Friday, July 31, 2009
bad dog
Dexter used to be such a good dog, never begging for people food. Not anymore. As you can see by the picture Dudley has taught Dexter to beg. Now every time you go into the kitchen to cook both dogs sit and wait for a scrap of food. BAD DOGS!!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”
-Lance Armstrong
Friday, July 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 and donut
This is my stomach 13 days after the surgery. It is looking much better. Rick said it looks like I was shot....he is so funny.
This morning I had to take my car in to have the cracked windshield fixed. I figured I better get it done before I go back to work. I had to have it there at 8:00 so I had to get out of bed early again! So since I was up and Rick had to pick me up at the glass place and bring me back home he stopped and got me coffee and a donut. It was soooo good. A good way to start out the morning.
I have not been up to a whole lot. Went to the fair on Sat. morning to watch the Strong Man event. It is always fun to watch. After that we got almost everything moved. I am so sick of moving. It was nice that I had a month to do it but it has been endless. The only thing left at my house is a bed, desk, chair, TV, my computer and my puzzle. Amy is taking the bed. Adam is going to help Rick move the rest of the stuff sometime this week. We hoped to have the downstairs done so we could hang the puzzle but that is not going to happen. So now we have to find somewhere to put it where it will not get broken. I am happy that I have so much more room now because just maybe I will be able to work on the rest of the puzzle now.
Lets see what did I do Sunday... Oh that's right I unpacked again. I got a lot done but am still not finished!!! We also put an underground fence for the dogs. Now I am trying to train them on it. It is a pain with two dogs because you have to do one at a time. So I put one in the kennel and take the other one out. I am pretty sure it is going to take forever.
Yesterday was one of those days. I was just so sick of unpacking and being at home that I had a hard time motivating myself to do anything. I did get a few things unpacked. In the morning I also went and had my hair cut and colored. I really needed the color, had way to much gray showing! At 5:30 we went over to Waterville and took the bikes out for a ride with Jese. We went 18 miles. I'm guessing I should have stopped at about 5 miles because my stomach hurt all night long. You have to use a lot of stomach muscles to bike. Oh well it felt good to do something physical even if I was mega slow. Poor Rick and Jese spent the whole night waiting for me.
It is back to work for me on Thur. I am ready to go back. I have not worked since June 30. That is so long. It is going to be hard to get back in the routine but I will be glad to get back in it.
I guess I have to unpack some more today.
Later Sharon
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Rick takes the dogs for a walk every morning at 5:30. He took this picture this morning.
I just found out that Amy, Christa and I got into the Twin Cities 10 mile race on Oct. 4th. I am excited since my stupid gallbladder stopped me from running the Grandma's half marathon. I should be able to run 10 miles by Oct.
So I have been busy, well as busy as my body will let me. I went back to the doctor on Tue. for my one week checkup. I asked the doctor about me being so a-typical. He said that I was because I was so infected and was feeling no pain. He said that is very unusual, I really should not even have been able to walk around. He said that because I was so fit before this all happened probable made all the difference. He said that athletes have more endorphins and that because of that it caused me to be able to tolerate that pain much better. I think I am just tuff!!!! The good news is he said that after two weeks I can try and start running. He said I have to take it slow, that if I run a mile and I start to hurt I have to walk back. Believe me I will because I don't want anything like this to happen again. He also said I do not have to wait 6 weeks to lift more the 10 pounds. Again I just have to take it slow. I am just super excited to be able to do anything.
Yesterday Amy and the kids and her new dog came over for a puppy play date. To bad Amy's puppy is not potty trained yet :( Christa also stopped over for a little while to visit. I got some laundry done and cleaned out the fridge to make room for the food in my fridge. Of course like always there is not really much food in my fridge. After the kids left I went to my house and packed some stuff up and moved some stuff over. Not much left to do. Rick and I are going to get the rest of the stuff on Sat. then I can clean the house up. Last night Rick and I went to the Waseca Fair. We just walked around a bit and watched the tractor pull. We were home by 8:30.
Today I am super tired, I think I may have done to much yesterday. I just got back from the fair again. Amy picked me up at 11:00 and we took Liam and Josie. Liam loved all the barns animals. Well everything but the pigs. He was scared of them last year and was again this year. As soon as we got in the pig barn he said he wanted to leave and go see the cows. It was pretty funny. Also when we went into the horse barn he said SCARY. But he at least still wanted to see the horses.
Now I am going to take my car to Waseca Glass and see about having my windshield replaced. It has a huge crack in it. Then tonight Rick and I are going back to the fair to watch my old neighbor Alix in the enduro race.
I will put some pictures of Liam and Josie at the fair tomorrow.
Later Sharon
Monday, July 13, 2009
Getting Better
Saturday was a busy day. Adam came over and helped Rick move some of my stuff over. I just watched. Then Saturday night was the big UFC night. There was lots of great fights. Jese came over and watched some of it. He brought his dog over. Dexter was afraid of it. It was pretty funny because Christa's and Jese's dog is about as big as a rat. Dexter just kept running away from it.
Sunday was another day of moving and unpacking. I just wish it was done. Amy helped me unpack the kitchen stuff. That helped a lot.
Today I am going to try and move a few things. Hard to do when you can only lift 10 pounds.
It is already 11:00 and I still have done nothing so I better get to it.
Later Sharon
Sunday, July 12, 2009
goodbye kyle
It is a sad time for me and everyone in the Faribault Archery Club. On Thursday night while setting up a 3-D for the weekend Kyle Nardinger was killed. Kyle and several other FAC members were working on setting up targets when a dead tree fell on Kyle killing him. It was just one of those senseless things. Kyle was the nicest guy and will be missed by everyone. A few years ago I went on the FAC canoe trip and Kyle got stuck with me in his canoe. He was so nice to me and really did all the work since I had no idea what I was doing. He on the other had was an expert in a canoe. I had a great time thanks to Kyle. I feel lucky to have known him and I am going to miss him.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Last Supper
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy 4th of July
After the doctor I went back home took the dog for a walk and then loaded up the car with stuff to move to Ricks house. Dexter and I spent the day there putting stuff away. I also had to do my laundry there because I sold my washer and dryer on Wednesday. Rick had taken his weight machine apart in the morning before work so while I was there I carried all of it but the 3 huge pieces up stairs and out to the trailer. When he got home he had his neighbour come over and help him move the last pieces up. Then we were off to Mankato. We went to 2nd wind and traded our weight machines in for a new updated one. When we got back to Waseca we went to Walmart to get a few things for the 4th. We also tried to get some brown paint for the trim board in the bathroom. The girl tried to mix it 3 times and could not get it right. So after a half hour we gave up.
Today I am going to move more stuff. My goal is to have everything moved before I go back to work on July 23. That will give me a couple days to clean my house for the new owner.
Well I better get a move on it.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July can only get better then June....right???
So now I am going to go for a run. It always makes me feel better.
Later Sharon