when we got 5 inches of rain in one day.
Yesterday I got some new running shoes so today I may have accidentally put them on and might have gone for a 3 mile run. Good news my leg only hurt a little bit. Not nearly as bad as when I accidentally went for a 2 mile run on Monday. That day it really hurt. I have a doctor appointment on Thur. I am waiting until next week to decide if I will keep it.
They finally put the results from the 4th of July 5 mile race on line. I got 34th place out of 271. Rick got 67th. So we were both in the top half.
Monday, July 14, 2008
For Cassie..........
This is my water bottle. I have had it since The Greek Race on 09-01-06. I wash it and reuse it over and over again. About once a month Cassie calls me up and has a fit about it. Now she said she is going to buy me a stainless steel water bottle from Target. So until she does I am refusing to throw the other one out. She will have to mail me the stainless steel one or come and visit me with it or I will NEVER throw my Greek Race plastic water bottle out!!!!!!!!
Today I am babysitting Liam. This morning I took him for a long walk. We went City Hall and paid my electric bill then we walked to the bank and then all the way to Walmart. We walked for almost two hours. When we got to Walmart I had to buy Liam some cars. He loves them. When we got back home I fed lunch to Liam and then I asked him if he wanted to take a nap. He went up the stairs and went right over to his bed and fell fast asleep. He slept for along time. Now he is tormenting Charlie.
Later Sharon
Friday, July 11, 2008
meow meow meow, that is what I hear every morning at 4:00. My alarm is set to go off at 4:10 but Charlie thinks I should get up at 4:00. She just sits right by me on the bed and starts meowing. She also starts meowing as soon as I walk in the door after work and will not stop until I let her outside. She loves to be outside. Don't worry I keep her tied up while she is out. On my days off she follows me around the house meowing again until I let her outside. Some days she just sits there under the bushes for hours. She does not meow when she outside unless she gets tangled in the bushes. Who do you think is really the boss of the house, me or Charlie????
Last night after work Rick and I went for a 13 mile bike ride. We went out on some roads on the outskirts of Waseca. It was a good bike ride. My legs only hurt a little today.
Back to work, well really I am going to go back to reading my book.
Last night after work Rick and I went for a 13 mile bike ride. We went out on some roads on the outskirts of Waseca. It was a good bike ride. My legs only hurt a little today.
Back to work, well really I am going to go back to reading my book.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
"It's not denail. I'm just selective about the reality I accept." -Bill Watterson

Today I did something that was either really honest or just stupid. I was looking at my pay stub for this week and noticed that there was a $200. mistake on it in my favor. It seems that payroll had paid me for working on the 4Th of July at a double time and half rate. Making my check just over $200. more then it should have been. So I had to decide do I tell or do I just pocket the extra money. Well I decided that I better tell. I did not think it was fair that I get paid for working a holiday when I did not and others had to. So I did the right thing, or the stupid thing and I told payroll of there mistake. So now I will not have the extra fun money to spend.
Honest Sharon
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
When exhaustion gets tired.When agony doubles over in pain. When defeat waves a white flag. I will still be out here. RUNNING
These are the pictures that I got from the half-marathon that some company takes for you. They turned out pretty good. I wish I was back up there running it! Of course I would not want the weather that we are having now. It is a bit humid! I had a really good 4Th of July weekend. On Friday I ran the Clear Lake run in Waseca. It has always been 4.2 miles but this year with the new bike path all done they made it 5 miles. I ran it it 44:32. Not my best time for 5 miles but it well do being I have only run one other time in two weeks. My leg did not hurt until mile 3 and then it was not as bad as it was last time I ran. It felt pretty good for about a hour after the race and then the pain hit. Man I could hardly walk. Hurt until Sunday afternoon and once again it is fine today. Rick also ran the race. He has never run 5 miles before........he did great! He finished it in 51:02. It's a great time for his first 8K. After that Ricks mom came up to Waseca and Rick grilled us some lunch and then we went to the park to hears the bands. It was a fun relaxing afternoon. At about 4:30 we decided that we needed to go to Menard's before they closed at 6:00. So we rushed there and Rick picked up some stuff he needed for his garage and I got a new screen door and the wood for the railing in my bedroom.
Saturday I did not do a whole lot. Rick and I went for a nine mile bike ride. We did not go very fast because it was windy. So since I am trying not to run so my right leg heals up I was going to bike more. Well the last two time I biked my left knee started to hurt. Now today after waking Liam it is killing me. Do you think it is a sign that I should just sit on my but for a few weeks. Sat. night we watched UFC. Another great night of fights.
Sunday I went out the club to help with the last shoot for the year. Well really I just sat around and visited with people. After that Rick and I went to Hancock. It was a OK movie. Wanted was way better.
Today I am babysitting Liam. I have not seen him in a week I missed him. Right now he is taking a nap.
Christa and Jese left for there trip out west Sunday night. They are going to have so much fun. I really want to go out west again sometime. Maybe next summer.
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4Th of July one day early!!!! I figured I better update today since I will be busy tomorrow. I have decided I am going to run the race tomorrow and just pretend that my leg will not hurt. After all it only hurts when I run and since I have not run since last Sat. it should be just fine. And it is only 4.2 miles, that is like nothing. After this race is done I don't have anymore scheduled for awhile so I can let my leg rest. And I might even make that doctor appointment to have it looked at. I really did not want to go to the doctor before Fri. because I am pretty sure he would tell me not to run, so this way I can say I did not know for sure that I should not run. After all I have run this race the last two years so I HAVE to run it again. It would not be the 4TH of July without the race.
So when Rick pulled out my bushes the front of my house on Sunday with the bushes came a bunch of HUGE worms. I thought I was going to throw up they were so gross. I have a bit of a phobia about worms. Then Rick had to pick them all up and put them in a container to keep them because he was going to go fishing. I was sure I was not going to be able to sleep thinking about all those worms. Well I did not have to worry because Rick forgot them in the back of his truck and they all dried up and died!!!!!
I only have 8 more hours of work left and then I am off for 5 days! I am going to enjoy having so many days off with nothing pressing to do.
Happy Birthday to Jodi a couple of days late! I am such a bad friend I forgot it was your birthday again! Some year I will remember before the date!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
"To many people think life is a spectator sport. " -Katharine Hepburn
Well it has been a busy last few days. On Sunday Rick came over and helped me pull out a couple of bushes that were half dead in the front of the house. It looks way better now. I have to go and get a couple of replacement bushes now. I would really like to get rid of the two tall ones on the side too and replace them with something shorter. I hate them. After that in the afternoon Rick and I went for a 6 mile bike ride. Well really Rick went for a 10 mile bike ride before he came and got me because I cannot keep up to him. Well when were riding Rick said we had to get something to eat that he was not feeling right. So after that he went home and I went home. A short time later he called me up and asked if I could bring Nurse Amy over to check his pulse. He said something was not right. So I took Nurse Amy over to his house. She checked his pulse and said it was 107, his pulse is usually 50. Nurse Amy recommended that he get to the hospital. So I took him to the Waseca hospital. It was a good thing we did. He has atrial fibrillation, which means that his heart is not pumping right. His pulse would jump from 79 to 117, it was all over the place. So Rick got to take an ambulance ride to the Mankato Hospital. I followed and stayed with him till Christa and Jese got there. Then I had to take Christa to my house because she had a bit of a panic attack in the hospital and almost passed out! She does not like hospitals. We got home about 1:00 A. M. Jese came back a short time later. We were up at 7:30 and Jese and I went back to the hospital. (Christa had to get back to Winona to take a final) So Ricks heart did not go back to normal over night liked they hoped. So they were talking about having to shock it to get it back beating normal. But then about noon it did what it was suppose to and started beating right. He was pretty happy about that......who wants to have there heart stopped and started again! So Jese and I took him back home about 6:00 last night. Then we drove Jese to Rochester and met up with Christa so she could take him back to Winona. It was a long day. Rick is all back to normal now. He is on a couple of meds but should be fine. He can go back to all his normal activities. The Dr. said he had probably had this for a long time only this time when it happened his heart just got stuck and would not go back into a normal rhythm.
Today I went and had my hair cut and colored. It really needed it. I walked to the hair place....it is hot out. I am not going to turn my air on because it is suppose to cool off on Wed. I am trying to save on the electric bill when I can. I have been hanging lots of my clothes on the line instead of drying them in the dryer. Of course when it gets really hot I will be turning the air on!
Good Job to Christa who passed her final! She did a good job and practicing her _______skills!
Well I better go get something done today.
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