Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy almost Thanksgiving

Since I will be busy on Thanksgiving I thought I better tell everyone today HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I have not been up to much the last few days. Just work. Last night I went to WAC to shoot. I really need to get down and shoot more. On Thanksgiving day Cassie, Christa, Jese and I are going to run the Turkey Trot race in Northfield. Well really we are going to jog it really slow. I just hope to make to the end.......It is aways fun even if we do it really slow. After that I am going to my moms house for supper. Amy was suppose to have Thanksgiving at her house but since she is on bed rest mom had to have it. So that is all I know for today. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

"People who fail to achieve their goals usually get stopped by frustration. They allow frustration to keep them from taking the necessary actions that would support them in achieving their desire. You get through this roadblock by plowing through frustration, taking each setback as feedback you can learn from, and pushing ahead. I doubt you'll find many successful people who have not experienced this. All successful people learn that success is buried on the other side of frustration." -Anthony Robbins

I have not updated in a few days. That is not like me! I have been very busy. On Wed. I went to the hospital with Amy. She is all swelled up again. Poor, Poor, Amy. She looks like she is ready to exploded. The good news is they sent her home again. She is on bed rest for good now. She is not suppose to do anything. Poor Adam! Wed. night Rick and I took my car to Mankato to the Toyota dealer so they could look at it on Thur. The check engine light has been on for a couple of weeks. Yes I know I should have taken it in as soon as it came on. On Thur. my car was done so Amy drove me to Mankato to get it. (driving is just like sitting so it is still bed rest.) The said there was corrosion on the solenoid connector. I don't care what it was it was all under warranty and the light it off. It drove me nuts having it on. The rest of the day I spent cleaning. On Friday Amy called me and asked if I could watch Liam because she was swelling up more. So I watched him most of the day so she could rest. I know I am such a good Nana. Liam has learned to say No and MINE very good now. He is soooo cute.

So now I will tell you the frustrating part of my Friday......It was perfect day to go hunting, even if it was a little cold. So I bundled up and at 3:00 Rick picked me up and we were off to the woods. We set up at a creek bed, Rick in his tree stand and me on the ground. We were right by a deer path were the deer cross the creek. If all went well the deer would come across it and I would have a perfect 20 year shot. Rick told me that if for some reason they do not come across the should walk along the other side and it would be about a 30 yard shot. He also said I would have to stand up to make the shot, I was sitting by a fallen tree. Well after sitting for about an hour a doe and her fawn came walking down the hill on the path just like they should. Then the went down to the creek and instead of crossing like they should the dumb deer decided to stay on the other side. I was shaking so bad and my heart was pounding so hard I was sure they were going to hear me. Well the doe started to walk right on the edge of the creek. I had to stand up, it went perfect, I waited until she had her head down and got up. She stopped and looked at me and then just went back to walking along. She put her head down again and I pulled back.....I let the arrow go and MISSED!!!! I aimed to high!!! I was so frustrated. But it was really fun and now I cannot wait to get out again. I love my new hunting bow. I am really glad I bought it. I am pulling back 40 pounds with it. Next time I will not miss. I should be able to get out next weekend, the deer better look out!

Today and yesterday I had to work. It has been really slow because the students are taking there finales. I have to work alone today because my coworker called in sick. I guess I should get back to work.

Later Sharon

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Suddenly, through birthing a daughter, a woman finds herself face to face not only with an infant, a little girl, a woman-to-be, but also with her own unresolved conflicts from the past and her hopes and dreams for the future.... As though experiencing an earthquake, mothers of daughters may find their lives shifted, their deep feelings unearthed, the balance struck in all relationships once again off kilter. ~Elizabeth Debold and Idelisse Malave

I thought this was a neat quote. It is so true......the relationships of mothers and daughters are very complicated! But in the end we always come back to each other no matter how upset or mad we get at each other. You can never get over the special bond that a mother has with her daughters.

So I had a good weekend other then the wired toe thing. Sat. night was a big UFC night. Minnesotan Brock Lesnar had his championship fight and won. It was a great fight. I was glad he won. I took the day off of work on Sunday and slept in until 9:00. When I finally got up I had to go out and rake up the neighbors leaves off of my yard. I figured now that they were all wet they were never going to blow away, hooker neighbor! After all of my hard work I went down to the WAC to visit everyone that was there to shoot. Then Eric, Rick and I went to the Boathouse for a late lunch. After lunch I went to Medford and did a little shopping. I had a $100. visa gift card that I need to use so I got myself two new pair of boots, two sweaters and some socks and I still have some money left on it. I got a really good deal on the boots. Last night when I got home Amy, Adam and Liam came over to show me Adam's big deer heads. They are really nice. Then they stayed and visited awhile and waited for Rick to come over to see the deer. Liam is talking a ton now. He made Rick happy because he can finally say his name.

I have had a busy day at work. I had a medical at 8:00 this morning and had a bunch of parking stuff to do. Tonight I am going to lift or maybe bike.

Got to go

Later Sharon

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Broken toe

Ok I am sure it is really not broken but it sure hurts. I know it is hard to tell in the picture but my middle toe is all red and swelled up. Last night at 10:45 I woke up and my toe was throbbing. I got up and could hardly walk it hurt so bad. It woke me up several times during the night because it hurt so bad. Then this morning at work I had to open buildings. Thank God Jim stayed late and opened over half of them. My foot was killing me by the time I was done. After that the day was pretty slow at work so I mostly stayed in the office and rested my foot. The pain has gone away a little. But when I got home and took off my work boots I could not believe how red it was. I really have know idea what I did to it. It did not hurt when I went to bed last night. I am sure I have some weird toe disease!!!!!
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Liam being an almost two year old.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Become your own Buffy: fight your Demons.

It is back to work for me today. I am tired because I was out way to late last night. I did what people do in small towns and went to a high school event. I went to the Marching Band Indoor Classic concert. I know several people that have kids in it and they are always telling me how good it is and telling me I should go. So the other day Rick asked if I wanted to go so I said sure. Now I was not to excited about it because parents always say that whatever there kids do is great so I figured it would be a little boring. But to my surprise it was good. I guess all the hype in Waseca about the marching band is true. I was impressed. So I did not get to bed last night until 10:00, way past my bedtime.
So this morning I got up at my usual time of 4:05 to get ready for work. I found out that having a hairstyle that I have to put a little time into is going to suck. I did not leave my house until 5:07. I am usually on the road by 4:58. So needless to say I am going to have to get up earlier now. I guess it is ok because I have had lots of people tell me they like my hair today.
I have had a busy day at work. I had a medical at 7:30, that is way to early for me to actually have to work. I like to get to work read all the reports and do all the morning stuff I need to do and then about 7:00 I like to sit down and eat my breakfast and read the news paper. Today that was thrown way off. I also had a fire alarm at noon, just when I was going to sit down for lunch. Maybe someone is telling me that I should stop eating so much!
That's it for today.
Later Sharon

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Hair

So I decided that I need a new hair style so I had a bunch of it cut off. I think it turned out. I now have to spend a little more time fixing it in the morning. I finally got my bike trainer last night. Rick is putting on the training tire on in the picture. You have to have a special tire otherwise it would wreck the regular tire. I was going to use it this morning but I am watching Liam because Amy had to go have one more ultrasound. The Doctor has pretty much put her on bed rest now. Poor, poor Adam. The middle picture is Rick's dog Dudley with Harper. Dudley is scared of the cats. It is pretty funny. Harper really could have cared less about Dudley. Liam wants me so I better go.
Later Sharon
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ok I guess you can stay......

This is Charlie pretending that she does not like Harper. What you don't see in the picture is Charlie growling at Harper and then as she growls she starts to clean her. It was so funny. She just wants to make sure that Harper knows who is in charge. I called the vet yesterday to get Harper fixed and declawed. They said they will not do it until she is 5-6 months old. I hope my couch can make it that long. It already has more then a few claw marks in it. I know I need to stop talking about my cats....I am turning into one of those weird cat ladies, you know like Christa.

Last night was fun. They had a ton of great food. I did not try to many wines, found a few couple good ones. Shooting went well. I moved up to 10 yards now. I know a big move. I should be up to 20 yards by the Pro-Am. Or do you think they would let just me shoot at 10 yards????

Today I am finally going to get my bike trainer. I am really looking forward to getting some good exercise in. I need it. Right now I am going to go lift. So I better get to it.

Later Sharon

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Need OF A Haircut

This is a picture of me on Aug. 21 1963 before I had my first haircut. I am getting my hair cut and colored on Wed. It is really in need of it. I always let it go way to long before I make the appointment. Today I was suppose to go to Amy's to help her paint but I fingered since Cassie is not coming down that I do not have to either. Anyhow Adam is home he can do it. They don't need me :) I had to meet Amy, Adam and Liam at Ricks house to let them in so we could put all the frozen apple pies in his freezer. Amy wants to clean out her freezer to get it ready for all the deer meat they will be getting. Then I braved the freezing rain and went to Walmart. Even though I only needed a few things I spent $72.00. I don't know how it happened. I always spend way more then I want to and then I still do not have anything good to eat. Tonight Rick and I are going to wine tasting deal out at Farm America. I guess it is really good, they have it ever year. Lots of food and wine to try. A couple from the archery club that we know will also be there. After that we are going to the club to shoot. I hope I a sober. Well I better get back to cleaning. My house is a mess.
Later Sharon

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Hope puts one on the path towards a better tomorrow."

So I was talking to a friend the other day and he was pretty much irate about the outcome of the election. I really don't understand it. Yes I was not happy eight years ago when Bush won the election but that is life. I did not think the world was going to end, and all things that I believed in would come to a end. I don't understand the mentality that I have heard from several of my Republican friends that they are going to lose everything now. I have heard from more then one person that now that Obama won they are sure they are going to have there guns taken away. Really.....did you have your guns taken away while Clinton was in office for 8 years??? Did I believe that when Bush got in all abortion would become illegal. Of course not. But that is what a lot of people were saying. Everyone has there one issue that they want to fight for, and you should. But you really cannot be a one issue voter. I really think people need a bit of a reality check sometimes. I don't believe that anybody can be 100% Republican or 100% Democrat. For example I think of myself as a Democrat yet I believe in the death penalty so does that make me a Republican? No. I know several people that are pro-choice yet they say they are Republican. You see there has to be a little give and take on both sides of every issue. I think you need to have a change in government to keeps thing on a even keen, it all works out in the end. I think you have to have both Republicans and Democrats around so they can keep each other in check. The world is not going to come to an end as we know it because Obama got elected. I think he and the rest of the government has a lot of hard work ahead of them to make things good. I think people voted for him because they just wanted a little hope that things would get better. The last few years have been hard on a lot of people. I am lucky that I have a good stable job, but not everyone is so lucky. When life is hard you have to have some hope that things will get better. I think Obama gave that to people. Weather you believe in him or not he will be our next president so lets just all hope he can do just a little of what he has been preaching. If he can do anything to make the lives of people better then that is good. Even I, one of the biggest Bush haters has once or twice in the last eight years said wow that was a good thing for him to do. So lets stop being irate and just sit back and see if anything gets better. If not then four years from now maybe it will be time for someone else to try. We can only have HOPE.
Later Sharon

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kitty Mess

This is the kitty mess I came home to today after work. I did not even take pictures of the mess they made in my office. I guess Charlie and Harper decided they need to play ruff today! It is worse then having kids. How do you tell cats they need to clean up after themselves. My commuter buddy did not call me today........whats up with that?????
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Friday, November 7, 2008

Elliptical Be GONE!!

I sold my elliptical last night! A person came up from Rochester and bought it. I got $1000. for it. I was happy about that. 2nd Wind said they would give me $870. So it was worth putting it on Craig's List. Now I am going to have to go to Mankato and buy my bike trainer. I even have 20% off at the Spoke so it will be even cheaper. I am excited to be able to get back on the bike since it seems I cannot do anything else.
Today it was snowing on my way to work. The road were not bad at all but some stupid person decided that they should drive no faster then 40 on hwy 3. It took forever to get to work. I did not know it was snowing until I went out the door this morning. I wish I had put my work boots on, might feet might get a little wet today!
I better get back to dreaming about my bike!
Later Sharon

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"I want to be where I've never been before."

"There is a fine line between criticism and personal attack."

It is back to work for me today. It has been a long day but that is ok, I get paid to have this long day. It is so dark out today. They are talking rain/snow mix for tonight and the next few days. The high for Fri. is going to be 39. I guess Fall is finally here to stay. The people who live across the street from me have a big maple tree and all of the leaves are blowing over to my yard. So now I am going to have to rake them all up. I should have done it yesterday but I did not have time. I did manage to cook a real supper last night for the first time in over a week. Of course I did not get to eat it until 7:30. I hate eating that late. I remember the good old days when I would never eat ANYTHING after 7:00. Of course I never really ate anything before 7:00 either.
The insurance adjuster came to my house today while I was at work. My roof is all ok but the window trim and downspouts will need replacing. I am glad the roof is good, I would have hated to have that work done. It is such a mess. So I hope my dealings with hail are done. I have had my fair share over the past 3 years!
Tonight I am going to shoot for awhile and I hope to get to bed early. That is about it for today.
Later Sharon

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It is time to celebrate! The election is done! I am happy to see that Obama has won. Lets hope that he can bring this country around. It need a lot of work and he and all of the government has a lot to do to make us proud again. I have high hopes.
At about 5:30 we had a big hail storm come through Waseca. The picture I took of the hail was at 8:30 this morning. That is how much hail we had that 3 hours later it was still on the ground. I have some hail damage to my house. I am going to have to call my insurance today. I think that I am cursed when it comes to hail. I have had two cars have major damage and now my house. At least my car was in the garage. Today I am babysitting Liam because Amy had to go to the Doctor. She is having contractions and has started to swell up like she did with Liam. The Doctor wanted her to come in ASAP. She still has 2 months to go so it is a little early for her to have new baby. So it is a good thing I was home today to watch Liam. I have not had him at my house in forever. He keeps me very busy. I told Amy when new baby comes I think I can only watch new baby or Liam because I will be just to hard to watch both of them! It back to work on Thur. five 12 hour days for me.
Later Sharon

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More Pictures

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Today I went for a walk around the lake. These are a few of the pictures I took.
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Today is a big day. I hope everyone gets out there and votes. If you do not vote you have no right to bitch about the government. It is your right and your duty to go vote. SO DO IT!!!! I already voted at 7:30 this morning. Last night I had a dream that I went to vote and I had to register because I had moved. When I got there they said they were out of registration cards so I would not be able to vote. I was so upset I was crying. So that is why I had to go vote right away this morning. Thank goodness they had plenty of registration cards! I hope everyone has a great election day.
Later Sharon

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Chicken Liam

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70 years

Beth and me
Five generations

Christa and Jese

Today was my Grandma and Grandpa Trenda's 70Th wedding anniversary party. It was nice to see all the people that I have not seen in awhile.
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Fat Ass

I am pretty sure this is what my ass is going to look like pretty soon. Yesterday I tried on my black dress pants and I could hardly get them over my big but. Granted they are a size 0, but they fit me perfect last year! I was not very happy. I don't know if this biking stuff is worth the big but I am getting. Of course I have not been on my bike for 3 weeks now so maybe all the muscles has tuned into fat. I am sure that is it.....I am getting the dreaded BECKER BUT!
So I have come to the conclusion that I cannot do my elliptical anymore. When I used it on Tue. my leg hurt for 3 days. I hurt as bad as when I run. So now I have to get rid of it for sure. I listed it on Craigslist a couple of days ago. No takers yet. They will take it at 2nd Wind but I hoped to sell it on my own so I could get a little more money for it. I will give it one more week.
I went hunting yesterday after work. It was so nice out. I should be able hunt Mon. Tue. and Wed. of this week if it does not rain.
I guess I better go I am a little busy today at work.
Later Sharon