Friday, March 30, 2012


In honor of my 50th birthday I thought I would share a picture of myself from way back in 1963 when I was just over a year old.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Later Sharon

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Big Trouble......

Morgan is in big trouble! Yesterday Rick got this check in the mail for a job he just finished. He left it on the countertop when we left for league. When we got back home the receipt was on the floor and the check was no where to be found. Well Rick was looking all over when he spotted it on the living room floor. I had left the window open in the kitchen and I guess the wind blew it on the floor. Well Morgan thought it would be a good idea to try and eat it. It was in pieces! I thought it was pretty funny but Rick did not. He yelled at Morgan, of course she did not care, she's a dog :) So Rick had to call the people up and ask for a new check tell them his dog ate the old one.

So there you have it...your funny story for the day.
Later Sharon

Friday, March 23, 2012

The squirrels and bunnies are going to be so sad.....

The above pictures are of all the trees that are growing in the ditch that next to our yard. I am guessing that these ditches have never been cleaned out, some of those trees have been there for at least 20 years.  The county in all of its wisdom is going to come and remove all of the trees. They are going to take it down to the ground and then put grass in. They claim it will be better for erosion. Rick asked them if they were going to put sod down or grass mats and they told him no. They said they are just going to seed it. So the first rain we get the seeds will all wash down to the creek and HELLO then you will see erosion. I guess the county has a 16 foot easement onto our lawn for the ditch/creek. A lot of the trees are small but there is some really big, nice tress also. There are some pretty good sized walnut trees and some pine trees right on the top of the ditch. I sure hope they do not take those out. I am pretty sure the huge oak trees the are in the easement area are safe since they are on top of the ditch. But who know with the county. I will be really mad if they take those out. I guess they are going to start next week and it could take them up to two weeks.  I really hope they do not break the invisible fence since we have right on the edge of the yard right where the ditch starts and it is not buried very deep. If they have a bunch of equipment driving around you know they will dig it up and break it. I am guessing they are going to make a mess of the yard too. As you can tell I am not very happy about this. About the only good thing about it is the mosquito's should be down a little since they are always thick in those trees. I guess there is nothing we can do about it :(                                                                                                            Later Sharon 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chickens on the wall.....

My days off went way to fast. Monday I started out the day by lifting and then the rest of the day I spent cleaning and doing laundry. At 5:00 I picked up Liam, Josie and Eli from daycare. They are very happy that they can play outside and in the sand box again. I was not so happy when we came in the house and I saw Josie taking her shoes off and dumping the sand out of them on to the kitchen floor.                      Tuesday I went for a run and for the first time used the running app I downloaded to my phone. One of the routes I have been running I thought was 3 miles. Well I found out from using this app that it is really 3.83 miles. So almost a mile longer then I thought. I ran it at a 9:53 pace, I am happy with that since I am so out of shape. It is just good to be out running again. Amy brought Josie and Eli over for the day at noon. Liam had school. Josie was excited that I painted her fingernails and even managed to keep still while they dried. Poor Eli was not a happy boy, not sure if he is getting in more teeth or was just have a bad day. He did not want to eat all day and Eli always eats! It did not help that I had to wake him up so I could go pick up Liam from school. When Rick got home he gave Liam a hair cut and then played outside with him and Josie. We had league Tuesday night. It was a fun night, everyone was in a chatty mood and we had  more then a few good laughs.                                                                                                                              Wednesday I decided that I would try and do yoga. I got a beginners yoga tape the other day because Cassie has been after me to try it. I think I will like it once I figure it all out. My arms felt like rubber when I was done, it was hard. After that I decided I would follow Christa and Jese's lead and make freezer meals. Christa found this blog with easy good recipes so I decided to try it since I hate coming home from work and trying to find something to eat. So at 1:00 I went to the store and got everything I needed and then got started at about 2:30 making everything. I was almost done at 4:30 but then I had to stop to go pick up Liam, Josie and Eli. When I got back Rick was home so he took over the kids and I finished up with the last meal. I ended up with 12 meals frozen and ready to throw in the crock pot. For about 3 hours of work that is not to bad. I hope they taste as good as they look.                                                                            Oh I guess I should explain the chickens on the wall. I found them on Pinterest and thought they were cute so I had to get them. I think they are a fun touch in the house.                                                                      I have to do all my parking updates today at work since the students start coming back from spring break tomorrow. So I guess I better get to work.                                                                                                 Later Sharon  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Naughty Reading.......

While listening to my new favorite radio station My Talk 107.1 last week all of the host were talking about a book called Fifty Shades Of Gray  They were all going on and on about it saying that it was a must read. This week it has been all over the news that women are reading it and that it is erotica book. As of today you can only get it on a E-reader. Well since I have a Kindle and everyone was talking about it I had to get it. I have not read a romance ( erotica) book in a long, long time so it was fun to read it. And it is not our run of the mill erotica book it is about BDSM. But it does have somewhat  of a good plot and the sex parts are not to over the top, well maybe a little over the top :). And of course there are two more books to go along with the first one, Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed   So  I had to read those too so I could find out what happened :)
So there you have it, I admit it I read them! So if you want a fun, light, erotic books to read get them and enjoy.
Happy Reading

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Haircut Time....

      Rick has been busy cleaning and organizing his shop. He has had a super busy year making strings and setting up bows. 
Morgan got her once a year hair cut yesterday. She did much better this year, she just sat there and let Rick cut it. She looks like a different dog now. I tried to get a picture of her when she was all done but she was to excited and would not sit still. She had A LOT of hair to cut off. Dexter goes into the vet next week for his grooming. He goes in about every 8 weeks to get it done. Morgan just gets the in home grooming :)   

Monday, March 12, 2012

Signs I need to workout harder.....

This was me six years ago when I was in the best shape of my life. If only I looked like that now :( I guess I would have to workout more if I want to look like that again. For months I had been doing six sets of 10 decline sit ups. Then I got lazy and stopped doing them and  just did a ab workout on the ball. On Saturday after work I went downstairs and did my lifting routine and decided that I should start doing the decline sit ups again and did 5 sets of 10. So now two days later my abs still hurt! I guess it is a big sign that I need to work out harder. I did not give in to the pain today and did my ab workout again. Hopefully the soreness goes away soon :)
I signed Rick, Amy, Christa and myself up for the River Bend Nature Center 5K It is a fun but hard race because it is hilly. I have not ran a race since Thanksgiving 2010. I took all of 2011 off from running races and gave the year to biking. It was really fun biking all last summer but I miss running a couple races a year. I figure the River Bend race is a good one to do to get back in the game. So now I have a goal to work towards. I have been trying to up my running the last couple of weeks. I am excited that it is getting so nice out so I can run outside. My race goal for the year is to do the 5k at the River Bend, a 5k at the Senior Games in June, 5 mile Lake Fest race in July and lastly run a half marathon in Aug. I turn 50 this year so I really want to run one more half marathon. The one I have picked out is a woman's race so it looks like it would be fun. Now I just need to hope and pray that my feet hold up to the running.

Friday when I picked the kids up from daycare Rick made paper airplanes with Liam and Josie. I sent Liam into the office to get some paper off the desk. He was taking awhile so I went in to help him and he told me " the desk is so messy I can't even find the paper." It was pretty funny, he was discussed. I have to agree the desk is messy but only because we have all our tax stuff out getting ready to take in. I know no excuse :)

I had to work Saturday but had Sunday off. Sunday we went to Northfield for Grandma and Grandpa Trenda's birthday party. It was nice to see all the aunts and uncles again. After that we stopped in Owatonna and got groceries. It is funny how tired we both were from the time change. I was happy I got to sleep in today. I guess I should get out of bed earlier tomorrow or it will really kill me to get up at 4 for work on Wed.

Time to get off the computer and get something done.
Later Sharon

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Ride

Just wanted to pass on a great movie to watch. I watched it on HBO but I am sure you should be able to find it on Netflix etc. The movie is about Phil Keoghan, the host of the Amazing Race, and his bike ride across America. The movie really motivates you to just get moving and have an adventure. Years ago I read Phil Keoghan's book No Opportunity Wasted and loved it. The movie reminded me of the theme of his book, don't waist your life doing nothing, take every opportunity to follow your dreams, have an adventure....just live! It is one of the few books that I have kept. I took it back out because Rick wants to read it. I think when he is done I will read it again.
Have a great weekend everyone and remember to have an adventure :)
Later Sharon 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring is in the air.....

I am loving this weather. It was so nice out yesterday and the outlook for the weather is looking good. I cannot wait to open all the windows and let the fresh air in again.
Last Friday I left work at 9:30. My throat was so sore and I just felt like crap. Since there was two of us on all day and I have almost 500 hours of sick leave I decided to go home. I did something then that I never do, I sat on the couch from 10:30 until 3:30 and read a book. I think it was just what I needed, a day of rest. So my throat started to feel better but then my nose got stuffy. It has not been to bad but it will not go away. I wake up in the morning and have to blow my nose forever! I guess I have been lucky all winter not getting sick so I cannot complain to much about a little cold.
Saturday WAC had a shoot so I went down and shot it. I am happy to say that I got my best score this year. It was another good day of shooting.
Sunday Rick and I both stayed home. Rick worked on his taxes and I worked on getting the house clean. We got lots done.
Monday was the big ticket day. Elton John is coming to Mankato in April  and tickets went on sale on Monday at 10:00. Of course I was sitting at the computer all logged into Ticketmaster and ready to go at 10:00 and of course I could not get through! I called Christa and had her try and she managed to get through but the tickets were pretty much gone she could only find one seat. I was soooo sad. I was about to give up since it was already 10:15 and I thought I would try again one more time. I tried for 4 tickets and got nothing so then I thought I would try for 2 tickets even though Christa had tried and got nothing. Well to my surprise I got two tickets! Jane and I were going to go with Paul and Rick but now was are just going. Since neither Paul or Rick really wanted to go it is okay with them. Jane and I are both very excited to go.
Tuesday was a day of running. I had a meeting at Edward Jones at 10:00 then at noon I had to pick up Liam from daycare and take him to school. After that I came home and went for a 3 mile run. I found out just how out of shape I am when I ran into 20 mile per hour winds. I felt like I was standing still! Good thing it is going to be nice out so I will be able to run outside again. After that I had to go pick Liam back up from school and then picked up Josie and Eli from daycare. Amy was at my house at 3:30 and picked up the kids. Then at 6:00 Rick and I headed down to the range for league.  I guess running with a cold may have done me in for the day, I did not shoot good, I could hardly hold my bow. So just practiced and did not keep a score.
Today I am back to work and wishing I was still at home....
Later Sharon