Tonight the neighbor came over to tell us that there 50 pound basset hound was attack by what they think was a coyote. What is really scary is it happened at 12:00 in the afternoon on Sat. She said she heard it yelping so she ran out and the dog was covered in blood. The poor thing is doing okay but is scared to go outside now. Also last night something, most likely a coyote, dragged a deer carcass right next to there front door. Pretty scary that it would attack in the middle of the day. Now I am scared to let Dexter outside by himself. I am pretty sure if a coyote wanted Dexter he would not stand a chance, he is only 17 pounds. We have also been finding a lot of animal bones in the yard, mostly rabbits. The neighbor is going to call the city to see it they will set traps for what ever it is.
Rick worked so hard this weekend and got lots done in the house. He got the living room, dinning room and entryway all painted. He also got two of the new lights put up. Everything is really looking nice. Right now he is putting trim on the living room windows. I pulled staples out of the dining room and hallway floor on Sat. until I got blisters on my hands. Thank god I have finally got them all out. We should be able to start putting down the floor on Wed.
I have got a cold. I started getting sick this weekend and today it is really bad. I left work at 1:00 and came home and slept until 4:00. I got up and cleaned up some of the construction mess and ate supper and now I am ready for bed again. I sure hope this is a fast moving cold because I have my annual Mall of America trip with the girls this weekend.
I think I am going to go to bed even if it is only 8:00
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Run, Eat, Shop
What a great Thanksgiving we had! We got up early and braved the cold and ran the I.R.I.S. turkey trot 5k. Liam ran a 1/2 mile kids run. Cassie, Rick, Dad, and I ran the 5k and Diane and Jeff walked the 5k. We all had fun but it was COLD. My feet froze! After we got done we rushed home and got cleaned up and were off to New Richland. We had a very good dinner at Ricks mom's house and played a game of dirty bingo. Around 3:00 we left for Faribault and went to Mitch and Jeanie's house for the Becker Thanksgiving. Everyone was there but Nick. We ate a ton of good food. Jeanie did a great job hosting it for the first time.
Christa came home with Rick and I. Christa , Amy and I went to Walmart at 12:00 to start are Black Friday shopping. Then we headed to Mankato. We shopped until 9:30. We got a ton of great deals but we were all very tired by the time we got done. I took an 1 1/2 nap when I got home. Then I got up and have been helping Rick on the living room/dinning room. We should be ready to start painting in the morning!!!
I am soooo tired right now. I hope I can make it until 7:00 before I fall asleep.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Right now I am waiting for the vet to call to tell me that Dexter is done. I took him in at 8:30 to be groomed and he is still not done and it is almost 2:30! I wish they would hurry up and call. Poor Dexter will not like having to be in a kennel all day.
I have been busy on my days off doing more home construction. I spent most of yesterday afternoon on the floor pulling out staples. I pretty sure they used a million staples to put the carpet down. I have most of them up now. I also have been staining trim boards and a door. It is a little stinky in the house but it is to cold to do it in the garage. I sanded all the walls that had wallpaper on, now they are nice and smooth and ready for Rick to put a skim coat on. He has the ceiling all done and he put the one piece of sheetrock up that was needed above the fireplace. We should be ready to start painting the primer by this weekend. To bad the weekend is so busy for us. I have to work and Rick has archery class on Sat. and then Sunday we have Grandma and Grandpa Trenda's 72 anniversary party. So we won't get much done this weekend. The carpet person came over today to measure up the living room. I have it set up for the carpet to be installed on Dec. 3. So we have a lot to get done by then. This will be the first year in as long as I can remember that I will not be putting up my Christmas tree on the weekend after thanksgiving. I am not liking it. Then the following weekend I will be at the MOA so I still will not be able to get it up. I hope that I can put it up on Dec. 6 because that will be my day off.
My wrist is still pretty sore. I am very impatient for it to get better. It seems like it is taking way longer this time. I had hoped to be shooting by now.
Rick and I are going to go out in the cold when he gets home and go for a run. I hope I don't freeze to death.
I have been busy on my days off doing more home construction. I spent most of yesterday afternoon on the floor pulling out staples. I pretty sure they used a million staples to put the carpet down. I have most of them up now. I also have been staining trim boards and a door. It is a little stinky in the house but it is to cold to do it in the garage. I sanded all the walls that had wallpaper on, now they are nice and smooth and ready for Rick to put a skim coat on. He has the ceiling all done and he put the one piece of sheetrock up that was needed above the fireplace. We should be ready to start painting the primer by this weekend. To bad the weekend is so busy for us. I have to work and Rick has archery class on Sat. and then Sunday we have Grandma and Grandpa Trenda's 72 anniversary party. So we won't get much done this weekend. The carpet person came over today to measure up the living room. I have it set up for the carpet to be installed on Dec. 3. So we have a lot to get done by then. This will be the first year in as long as I can remember that I will not be putting up my Christmas tree on the weekend after thanksgiving. I am not liking it. Then the following weekend I will be at the MOA so I still will not be able to get it up. I hope that I can put it up on Dec. 6 because that will be my day off.
My wrist is still pretty sore. I am very impatient for it to get better. It seems like it is taking way longer this time. I had hoped to be shooting by now.
Rick and I are going to go out in the cold when he gets home and go for a run. I hope I don't freeze to death.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
so sad
Poor Dexter is so stressed out from all of the construction. He is so sad that we took couch out of the living room and now he has no place to look out the window. Today when I got home he followed me everywhere and was shaking. I feel bad for him. Good thing it will only be a couple more weeks till we are done with the living room. We are in insulation the attic today. Dexter decided that the stuff that fell out would be a good bed.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Learning something new
Cassie came over the other day and she decided that she should learn how to walk on Ricks stilts. She did pretty good, she even managed to walk all the way across the room. As you can see by the pictures we have started the work on the living room and dinning room. We got the ceilings all scraped and the last of the wallpaper off above the stairway. We also took the carpet out of the dinning area. We still have to take it out of the leaving room. We are still deciding on how to paint everything. Cassie had some ideas on what we should do. We have so much paint now that I am pretty sure we can paint every room in the house twice.
Rick and I got all the yard work done on Tuesday afternoon. I raked and raked and raked up leaves. I guess having 20 oak trees in your yard means you will have millions of leaves on the ground. Next year we need to stay on top of cutting them up as they fall. I also got my tulips planted. Good thing I wore my brace on my wrist all day because even with it my wrist was sore. It is getting better everyday but it is still swelled up. It is a good thing I have to work today so that I can give it a rest.
Yesterday I baked some pumpkins up and froze it. Now I have enough pumpkin to make several pies and more for bars and bread. The house smelled good while they were cooking. Rick and I went for a run yesterday. We have to get ready to run the Thanksgiving day race. This year we are running in Faribo. It will be Ricks first Thanksgiving day race. Cassie, Amy and my Dad are going to run it too. It should be lots of fun. Of course I am so out of shape I am sure my time will be very slow!
Today at work we have a meeting at 4:00. Since I usually get off work at 4:00 I am not looking forward to it. I sure hope it does not go to long. I hate coming to work in the dark and going home in the dark. I had a deer standing in the middle of the road this morning on my way to work. Then when I got to work I had to go pick up a student from the hospital and I had a coyote run in front of the car. Good thing I was paying attention and did not hit either of them.
I sure hope we do not get a lot of snow tonight since I have to work in the morning.
Later Sharon
Monday, November 8, 2010
I really need it........
Okay maybe I don't really need it but I really want it. You see I LOVE the Alien movies and they have now come out in Blue ray! First I had them in VHS tape and not I have them in DVD but the Blue ray would be so much better. And of course it would be worth the $89. because I would watch them over and over. I am guessing I have seen the first 3 Alien movies at least 10 times. The 4th one I have only seen 3 times. What is funny is even though I have seen them so many time they still get my heart racing every time I watch them. They are the best alien movies out there. Then they came out with the Alien VS Predators moves so I had to get them too. They are not as good but I still enjoy them. I had to go out and buy the new Predators movie too, it is pretty good, but not as good as Alien's. I am thinking I am going to have to get the original Predators movie too, maybe they will come out in Blue ray too! I love Sigourney Weaver who is in all the Alien movies. She is pretty much the best female action hero in movies. I think that is why I like the moves so much is because they have a strong female as a hero. How can you not love them! So as you can see I must have them. Maybe I will buy them for myself and call it an early Christmas present, no wait I can't do that because that is what I call my new camera. Oh well I guess I will just have to buy them just because I want them!
Later Sharon
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I am ready to have it off!

Friday Christa and Jese stopped by for a short visit and Jese helped Rick put up two of the cabinets. I decided I could not sit around anymore so I helped take out the old flooring in the kitchen.
Sat. Rick got almost all of the kitchen done! It looks so nice. We just have to get the trim on the window and doors, put the lights up, get the door pulls on, replace the closet door and paint the door that goes to the garage. We are really happy with them.
Sunday we went to WI for Andrew's conformation party. It was fun to visit with everyone. When we got home I started to put everything in the cabinets. It is so nice to have a kitchen again.
Monday Cassie, Christa and I went to Ikea. I got to see Cassie's new house. It is really nice. We also went to a furniture store and I found the perfect table and chairs for us. To bad it is $2000. But I love it even more then the last one I found! When I got home Rick and I finished putting in the invisible fence for Dexter. It was not easy to shovel with a cast on my hand but i wanted it in so I sucked it up and did it. It is nice to be able to just let Dexter out now and not have to worry about him.
Tue. I had to babysit at the last min. for Amy. Liam helped me unpack all the kitchen stuff that I still had in boxes from the move. Then he had tons of fun playing with the boxes. When Rick got home he helped him try and get the rest of the old flooring up in the kitchen.
Today I got Christa and Jese's dog Kipper. He will be here for 4-5 days while they are deer hunting. Dexter and Kipper get along good. Tonight we are going to Owatonna to get different paint for the dinning room and entryway. The stuff we got is ugly! Hopefully we get it right this time.
Tomorrow I get to have my cast removed!!!! I will be very happy to have it gone. Then it is back to work on Friday. I am not looking forward to that.
Later Sharon
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