So I was thinking the other day on the way home from work, that is where I do my best thinking, how happy I am. It is funny how we take for granted being happy. You really don't think about it until something happens to make you unhappy. Sometimes when I think about how happy I am it scares me because I wonder how long it will last, how long before someone tries to take it away. There is always someone out there trying to make you feel bad because they are not happy so they don't want you to be happy. Anyhow I am glad now that my life is good.
It is only 17 days until I leave for Vegas. I am very excited, it is going to be so much fun.
Last night after work I lifted. I am getting so out of shape, I really need to get back lifting and running more. It is hard because I cannot push it to hard or to fast because my back will go out again. It has been doing very good the last week.
I am at work right now and I have had a very busy day. It is one call after another. I guess it makes up for the days that I don't do much of anything.
Since I am at work I better sign off for the day.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
$35 well spent
So on Tuesday I woke up to a ear that was totally plugged. It has done it before and when I went to the doctor she told me to put hydrogen peroxide in it for a few days and that will help get rid of the unwanted wax. So it worked wonders the last time it happened but not this time. Two days later I could not hear out of my right ear at all. It was driving me nuts. So today I made a doctor appointment and went in and had my ear flushed. It was soooo gross, a huge hunk of wax came out. I could hear again!!!! It was the best $35.00 I have spent in a long time. Oh $35. is the copay I have to pay for a doctor visit. I asked the doctor what I could do about my ears filling up with all this unwanted wax and she basically said there is nothing I can do that I am not already doing. I don't use q-tips and I wash my ears with warm water. So that is it. I hope they stay wax free for a good long time.
I made some clean eating oatmeal cookies the other day. They are very good. On Tue. we had league I did not shoot so good, 291 24X. So Wed. Rick and I went back down to shoot and I shot much better a 297 33X. Joe Zaft was at the range also and he made chili for us and a couple others for lunch. After we shoot Rick and I went to Mankato to do a little shopping. We got Rick some new pants and a tie for the wedding. When we got home we watched the Michael Jackson movie, This Is It. It was pretty good. What a waste of talent. It is so sad that he died so young and that his life was so messed up. He really was a great singer and song writer.
I am going to go take Dexter for a walk. It has been weeks since he has had a walk and he is getting to cooped up.
Later Sharon
I made some clean eating oatmeal cookies the other day. They are very good. On Tue. we had league I did not shoot so good, 291 24X. So Wed. Rick and I went back down to shoot and I shot much better a 297 33X. Joe Zaft was at the range also and he made chili for us and a couple others for lunch. After we shoot Rick and I went to Mankato to do a little shopping. We got Rick some new pants and a tie for the wedding. When we got home we watched the Michael Jackson movie, This Is It. It was pretty good. What a waste of talent. It is so sad that he died so young and that his life was so messed up. He really was a great singer and song writer.
I am going to go take Dexter for a walk. It has been weeks since he has had a walk and he is getting to cooped up.
Later Sharon
Monday, January 25, 2010
This weekend we had to babysit Jada for Cassie and Nick. She was pretty good. Of course like always as soon as she got here she had to take a big poop on the living room floor. She does it every time because she is nervous. After that she was good. Well except for the fact that she will steal any food you leave out. Rick lost a piece of pizza to her Sunday afternoon. Dexter and Jada get along really good. They both like to play for a just a little while and then take a good long rest. It is pretty funny to watch how gentle Jada is with Dexter. Dexter of course thinks he is a big dog and tries to beat Jada up. I was glad to see Jada go on Sunday because I am not use to having all the dog fur around my house. The first thing I did this morning is sweep it all up.
Today I watched Liam and Josie for awhile because Amy had to go to Mankato for her new job. Liam asked where Rick was and when I told him he was at work he was all disappointed. He said "but mommy said he would be here." He loves Rick. He told me today that I was his best Nana and Rick was his best Rick. He is so funny.
After the kids left I had to go to the dentist for my consult. Because I have never been there before they made me do a consult before I could get my teeth cleaned. They took 18 xrays. It sucked!!! Now I have to go back next Monday for another consult to set up my treatment plan. What a pain. He already told me I will need a crown on the tooth that broke off. He also told me I have decay on the bottom of one of my other teeth that already has a crown on it. That is not good news. It never ends! Sure wish I would have gotten my dads teeth instead of my moms. My dad has only 2 0r 3 cavities in his mouth. My mom has almost all of her teeth crowned. Oh well at least I got my size from my dad!
I am making black eyed pea soup for supper. I sure hope it is good. I should be good then for a least a good week on the cooking front. Don't want to get carried away and cook more then once a week.
Time to go add the peas to my soup
Later Sharon
Thursday, January 21, 2010
This is why I work......
So this morning I was thinking about all the concerts and plays etc that I have been too over the years. I have been lucky enough to see some great acts . The first concert I ever went to was John Denver with my mom and dad. He was so big at the time. He had Abba open for him. I will never forget the excitement of going to the old Met Center to see him. Then next time I went to a concert it was the Doobie Brothers when I was in high school. Since then I have seen the Oakridge Boys, Kenny Rogers, Neil Diamond, Michael Jackson, Char, the Dixie Chicks, Simon and Garfunkel, Bette Midler and the Trans Siberian Orchestra. I have also been to see Joseph and the Amazing Dream Coat, River Dance, Cirque Du Soleil, Rent, Las Miserables and Wicked. I have seen Mikhail Baryshnikov dance twice. I have seen the New York City Ballet Company, The American Ballet Theater, the Joffrey Ballet Company dance to the music of Prince and several other Ballet companies. I have seen the Nutcracker Ballet twice performed by different dance companies. In April I am going to see Bon Jovi. I really have been lucky to see all of these things.
Later Sharon
Later Sharon
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Winter wonderland
Yesterday It was like a winter wonderland outside with all of the frost. It was pretty. I was going to get a bunch of stuff done yesterday but then Rick called and said he was done with work and wanted to know if I wanted to go to Owatonna with him. So I decided that all the stuff I was going to do could just wait for another day. We went to Cash Wise and then to Kohls and then back home again. We managed to waste the whole afternoon away. Last night we had league in Waseca. Dexter is so funny. He will not go outside unless he brings something with him. He has to take one of his toys with him every time. He takes it out sets in on the step and runs around the yard for awhile. When he is done he picks his toy back up and brings it back in. He sure is a silly dog. I am work today and I wish it was time to go home.
Later Sharon
Later Sharon

Monday, January 18, 2010
Monday, Monday
Me shooting my bow
This is what happens when you give your camera to Christa, she takes pictures of herself.
Rick and Liam making muffins this morning.
Today is just another Monday. I don't have to work so that is good. I am babysitting Liam and Josie. Rick is home today to because he is between jobs. I wanted to go tanning so after Josie went down for a nap I left Rick in charge. When I got home I found them making muffins. Sure hope they are good. Sunday we had a money shoot at WAC. I did not want to get out of bed early so I did not go shoot it. I went down around 11:00 and visited with everyone and watched them all shoot. In the afternoon Christa and Jese came over and we went down the club to shoot. It was fun. Christa shot her first full game in 4 years. She did good shooting a 296. I guess I better go since Liam is waiting for me to play with him. Have a happy Monday
Later Sharon
This is what happens when you give your camera to Christa, she takes pictures of herself.
Rick and Liam making muffins this morning.
Today is just another Monday. I don't have to work so that is good. I am babysitting Liam and Josie. Rick is home today to because he is between jobs. I wanted to go tanning so after Josie went down for a nap I left Rick in charge. When I got home I found them making muffins. Sure hope they are good. Sunday we had a money shoot at WAC. I did not want to get out of bed early so I did not go shoot it. I went down around 11:00 and visited with everyone and watched them all shoot. In the afternoon Christa and Jese came over and we went down the club to shoot. It was fun. Christa shot her first full game in 4 years. She did good shooting a 296. I guess I better go since Liam is waiting for me to play with him. Have a happy Monday
Later Sharon
Thursday, January 14, 2010
OH NO....
Oh I thought 2010 was going to be a good year......But NO it is not starting out so good. Yesterday a huge chunk of one of my teeth broke off. It is just like last year, that is how it all started. One of my teeth broke and before I knew it I had to have a root canal and a new crown put on. And best of all it cost me almost $1000. So I was not to happy when another tooth broke off yesterday. I sure hope this is not a sign of what is to come for the rest of the year! So I decided I was not going to go back to the dentist I went to last year since I am pretty sure it was his fault I had to have the root canal. I made an appointment with the dentist Rick go's to . I sure hope he is good.
I did something on Tue. that I know I should not but I did it anyway. I went tanning. It feels so good! I decided that I did not want to look pasty white for my wedding so I am going to go tanning for a month. Yes I know it is really bad and I know I could have gotten a spay on tan but I don't care. Sometimes you just have to throw all caution to the wind.
I shot league in Waseca on Tue. and tonight I have league in Faribo. Yesterday I finished watching the movie 12, it is a Russian movie. It is really good. That's it.
Later Sharon
I did something on Tue. that I know I should not but I did it anyway. I went tanning. It feels so good! I decided that I did not want to look pasty white for my wedding so I am going to go tanning for a month. Yes I know it is really bad and I know I could have gotten a spay on tan but I don't care. Sometimes you just have to throw all caution to the wind.
I shot league in Waseca on Tue. and tonight I have league in Faribo. Yesterday I finished watching the movie 12, it is a Russian movie. It is really good. That's it.
Later Sharon
Monday, January 11, 2010
There are smiles that make us happy,
There are smiles that make us blue,
There are smiles that steal away
the teardrops, as the sunbeams
steal away the dew.
Here are smiles that have a tender
meaning, that the eyes of love
alone may see...
And the smiles that fill my life
with sunshine are the smiles
I know kind of a sappy poem but I like it. I have not really told you all what I have been up to for awhile. Of course it is not a whole lot. I went back to the chiropractor on Wed. He was all excited because he thought he finally got my spine back where it should be. Well Thur and Friday it hurt so bad. But then on Sat. morning I got up and for the first time in months my back or leg did not hurt! So maybe he did it!!! I have had very little if any pain since Friday. I really hope it last because back pain is really no fun at all.
I shoot league in Faribo on Thur. night. Rick shot his first 300 60X game of the year. Friday I was suppose to work half the day but I took the whole day off instead. Rick, Hannah and I left for IA at 3:30. We went to shoot the first half of the IA Pro-Am. We had lots of fun and after we shot we went out for supper with all the FAC people that were down shooting too. On Saturday I got up bright and early and picked up Amy and Cassie and we went to the MOA to do a little shopping. Amy wanted to get a dress for her Dad's wedding so that is why we went. She got a super deal on a dress and it is a size 6! Good job Amy for loosing so much weight!!! We also went to a the movie Leap Year. It was a good movie. I ordered a small popcorn and I got this huge tub of popcorn. Cassie and I managed to eat almost all of it. I am pretty sure I took in my salt and butter intake for the next 6 months. I did not get back to Waseca until 8:30.
Sunday we were up and on the road at 7:15 for IA again to shoot the second half of the Pro-Am. I had to shoot at 9:30 but Rick did not have to shoot until 2:30. It was a long day but I had fun talking to all the people I only get to see at big archery shoots.
Today I have been cleaning like crazy. I have got most of it done already. I had to call Macy's Visa today because they called me while I was at the MOA and said I did not pay my bill that was due on Jan. 6. Well I had paid it on Jan. 4th. I was pissed. I never pay it late and I always pay it in full. They had put a $35. late charge on it. I called them and told them I wanted it removed. Well they took it off and then I told them I wanted to cancel the card. I thought the guy on the phone was going to cry. He tried for 5 minutes to get me to keep it but I told him NO. Hookers they pissed me off big time.
Now I am just waiting for Amy to come over with Liam and Josie. I am going to watch them for just a couple of hours.
Hope this keeps you all up to date on my exciting life.
Later Sharon
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Magazine Article
I am on the cover of the Girlfriends magazine with my 3 archery teammates. We have a 2 page article about us inside. Check it out.
I am on the cover of the Girlfriends magazine with my 3 archery teammates. We have a 2 page article about us inside. Check it out.
896 is the amount of books that I have read since Dec. 1993. I started keeping track of the book titles, authors and the date I read the book on Dec. 1, 1993. I filled my first notebook on Aug. 21 2005 and I am now on my second. The most books I have read in a year was 92 in 1997. The least amount of books I read in a year was 21 in 2006. I do most of my reading at work on my down time, but if I have free time at home I will pull out a book to read. I love to read just about anything. If I start a book I will rarely stop reading it once I start it, even if I don't really like it. I never look ahead in a book to see what is going to happen. I have read several books more then once because they are so good. If I find a author that I like I will try and read everything they have written. Reading will take you anywhere you want to be, it lets me escape the world around me and be somewhere else for a hour or so. I now read most of books on my Kindle. It was probably the best gift I have ever gotten. I am never without a book to read.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Winter Wedding
Me Diane and Linda
Rod and Diane
Sarah and Cory
Adam, Amy, Cassie and Nick
Saturday we went to Sarah and Cory's wedding. Sarah was very beautiful and the wedding was lots of fun. I even had a beer, only one though! It has been so cold, I am having a hard time warming up. Today I babysat Liam and Josie. They were both very tired this morning because they get here at 6:30 so they both took good long naps this afternoon. Since they both took naps I HAD TO COOK. I know I think the last time I really cooked something for supper was in the middle of Dec. It is a good thing Rick likes to cook or I am pretty sure I would starve to death. Rick just gave Dexter a bath and now he is running around the house like he is nuts. Silly dog. I went to the chiropractor again today. I have been going once a week or so. I would love to say it is getting better but it is not. I have one or two good days out of the week and the rest suck. He wants me to come back on Wed. since I have to shoot on Tue. Thur. Fri. and Sunday this week. I am pretty sure I will not make it all four days. Oh well I guess I will just live with it. The TV and couch are calling my name.
Rod and Diane
Sarah and Cory
Adam, Amy, Cassie and Nick
Saturday we went to Sarah and Cory's wedding. Sarah was very beautiful and the wedding was lots of fun. I even had a beer, only one though! It has been so cold, I am having a hard time warming up. Today I babysat Liam and Josie. They were both very tired this morning because they get here at 6:30 so they both took good long naps this afternoon. Since they both took naps I HAD TO COOK. I know I think the last time I really cooked something for supper was in the middle of Dec. It is a good thing Rick likes to cook or I am pretty sure I would starve to death. Rick just gave Dexter a bath and now he is running around the house like he is nuts. Silly dog. I went to the chiropractor again today. I have been going once a week or so. I would love to say it is getting better but it is not. I have one or two good days out of the week and the rest suck. He wants me to come back on Wed. since I have to shoot on Tue. Thur. Fri. and Sunday this week. I am pretty sure I will not make it all four days. Oh well I guess I will just live with it. The TV and couch are calling my name.
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