I was at Menard's yesterday and saw this sign. I don't think most people are thinking about zero interest and zero payments when they are looking at pop-tarts. But you never know maybe they want $299. of pop-tarts, they may be hungry.
So I had a good weekend. On Sat. I had to work. It was a slow day. All the students were leaving for spring break. They will not be back until March 29. It will be a nice break. I have to do all of my spring parking updates while they are gone. After work I went for a run. I thought I ran 3 miles but when I checked it was only 2.9 miles. I am such a slacker!!! Then Rick and I went to the Mexican restaurant in Waseca. They have the best vegetable burritos. On Sunday Rick and I went to FAC to shoot the 300 round. It was fun, we saw some of the people that we were in Vegas with. It was fun to talk to them again. After that we went to Menard's to pick out paint for my living room. I want to add a little color to it. After much debating I got some colors, but now that I have them home I am afraid they will be to dark. I will not get to paining till next week sometime. On the way home we had to stop at Caribou for one of there new orange infusion mocha's. It was very good.
Today I am babysitting Liam. He is walking all over they place now! It is so cut. He puts his little hands out and gets a big smile on his face and off he goes. I did a little lifting this morning while he was here. That was fun. He thinks it is funny so he tries to grab the weights. I have to be careful not to smash his little fingers. Now he is taking his nap so I am going to try and get in the shower.