We are getting there on the bedroom. Rick worked all weekend. On Sunday he came to my house at 8:30 and stated to paint. I got home from work at 5:00 and we painted until 10:00. It is really looking nice. The pictures are from the start of the paint job. The primer is all on and we just started the top coat. I took Monday off of work so we could work on the room some more. We finished painting all the trim and Rick put up all the lights and the fan. Of course like all things nothing is easy. After the fan was all up and working great it decided to quit. It just slowed down until it stopped.Now it will work great in reverse but will not work going forward. It just sits and hums. So now I guess it will have to be taken down and I will have to take it back to the store. After all of that Rick took a well deserved break and I cleaned up. After I got most everything cleaned up Rick came back and hung the shades in the windows. Everything is looking so good! I cannot believe it is the same room. Now we just need to get the wood for the railing and a few other small things and it will be done. I will try and get some more pictures up soon. Today I am watching Liam. He is not feeling good, the poor little guy. He is taking a nap right now. He has been sleeping for 2 hours already. So I read the most heart wrenching book that I have ever read this weekend. I am pretty sure I have never cried so much in a book before. But as much as I cried I am glad I read it. In fact I think everyone should read it. The book is called Final Salute, A story of Unfinished Lives. It is written by Jim Sheller. The book is about the marines that do the casualty notification of the men and women that are Iraq. It is NOT a political book! I think everyone should read it just so they get an understanding of what these people and there families are giving up when they serve this country. It is just unbelievable sad to read the stories of the families and the aftermath of the death of there loved one. Any how this is the one book you should read this year. Well it is past lunch time so I guess I should go eat.
Later Sharon