"When you're five, you know your age down to the month. Even in your twenties you know how old you are. I'm twenty-three, you say, or maybe twenty-seven. But then in your thirties something strange starts to happen. It's a mere hiccup at first, an instant of hesitation. How old are you? Oh, I'm-you start confidently, but then you stop. You were going to say thirty-three, but you're not. You're thirty-five. And then you're bothered, because you wonder if this is the beginning of the end. It is, of course, but it's decades before you admit it." -Jacob Jankowski in Water for Elephants
I just finished reading the book Water for Elephants. It is a good book and a fast read. I hope the movie is as good as the book.
I love the statement above from the book, it is so true. I find myself forgetting things like how old I am all the time. Yesterday Rick called me up and need to know how old the girls were. I hate to admit how much I had to stop and think about it. Time has just flown by and it is hard to believe that I am going to be 50 next March. Most days I sure don't feel like I am that old! Hopefully it is a long time before I forget more then just dates.
I am excited that is looks like I am actually going to get some sunny weather on my days off. Today is a really nice day. As soon as I get home Rick and I are going to go for a bike ride. I have not been on my bike in over a week. I am sure Rick will be waiting for me today on the tops of the hills.
I am watching Christa and Jese's dog Kipper for 4 days. Last time he came over for a puppy play date Morgan was scared to death. Hopefully she gets over it after a day or so. Dexter has always loved other dogs but Morgan is more fearful of them. So it will be a good thing for her to be around Kipper for a couple of days. I hope to get over and see baby Eli on my days off. I have not seen him since the day he was born. Amy tells me he is doing good and Liam and Josie are also doing very good with him.
Rick has been busy getting things done around the house while I was at work this weekend. He got the entryway door to the kitchen painted. When we moved in they had wallpaper on it. It took me forever to get it off and then by the time we were ready to paint the door it got cold out so it never got done. Well it looks much better now. He also worked on the bathroom and got the final rocks put in the front of the house. This coming weekend will be my last to work and then I will be on my 4 day weekends again. I am excited to have some weekends off, I am sure we will find lots of things to do.
Later Sharon, well if I can remember to update this anyhow that is......:)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
New baby is finally here!
Holding Eli for the first time. |
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Eli James Hagre |
Rick holding Eli |
Liam and Josie meeting there new baby brother |
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I need a hair cut
Morgan after her very first haircut |
She would not sit still so I could get a picture of her but you can see how much shorter it is on her. |
You can see how long her hair was in the picture above |
Well I guess I should write about something besides my dogs......Yesterday I babysat Liam and Josie for a few hours in the afternoon. Amy had a doctor appointment and did a little shopping. I have not babysat them in a long time so it was fun to have them over again. Amy got good news at the doctor yesterday. They are going to induce her on Friday! So I will be a Nana of three by the weekend. Rick cut Liam's hair yesterday while they were here. Liam loves it when Grandpa Rick cuts his hair. He sits very still so Grandpa Rick can do a good job.
Yesterday evening we went to Albert Lea to see Karen (our sister-in-law) in the hospital. We were very happy to see that she was doing well and will be able to go home today.
Since it is my day off today it is raining again. I am sooooo sick of it! The humidity is killing me. I have had to use my stupid inhaler everyday. The mosquito's are out big time now. Cannot even step out the door and they attack you. I went to the store this afternoon and got stuff to cook two meals. Since it is my days off I guess I will take my turn cooking. Rick made a great shrimp and veggie pizza on Sunday. I am also going to make cookies this afternoon. So I guess I better get a move on it.
Later Sharon
Friday, June 17, 2011
Yesterday I went to the dentist to have my new crown put on. I was happy to get in on since the temporary one was driving me nuts. Well when the dentist went to take the temporary off it did not want to come off. He pulled and pulled and finally it came off. It hurt like crazy when he was pulling it. It was the second most painful dental work I have had done. And since I have more teeth with crowns on then not I have had plenty of work done to compare it too. He said the gum line on the tooth was so sore because he had gone below the gum line to try and build the tooth up so this crown will stay on. He said it will be sore for a week or so. After he got the new crown put on of course he had to floss to get all the extra cement off. Once again I thought I was going to cry it hurt so much. He told me I had to floss that tooth two times a day for the next 2 weeks to make sure the gum line does not get infected. He said after that I can go back to flossing it once a day. Since he has put several other crowns on for me and has never said this to me before I guess I better listen. The good news is today when I got up my tooth felt much better. It only hurt a little bit when I flossed and I can even chew on that side of my mouth and it does not hurt.
After I got done at the dentist yesterday Rick and I went for a bike ride. We were just going to do a 20-25 mile route when Rick said we should go a different way. I asked him how much longer it would be since I was having trouble breathing since it was so humid out (stupid asthma.) Well he said on it is only 10 more miles. So I said sure. What he did not tell me was those 10 more mile was pretty much all hills. It was one hill after another. But I managed to keep up a good pace and made it all 30 miles. We did a 15 mph average. It was a good ride. I am happy that I am finally getting in better biking shape. I would like to get 800-1000 miles on my bike this year. But that is not going to happen if it keeps raining like it has been. We have been lucky if we can get out twice a week.
It is Reunion this weekend at work so I am going to be busy. I will be glad when all the alum are gone and summer break can really start at work.
Later Sharon
After I got done at the dentist yesterday Rick and I went for a bike ride. We were just going to do a 20-25 mile route when Rick said we should go a different way. I asked him how much longer it would be since I was having trouble breathing since it was so humid out (stupid asthma.) Well he said on it is only 10 more miles. So I said sure. What he did not tell me was those 10 more mile was pretty much all hills. It was one hill after another. But I managed to keep up a good pace and made it all 30 miles. We did a 15 mph average. It was a good ride. I am happy that I am finally getting in better biking shape. I would like to get 800-1000 miles on my bike this year. But that is not going to happen if it keeps raining like it has been. We have been lucky if we can get out twice a week.
It is Reunion this weekend at work so I am going to be busy. I will be glad when all the alum are gone and summer break can really start at work.
Later Sharon
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Animal Kingdom
Every time I look at this picture it makes me laugh. It is so funny that all these animals all sit around together under the bird feeder eating away. |
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Rick and I at a wedding we went to this weekend |
Christa and Jese at the same wedding. |
Liam and Josie helping Rick with the rocks |
Josie having lots of fun helping put down rocks |
Liam and Josie filling up the pails with rocks |
Josie in the sandbox The picture did not download right :( |
Liam enjoying the sandbox |
all the sticks I picked up on the lawn this week. It is never ending! |
The finished hosta garden |
A couple more views of the garden |
I have been so bad and have not updated in a week. As you can see by the pictures we have been busy. The first picture is so funny. It is like a zoo at the bird feeder everyday. I only got to go on one bike ride in the last week and run once. On Sunday Eric came down and we went on a 30 mile ride. It was a great night for a ride with little to no wind and not to hot. After we got back home we all got cleaned up and then went out for supper at Famous Daves. Every time I go there I order the catfish. And every time I go there I tell Rick to remind me that I should not order the catfish. But do I listen, of course not. And then the next day I pay for it big time. I just cannot eat any deep fried food since the gall bladder removal. But sometimes you just have to suffer and eat it anyhow because it is just so good.
On Saturday we went to Katherine and Connors wedding in St. Peter. We did not stay for the dance because I had to work on Sunday. Even leaving early we did not get home until after 9:00. by the time I got to bed it was after 10:00. Way past my bedtime.
Monday I got stuff done that I have been putting off. First I finally made an appointment for you my yearly checkup. I am only a few months behind on that. I also made an appointment for a mammogram the same day. I am a year and half late on that. I found out they do not do the mammograms at the clinic anymore. I have to have it done at the hospital. I also finally called to have my will done. I got the estate planning questionnaire and I am filling that out today. It is a lot more work then you would think. After I get it done I have to drop it off and then in a couple of days I will make an appointment to have the will written up.
Monday we finally got the last of the rock put on the hosta garden. Now we just need a bird bath and it will be done. It looks way better then it did before.
Today I am suppose to be doing lots of stuff but I am not moving any to fast. When Rick gets home we are going to run to Owatonna to get a couple of things and Lowes. Right now it is storming out so both dogs are trying to sit on my lap while I type this.
Later Sharon
Monday, June 6, 2011
"What are you waiting for? What are you saving for? Now is all there is." -George Balanchin
Two of the three pheasants the come to the bird feeder and eat everyday. |
Rick shooting a 600 round on Sunday |
Rick and Larry shooting the 600 round, they are at 60 yards. |
Eric and Rick shooting the 600 round |
Me shooting the 3-D |
One of the targets at the 3-D |
Rick shooting a couple of the targets at the 3-D |
The evil crown that keeps falling out. |
Sunday was a great day. Faribault had a 600 round and a 3-D. Rick shot the 600 round and then we shot the 3-D with Tim F. It was lots of fun they had 37 targets to shoot at. It was also super hot out. We both had put sunscreen on before we left but we should have put it on again after a couple of hours because we both got sunburned. I have some sweet burn lines on my back now. When we got back to town we stopped at Walmart and then headed home. We both ate something and then we got on our bikes and went for a great 27 mile bike ride. It was so hot out but we had lots to drink so we survived the heat. Oh I forgot to say that on Saturday after work Rick and I took our new bikes out for a spin around the lake. They are fun to ride. We into Maplewood park and road the hills, it was fun. I think I am going to like having it around for second bike.
Today Morgan thought it would be a good idea to dig a hole in the middle of the living room carpet that we just put down in Dec. She is pretty much lucky she is alive after we found it. I was downstairs lifting when she did it. Dumb ass dog. It was only about a 2 inch hole but it is in the middle of the room. Good thing we have some leftover carpet. I cut a piece of it out and glued it over the hole so now you can hardly see it. Now I am afraid to leave her alone in fear that she will do it again. And I was just trusting her enough to leave her out when we were gone for a short time. I guess she will have to be in the kennel now when every we leave.
I guess the laundry is not washing, drying and folding itself so I better go get it done.
Later Sharon
Friday, June 3, 2011
Long Hair
I had short hair for years and years. Then when Cassie got engaged I decided that I should try and grow it out for her wedding. Well that was 6 years ago and now I have long hair. I miss my really short hair, it was so easy to take care of. Now it takes me forever to dry my hair. This winter I cut about 4 inches of my hair off and everyone had a fit. I got lectured by all three of my kids that I better not cut it short again. Rick was nice and only said he likes it when my hair is long. So here I am again with long hair. I even let my bangs grow out for the first time in my life. I like being able to do different things with my hair when I have the time. I just hate the everyday taking care of it. Now that it is hot out I started to wear it in a pony tail. I even had it in one for work. Good thing pony tails are the "in" thing this year.
I have not been up to much the last few days. Rick and I went on a 19 mile bike ride the other night. We biked hard and fast because it was getting really cloudy out and they were predicting rain. It was a good ride. Last night after work I was able to lift again. I have been doing really good with my lifting schedule. I am finally getting my muscles back. It feels good to be biking and lifting.
I should be a Nana again any day now. Amy has been told that she should have new baby withing the next two weeks.
Later Sharon
I have not been up to much the last few days. Rick and I went on a 19 mile bike ride the other night. We biked hard and fast because it was getting really cloudy out and they were predicting rain. It was a good ride. Last night after work I was able to lift again. I have been doing really good with my lifting schedule. I am finally getting my muscles back. It feels good to be biking and lifting.
I should be a Nana again any day now. Amy has been told that she should have new baby withing the next two weeks.
Later Sharon
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
New bike number two
Yesterday Rick and I went to Owatonna and tried out a couple of bikes. We wanted a bike that we could use for the everyday riding that you cannot use a road bike for. And since we have a trip planed to go to SD and we will be biking on a trail that is all gravel/crushed rock we had to get them. So we decided on the Giant Roam 1. Ricks was in the store so he got to take it home last night. I had to order mine since they did not have one in my size on hand. It should be in on Friday of this week or Monday of next week. She gave us a good deal on them since we have both bought bikes from her before. She of course let us test drive them and since we wanted them to ride on gravel trails she sent us to a nearby woods/park that has bike trails in it. She just gave us her car keys and told us to take her car since she has a bike rack on it. She is pretty trusting. I guess it is small town Minnesota nice! So we drove to the woods and took the bikes for a ride. The trails were so muddy, Ricks bike was covered in mud. Good thing he took the bike. It sure was different riding a bike other then a road bike. It will be fun to be able to change things up once in awhile. I am really looking forward to our trip to SD. We also hope to make it to WI to bike the Sparta bike trail in July. We have been wanting to go there for a couple of years but the trail is all gravel so we never went. I guess most if not all of WI bike trails are gravel. We are lucky in MN to have so many paved bike trails. I guess now I will need to shop for some new biking clothes to go with my new bike.....
Later Sharon
Later Sharon
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