So today the regional results came out for the MSAA State shoot. I was not to happy. I shot like crap at regions so I guess I was not that surprised but I had hoped to be in the championship flight. But I am not, I am the first person in the first flight. So after being a big baby for half the day I decided that I better suck it up. This is my chance to show that I can shoot a lot better then I did at regions. Tonight I am going to women's night at FAC. I guess they left the 3-D targets up from last weekend so I will have to shoot around them so I can shot my score for the night. Not sure what the other women will think about it. I for one am not going to move my sight etc. to shoot at the animals targets at a bunch of different yardage.
So on Fri. night I went down to WAC to shoot. I was trying some different arrows, some ACC arrows. So shooting them went good. Got a super group with them. But when I went to pull them out of the bail they were stuck. Well not really stuck but hard to get out. So I was pulling one out when I pulled it right into my face. I now have a cut on my nose. It is not that big but it would not stop bleeding. I thought it was funny but the other guys had a fit. They were all " your lucky you did not hit your eye, you better be more careful." I guess it kind of like the time I set my shirt on fire when I was reaching over the stove. I thought that was funny too. I figure as long as I did not really get hurt it is fine.
Sunday Rick and I went to Oakridge to shoot then we ran all over Mankato trying to find a toy box for Liam. I did not have much luck. I am going to look tonight again before league.
I am going to go clean out my bow case now. It is a mess.
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