So while all of you are enjoying your three day weekend I will be at work. It is going to be nice out too. The college does not give anyone the day off for Memorial Day. It is not a holiday for us, so at least I will not be at work alone on Monday. On Wed. I cooked, not only for me but for other people. I had Amy, Adam, Liam and Rick over for supper. I finally took my grill out and grilled chicken. I also made a pasta salad and new potato's. It was all good. Other then that I have not been up to much. Lifted on Tue. ran on Wed. and yesterday I lifted again. Not sure If I will get a run in today I have to pick up Liam from daycare for Amy. I am tired today because Charlie keeps waking me up at night. I think she is mad at me because I had her shaved! Today I have killer heart burn. I never use to get heart burn but now that I am OLD I get it. Just ate some Tums, they usually help. Have a good weekend everyone!
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