Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 is finally done!!!
Later Sharon
Monday, December 28, 2009
Back to Work

Christmas is done and it is back to work for me. I wish I had another 5 days off, but I guess if I want to pay the bills I am going to have to go back to work.
We had a good time at mom and dads house on Christmas day. Everyone made it there in all the snow. We did not get back home until almost 8:30, a late night for us! Sat. we had a busy day. I got up and walked 3 miles and then lifted. My leg is still going numb when I walk and my arm goes numb when I do some of my lifts so I had to cut back on what I was doing. After that Rick and I ran to Mankato because he had to get some mud for work and our license plates were in for the car. We also went to Best Buy and spent my rewards points. I had $40 to spend so we got Band Of Brothers on blue ray. It was on sale for half price so we got it for free. When we got back home we took down all the Christmas stuff and got the house all clean.
Sunday we went to New Richland for Christmas with Ricks family. We had a good time. When we got back to town we went down to the range and shot a game. It is the first 300 round game I have shot since last April. I shot a 293 32X. I was very happy with that. Shooting does hurt my back but it did not hurt it as bad as last time I shot so that must mean it is getting better. Since league starts next week it is going to have to get better fast!
I have wasted enough time on the computer today so I guess I better get back to work.
Later Sharon
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy christmas eve
I wanted to keep going and going and going
That is until I realized just how deep the snow was!
Will someone please wash my new car!!!
Happy Christmas Eve!!! This has been a strange but good Christmas Eve for me. We were suppose to go to New Richland to Ricks mom's house but she canceled it because of the weather. We are now going there on Sunday. Today I slept in until 8:30 then I sat around until Amy and Liam came over so Rick could give Liam a hair cut. After they left Rick and I went skiing. It was so nice out with all the new snow. I wanted to go around the lake but Rick would not. So we went up into the woods by the lake. Once we got in Rick made me cut the path, it was soooo deep. But we made it. We went down to the lake then and went on a snowmobile path, it was way easier. After we got home and got cleaned up we went to Walmart. Rick is going to make us supper tonight and we need a couple of things. Of course we come out with over a $100. of stuff. We went to the 3:30 church service. It was packed. Now we are back home and Rick is making a clean eating carrot cake and then he is going to start supper.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and drive safe.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas number one
Yesterday we had the first of three Christmas celebrations. We went to Christa and Jese's house. It was lots of fun. We all missed Cassie because she had to work and could not come. So that was the only bad part of the day. I got Liam a work bench and he loved it. It had a screw driver that really works so he spent the rest of the day taking everything apart. We had lots of great food and I way over ate. But that is what Christmas is for. I bought a new game called Loaded Question for us to play. It was tons of fun and we all had lots of laughs playing it. I am going to bring it to the rest of our Christmas celebrations too.
Later Sharon
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
So Cold!!!

Enjoy the cold day, don't freeze your butt off!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Merry Christmas to me!!!

I stole this picture of Josie off of Cassie's facebook. She is so cute! She is such a happy baby until you tell her no. Then she does the insta-cry. It is pretty funny. I think Christa gave her lessons on how to fake cry, she was the queen of it when she was little.
I have not been up to much. I finally got my voice back on Thur. I can speak normal now. I actually lifted 2 times this week. I did some different stuff for my abs and boy were they sore. I guess that means I have not been working them hard enough.
Thursday afternoon Rick and took his car and my car for a drive to Mankato and ended up at the Mankato Toyota dealership. We came back out of the dealership with a 2010 Toyot Prius!! It is pearl color and supper sweet! We decided we did not need 3 cars so we traded two of them in. Are car payment is less then we were paying and we got a great interest rate. I know I am justifying getting a new car but I don't care. It drives so nice, I love it. I may even let Rick drive it once in awhile :)
I have to work this weekend. I am glad it has warmed up a little since I have to be outside to check the buildings in the morning. I am thinking about leaving a hour or so early on Sunday if it is nice out to go cross country skiing. We finally have enough snow and there is a great park to go skiing in Waseca.
Later Sharon
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Snow Day!!!
We are going to have a white Christmas!!!! This is what it looked like when I opened the door this morning to let Dexter out. You can see at the bottom of the picture his foot print. That is all the further he went out before he went running back in the house! Poor poor Dexter!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas Train
Last night the Christmas Train came to Waseca. Amy, Liam, Josie, Rick and I went to see it. There was so many people there. After the train got there Santa came out and a band played. We could not get close to it so we left shortly after it got there. Adam meet us as we were leaving. Liam was pretty excited to see it. We also brought Dexter with us. We were leaving and I was going to put him in his kennel and Rick said " can't he come with, he wants to come." So of course he came. When we got there he people kept stepping on him so I had to hold him the whole time. He was a good boy and had fun too.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Josie's First Birthday
Shopping all weekend is not the thing to do when you have a cold. For some reason it makes it worse! Oh well I still had lots of fun. Friday we went to the movie The Blind Side. It was really good. It is a feel good movie. After that we stopped a Kohls and did a little shopping and then it was off to the hotel. Sat. we got to the mall around 10:00. we did not leave until almost 10:00 that night. I got almost all of my shopping done. I also got a dress for my wedding. It is always fun to have Erica, Theresa and Jodi to help me pick out clothes. After we got done shopping we went out for a late supper and some drinks. By then I had completely lost my voice. It was no good. We did not get back to the hotel until almost midnight. A late night for all of us!! Sunday we got up and went to Ikea and then to the Burnsville Mall. I was really not feeling to well. I could not talk at all. Dumb cold. Amy had Josie's birthday party last night so when I got back to town I went to her house. I did not stay to long. I was suppose to work today but I called in sick. I still feel like crap and still cannot not talk. I am taking it easy today. I have just been sitting in front of the TV and wrapping Christmas gifts.
Later Sharon
Friday, December 4, 2009
27 Days
This weekend I am going with my girlfriends for are annual Mall Of America trip. We go up on Friday and come home on Sunday. Should be lots of fun. It is always good to have a weekend of girl talk and spending money!
Have a good weekend end.
Later Sharon
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Legend Of The Christmas Spider
T'was the Christmas eve at last! The tree was decorated and waiting for the children to see it. But the poor spiders were frantic, for they could not see the tree, nor be present for the Christ child's visit. But the oldest and wisest spider suggested that perhaps they could peep through the crack in the door to see him. Silently they crept out of their attic, down the stairs, and across the floor to wait in the crack in the threshold. Suddenly, the door opened a wee bit and quickly the spiders scurried into the room. They must see the tree closely, since their eyes weren't accustomed to the brightness of the room... so the crept all over the tree, up and down, over every branch and twig and saw every one of the pretty things. At last they satisfied themselves completely of the Christmas tree beauty.
But alas!! Everywhere they went they had left their webs, and when the little Christ child came to bless the house he was dismayed. He loved the little spiders, for they were God's creatures too, but he knew the mother, who had trimmed the tree for the little children, wouldn't feel the same, so He touched the webs and they all turned to sparkling, shimmering, silver and gold!
Ever since that time, we have hung tinsel on our christmas trees, and according to the legend, it has been a custom to include a spider among the decorations on the tree.