Thursday, April 30, 2009

"You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in!" -You're Only Old Once

So the verdict is in.....I am having surgery on my wrist on Wednesday. I just want it over and done with. This wrist trouble is interfering with my life! I will be super glad when it is done so I can get back to lifting and shooting and biking without having my wrist hurt. But oh what will I have to wine about then!!!! I have to take a week off of work so it works out with my scheduled days off I will have 12 day off. That will be nice. I figure of those 12 days only one or two will suck because of the surgery. Today has been a pretty uneventful day. After the doctor I paid all my bills and did a little laundry. I am going to go for a run this afternoon. That is about it. I know pretty exciting.

Later Sharon

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Many will walk in and out of your life...but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. -Eleanor Roosevelt

My quote today is from a card I got from the vet clinic. It was really nice that they sent it. Of course just when I thought I was over putting Charlie to sleep they send me this card and it made me cry all over again. Can't believe how attached I got to that stupid cat. I have not been up to much on my days off. Yesterday I lifted and ran. I hardly ever to both on the same day. But I knew it was going to be rainy today so figured I better get my run in yesterday. Today I watched Liam and Josie for a few hours so Amy could study for her test at school on Thur. Dexter does not like it when I watch Liam. He seems to be overwhelmed by all the noise. He always takes a long nap when Liam leaves. I shot my bow in the basement this afternoon. It is the first time I have shot it since April. I shot about 15 arrows and that was about all my wrist could take. I go to the doctor tomorrow. Not soon enough! I guess that is all I know for today.

Later Sharon

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Monday, April 27, 2009


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"If a students gets the swine flu do we take them to the doctor or the vet?" -Noel Williams

It has been a rainy weekend, but it was okay because I had to work. I was just glad the rain held off in the mornings until I had a chance to open all the buildings. So after opening buildings for the last two days my wrist was killing me. I figured it out today and I open at a minimum 131 doors per day. That is a 131 times I have to hold a key and twist my wrist. No wonder my wrist hurts! Good thing I only have to open buildings on the weekend. Saturday Amy and Adam had Josie baptised. After the baptism's we all went to there house for supper. It was fun. I have some cute pictures of Josie but I did not download them yet. I will try and get them up in the next couple of days. They showed my house three times last week. It is really a pain keeping the house super clean all the time. I hope it sells fast. But with my luck I will still be in it a year from now. I am trying to not get my hopes up on it selling fast. Today I am leaving work early to go to the dentist to finally get my cap on. I will be so glad when it is done! No more dentist for at least 6 months!!!!
Later Sharon

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I forgot to say that I finally got to go to Barney's Drive-In last week. They have been open for a couple of weeks now. It was so good. Well I don't know if it's that good or I just like the fact that I don't have to cook and it is close to my house!


Charlie is not longer with me. I discovered on Monday that she had been using my ottoman for a litter box. I had put it in the basement up on a table and covered it with a sheet. I just wanted it out of my living room for awhile to give me more room. I paid a lot of money for this ottoman as it matched my sofa. Well unknown to me Charlie decided it would be a good place to pee and poop for the last week. It was totally ruined. I was so upset. So I threw the ottoman out and then Charlie decided she would poop on the floor of the basement and she also peed on my living room floor the next morning. So Tuesday I called the vet and had her put to sleep. It was really hard to do. I loved Charlie but I could not have a cat ruining everything I own. And I was not going to spend hundreds of dollars trying to figure out what was the matter with her. I cried and cried when she was gone. It has been hard to not have her around anymore. Stupid Cat! So needless to say I did not have a good Tuesday.

Yesterday was much better. I had my hair cut. I cut about 3 inches off. It looks much better now. In the afternoon and I went for a run around Clear Lake. I have not ran around the lake since last July 4th. I ran almost the whole 5 miles. I would say I walked about 1/2 of a mile total. It was hard but it felt so good. I really need to get out running more.

My wrist is killing me today. I am going back to the doctor next Thursday. Not soon enough. I just wanted it taken care of so it does not hurt any more. It looks like I have an alien growing out of my wrist the cyst has gotten so big. It is gross!

Today I am back at work, working really hard.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I think spring is finally here because the magnolia tree at work finally bloomed. I love the magnolia tree it is so pretty. I want one. The other picture is of two of the ducks that nest up on campus. There is a bunch of them that next on campus every year. They don't seem bothered by people at all. I had to work yesterday so that pretty much took care of my day. I had a really bad wrist day yesterday. I thought it was getting better but I guess not. I will see how it is today and then I will call the doctor. After work yesterday I took Dexter for a long walk with Dudley and Rick. He likes his walks. Today I am babysitting Liam and Josie. Right now I just have Liam and Josie is coming this afternoon. I am going to go to the store after I get done updating this. So I guess I better get going.
Later Sharon
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Friday, April 17, 2009


It is so nice to be warm! I love this weather, to bad it is going to get cold and rainy this weekend. I guess it is okay because I have to work the weekend. I did not do much yesterday. After work I took Dexter for a walk to Amy's house. Liam was all excited to see Dexter. I think he was more excited to see Dexter then me....I will have to leave Dexter home from now on! After that I just came home and did the dishes and ate and then watched part of a movie with Rick. I was in bed by 9:00. Today I think I am going to leave work early. I have to stop at mom's and get the addresses for her and dads anniversary party invites. Then I need to stop at the store and get paper, printer ink and envelops for the invites. I also want to lift tonight. To much to do this afternoon. That is about it. I know my life is soooo exciting.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true."

I am reading a book about the Columbine killings. Did you know that it has been ten years since it happened. I read a review about the book in Time and it said it was a must read. So of course I am reading it. It makes you think about how life can be taken away in an instant. It makes you realize that you better live life now not wait until it is to late. You have to do what makes you happy so that you have your happy ever after. You never know how long you have on this earth so you better make the best of what time you have. You should tell the people that you love that you love them often. You should forgive those who have wronged you, big or small. You should not hang on to the petty things that in the end will mean nothing. You should make the best of what ever life throws you. Think about if you would be able to live with yourself if the person you loved was gone and you never got a chance to say how much they mean to you. I realized all this long before reading this book, it just reminded me. The first time it really hit home was when I had a student die up here at work and I had to do CPR on her. It was my life changing experience. On that day I learned that if a 19 year old girl can just drop dead before her dream were fulfilled I better do something to make mine come true. It may have taken me awhile but I am finally getting there. I am happy. I have found that somewhere over the rainbow. I guess if you are reading this you are someone that means something to me. So this is my way of saying thank you for being there for me and loving me and letting me love you.

Well enough sappiness for one day! Have a great Thursday everyone.
Later Sharon

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Life is full of influences, It's your application that sets you apart.That's something I wrote to myself and completely believe in. You can't be scared to set out to do something in life because you believe it may be similar to something, or because you don't know the clear cut path on how you're going to accomplish your goal or dream! Just take a step towards your belief daily - fearlessly, wholeheartedly, digging and dreaming within yourself, believing that as you push on through sacrifice, you will one day stand alone on top of a hill that you created that now encourages and inspires others to chase their dream. Knowing that through tenacity and patience anything can be achieved. If you simply believe." -Charles MASK Lewis

Happy Wednesday everyone. I really don't know much today. I am back at work and hate to be here because it is going to be so nice out again today. Maybe I will leave early. I think I have spring fever! Yesterday I took the dog for a walk and then ran to Amy house. She wanted me to go with her to take the kids for a walk. So we walked around Loon lake and stopped at the park for Liam to play. After that I walked back home. Yesterday afternoon I took my car in to have the oil changed and then went to the bank and Walmart and Hyvee. I had to go to two stores to get capers. I made olive and oregano chicken for super last night and I needed caper for it. It was really good. I figure if I only cook like once a month it should always be good. No use cooking more then that, who has time for cooking when there is so many other things to do.

Later Sharon

Monday, April 13, 2009


Before his haircut
His new hair cut

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"Take The Good"

Liam looking for Easter Eggs
Adam flying Liam's kite

Josie and cute !

I had a great Easter. I went to Church in New Richland with Ricks family. I like the Church in Waseca way better. After Church we went to Ricks mom's house for lunch. The food was very good and we had a nice time. After that we went to my mom's house. The kids had an Easter egg hunt and then the big kids flew kits. We ate and ate and ate all day long. I was soooo full when I got home. We did not get home until almost 7:30. Rick and I took the dogs for a walk since then had been in there kennels all day long. It did me good to go for a walk too since I ate so much candy all day long!
Today I took Dexter in to get a hair cut. He looks so much better. He really needed it. He does not even look like the same dog. I will put his picture up shortly. I also lifted this morning. Rick just stopped by with Subway for lunch and now I am going to go do some cleaning.

Have a great Monday.
Later Sharon
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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

I have Easter off this year. It has been a few years since I have not had to work on Easter. I am glad that I finally get it of. It always makes me sad to think that I missed the last year that Christa believed in the Easter Bunny because I had to be at work. So I missed the last year of seeing her excitement when she come down in the morning to see what the Easter Bunny left her. I hate working on holidays. I know poor poor me! So being I am not working this year I have a full day planed. We are going to church in the morning and then we are going to Rick's mom's house for lunch. After that we are going to my mom's house for supper. I should be good and full by the end of the day.
Last night Rick and I took Dexter and Dudley for a walk. We went to a fenced in track and let them run. It was so funny to watch Dexter. He has such short little legs that he could not keep up with Dudley. I thought he was going to have a heart attack he was running so hard. After that we went to Amy's house so we could give Liam and Josie there Easter gifts. We did not stay long because we had not had supper yet and it was already 7:00. Rick made a delish pizza for supper that we finally got to eat at 8:00. Then I kicked Rick out and went to bed.
Hope you all have a great Easter!
Later Sharon

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"If your driving down the highway and you throw a kitten out the window is that considered kitty litter?"

Four days off and I still could use another four day off! I have been busy but have had a great time. Sat. I spent most of the day cleaning and just getting stuff done that I had been putting off. I went for a three mile run in the morning before it got really cold out. Sat. night Rick and I went for a long walk with the dogs and then went to the local Mexican restaurant for supper. We had not been there for awhile, it was good as always.
Sunday morning I got up at the crack of dawn and went with Rick, Dale, Steve and Hannah to watch them all shoot the 25 meter in Waconia. I could not shoot it because of my wrist. They all came home with medals. Hannah shot a new state recorded. It was fun to visit with everyone at the shoot. Maybe next year I will be able to shoot it.
Monday I lifted for the first time in 3 weeks because the doctor said I could. Then it seemed like the day just flew by. At 2:00 I had to go to the dentist again. He drilled some of the cement out that he put in the root of the tooth and then put a pin in it. Then he finally put a temp. cap on it. I was there for two hours. It seemed like to took forever. Now I just have one more appointment and that is to put the real cap on. I will be glad when it is finally all done. I am tired of going to the dentist every other day.
Tue. I got up and ran 3 miles again. Running is getting easier again. Amy brought Liam and Josie over at 10:15 so she could go get her hair cut and colored. After she got back we packed the kids up and then went to Cassie's to pick her up and then went to the MOA. Amy wanted to get something to wear for Easter. The kids were super good but it is exhausting shopping with a two year old. Liam loved looking at all the rides in the park. He wanted to watch the coaster (roller coaster) He had fun. Of course all the fun comes at a price. He was super tired so he cried most of the way home. First Josie would cry and then Liam would cry. I am pretty sure I wanted to cry by the time we got home! Even with the crying on the way home I had a fun day. While I was gone Rick came to my house and got the wood railing on upstairs. It looks really good. He even left the outside light on for my. He so nice.
Today it is back to work. Up-date on my wrist. The shot does not seem to be working. I had high hopes that it would but it is not to be. My wrist has not stopped hurting. I am going to give it a couple of weeks in hope that it will get better. If it does not then I guess I will have to go to the Doctor again. It sucks getting old and having your body fall apart!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth."

I have not been up to much the last couple of days. Yesterday I went back to the dentist because my tooth was killing me. I have been waking up at night with it just throbbing. Well he pretty much said I would have to live with it. He said what is causing the pain is the cement he put in to fill where he took the root out went past the tip of the root so when I put pressure on the tooth it causes pain. I was not to happy about that. So after the dentist I went for a 3 mile run to burn off my frustration with the dentist.
Then yesterday afternoon I went to the doctor to have my cortisone shot in my wrist. He said that not only do I have dequervain's in my wrist but I have a ganglion cyst . It is gross. He said that he cannot drain it because it is right over the artery. He said that if the cortisone shot does not take care of all the pain I will still have to have surgery to get rid of the cyst. The shot itself did not hurt at all. It was afterwards that hurt. As I was driving home my thumb and finger started to go numb and then it went up my arm and then the pain started. I could hardly move my wrist and arm for hours afterwards. He said the pain and swelling will last for a couple of days and then if it works it should get better. I am hope it works because I really don't want to have surgery. My wrist is still pretty sore this morning but getting better. He said I could try and lift weights again on Monday.
Last evening I took Dexter for a walk and then Rick and I watched the movie Seven Pounds. It was good. Today it is back to work.
Have a good Friday!
Later Sharon