Thursday, August 28, 2008
Vegas Baby Vegas!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So Today since I have not ran for 5 weeks-----YES 5 WEEKS, I decided it was time to give it a try again. After all the doctor said 4 to 6 weeks. Well it did not go good. I could not even run a mile before it started to hurt. I ran maybe 2 miles before it hurt so bad that I had to walk. I had to WALK home. I never walk home. It hurt worse today then when I was running on it every few days. So I guess the 5 weeks of rest did nothing! I am not happy about it. I walked to get my hair cut at noon and did not think I was going to make it because my leg still hurt so bad. I hate that my legs are failing me!
Now I am going to take my car to Walmart to pick up a couple of things for supper. I was going to walk but that is not happening!
I am done being a baby now!
Later Sharon
Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
So I have had these little black bug on my counter top for the last couple of days. I could not figure out where they were coming from. This morning I decided I should look for them. Well I found them in a box of pancake mix. I know I had the mix when I was in my apartment so it was at least 2 years old. Needless to say I thew it away and anything else that was not in a sealed bag. I cleaned everything up and now I am bug free!
Today I have Liam, he took off his diaper while he was taking a nap and peed all over. Now I have to wash all of his blankets. Last night I went for a 16 mile bike ride with Rick. Tonight we are going to bike more. Liam wants me to read him a book so I better go.
Later Sharon
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Free Salt
Another great weekend. Thursday after work I went with Rick to Owatonna so he could get his new bike. Yes he had to keep up with me. He now has a super nice road bike too. Friday I lifted and then did my laundry. I also washed my dishes for the first time in 3 days. It is a good thing I only use silverware and cups! If I ever start to really cook again I am going to have to start doing my dishes more then once or twice a week. Friday night Rick and I went for a great 18 mile bike ride. It was on a super nice road with hardly any traffic. Of course there was a mean looking dog that came after us. OK really it stopped before it got to the road, but it was scary. Yesterday I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I got 3 bags of softener salt. I told the check out guy that I had 3 bags of salt and what kind it was. Well he never charged me for them. So I got $15.00 worth of salt for free. What a deal! In the afternoon I picked up Amy, Adam and Liam and we went to Faribo to my aunt and uncles 50Th anniversary party. It was fun. I ate way to much. They had the best cake ever. Even better then all of Christa's cakes! Last night I went to Ricks house to watch the Olympics. I am a Olympic junky. I love watching them. This morning I did not get out of bed until almost 9:00. I just finished lifting and watching the Olympics. So I guess I should get in the shower since it is already 11:20.
Later Sharon
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Holy Man...you spent that much on a bike! -Christa Rugroden- Wadekamper

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Want To Race..........
Unloading the bikes in Waterville
Hot dogs in Mankato
The new bike
Friday, August 8, 2008
What ever Liam wants Liam gets!!!
Today is a Liam day. We are having lots of fun. We went for a walk around the block. Liam walked almost the whole way. He even made it up the big hill all by himself. Right now he is trying to play in the cat water. He also knows where all the treats are so he runs into the kitchen and begs for them. It is soooooo cute. It is almost nap time for him and then I can finally get into the shower. My back it doing much better today. I even lifted this morning. I did not do my ab crunches. I think that is what hurt it. I usually do 4 sets of 10 with 70 pounds. I love doing them. I am all about having good abs. I should be able to go back to doing them next week. For now I just did my ab workout on the ball. Last night Rick and I went for a 14 mile bike ride. We went out on the Snake Trail Road. It was really a nice ride. A perfect night for riding. On Sat. if it is not raining we are going to bike to Mankato on the Sakatah State trail. We are going to start in Waterville. It is 23.5 miles there. Then we are going to bike back. I am pretty sure I will be shot by the end, but it should be fun. I am always up for a challenge. Liam is now trying to hide in my workout room because he took something off my weight machine and I told him to put it back. So he id hiding with it. So I better go find him!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Getting Old