Wednesday, January 30, 2008
"You cannot be mad at someone who makes you laugh-it's as simple as that." -Jay Leno
This is the game the kids played at my house on New Years day. Do you notice anything different on it???? Yes Adam added an extra "part" on the poor guy! I don't think they sell Operation like this in the stores!
Today I had my hair cut by a new stylest. She did a good job. I have been going to the same guy for the last 5 or 6 years. I decided I needed my hair cut this week so I thought I would try and find someone in Waseca. I am sure I will go back to her again. On Monday I sent out all of my bills and today I noticed that I did not put my check in one of them. So I had to call them up and tell them I would send the check today. Yesterday was Tuesday and I always cook on Tuesday, so I made a turkey breast, dressing, potato's and best of all I made pear-cranberry pie with oatmeal streusel. It was so good. I have not had a good meal since last Tuesday. Today after I got my hair cut I baked pecan-topped pumpkin bread. I don't know if it is any good yet because it is still cooling. I had two cans of pumpkin left over from when I made pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving. I was cleaning out my cupboard yesterday when I found it and decided it was time to use it. I will have to give some of the bread away because I will never eat it all.
I am going to down to the club tonight to shoot. I did not go last night because it was way to cold out to leave the house. Well that is all the exciting news I have for today. Hope I did not bore you all to death.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Fun Weekend
It was a fun weekend even if I had to work. On Saturday Rick and I went cross country skiing for the first time this year. It was soooo nice out. We just went across the lake because I do not get home from work until 5:00. So it is almost dark out by the time I get home. The snow was perfect for skiing. I wish I could get out more. Of course now it is so warm out that the snow is all melting. Yesterday after work I finally got to go to a movie. I saw Juno. What a great movie. I laughed and cried. Everyone should go see it. Today I am babysitting Liam again. Right now he is having a snack. He is about done and wants to get out if the highchair so I guess I better let him out.
Later Sharon
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Raynaud's Disease

Women are more likely to have Raynaud's disease. It's also more common in people who live in colder climates. This is the disease that I have. Kim wanted to know what it looked like so I am posting a picture for her. I know...... it is gross! It hurts a lot when the feeling starts to come back in my fingers. Thank God I have not had it happen in at least a year. It is amazing how the body reacts to stress. I guess that my body is telling me that I have a good life now and little stress since the outbreaks have stopped!
Congratulations to Kim and Sara for shooting great scores last night at league!! We will have to go on the road again soon to shoot.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
28 days and counting

Today is Adams birthday!!!! I think he is 24 today. I can not remember how old he is. It is somewhere around 24. At least I remembered it is his birthday.
I have not done anything exciting the last couple days. Just work, work, work. I almost froze my fingers off walking to the library to check on an alarm this morning. Then when I got there I found out it was just the electrician working on it! It took me an hour to get the feeling back in my fingers. I know you don't feel sorry for me.
It is almost lunch time so I better go.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
So my bathtub drain has been draining slow for awhile now. And like all good homeowners I have been just hoping it would fix itself. Well that did not happen. This morning I dumped drain cleaner down it and plunged till I could plunge no more. And all I got was more dirty water in my tub. It was gross!!! So by now its 10:00 and I still have not been in the shower. So I dump some more drain cleaner down it and decide I might as well go on the elliptical while I wait for it to work. Well 45 minutes later it still has not drained. So more plunging and a little swearing and I have gotten no where. So I call my friendly handyman (Rick) and he comes over with more drain cleaner. After I feed him a delish sandwich he works his handyman magic and gets it to drain. So at 1:00 I finally got to take a shower.
After all that I decided I should make a good supper for tonight. So I am making Slow Cooker Orange Chicken. And I also just finished making some Brownies. I should be well fed for League tonight.
This weekend Kim and I did good in IA. We came in first and second place. OK we were the only ones to shoot in our class. But we still did good! Congratulations to Steve for setting a new State record at the 25 meter. Great job!!!! Also congratulations to Rick for getting 3rd place.
Today I am watching Liam for an hour or so when Amy goes to her night class. I have to go back to work on Wed. I am back on my 5 days on and 3 days off rotation. No more weekend off till I go to Vegas.
My brownies are done so I better go get them out of the oven.
After all that I decided I should make a good supper for tonight. So I am making Slow Cooker Orange Chicken. And I also just finished making some Brownies. I should be well fed for League tonight.
This weekend Kim and I did good in IA. We came in first and second place. OK we were the only ones to shoot in our class. But we still did good! Congratulations to Steve for setting a new State record at the 25 meter. Great job!!!! Also congratulations to Rick for getting 3rd place.
Today I am watching Liam for an hour or so when Amy goes to her night class. I have to go back to work on Wed. I am back on my 5 days on and 3 days off rotation. No more weekend off till I go to Vegas.
My brownies are done so I better go get them out of the oven.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Don't Worry

Don't worry I did not freeze to death today at work. It was close but I made it back to the office still alive. It was only -14 out. As a reward for braving the cold this morning I went to Caribou and got my self a nice warm mocha and on top of that I got a cinnamon roll. I know it is about 1000 calories right there. Good thing I am going to do the elliptical tonight so I can burn them all off!!!
On Sunday Tim Fierke, Kim, JZ and I are all going to IA to shoot. Should be lots of fun. Except I have to get out of bed early on my day off.
Last night I was sound asleep when Simon decided it would be fun to try and climb on a corner shelf I have in my bedroom. Of course he knocked it over. I was so tired that I just looked at and though on well I will have to clean that in the morning and then fell right back asleep. I finally got a good nights sleep last night. All week I have been going on 5 to 6 hours of sleep. I can tell it is archer many late nights.
I guess I should get back to work.
Stay warm.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Baby its cold out here!!!!

It is sooooo cold out. I think it has gotten cold because I have to work weekends again. I am going to freeze to death on Sat. when I have to open buildings. If no one hears from me by noon on Sat. they better come to Carleton and find my frozen body!
Yesterday I got home and got my mail when to my surprise I found a bill for .39 cents from the post office. It seems that my favorite daughter Christa sent me some mail and did not put enough postage on it. I will have to make her pay me back with interest.
I think I am going to buy the book Women and Money by Suze Orman. I would like to start saving more money and investing more. Of course the way the stock market has been going maybe I should just put my money under my mattress, I would probably get a better return then I am now! Anyhow the book looks good. I think I will get for my daughters too. I know they all need to read it (hehehe)
I am all alone in the office today. My boss is gone until next Tue. So I am in charge of Security for the next few days. I hope the power does not go to my head.
Nothing else is new. Just the same old stuff.
Later Sharon
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Motherhood is one great big, long, letting go. -Gail Marz
Today Cassie is 26 years old!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!! It is hard to believe that my baby is now 26. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I was 19 years old and scared to death of having a baby. But when you came it was the best day of my life. It was the day I discovered the love and bond between you and I. We of course made lots of mistakes in raising you but in the end it all has turned out good. You have become a wonderful person that is loved by all. You are the best daughter I could every had asked for. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Love you MOM
Always keep your espectations higher than your reality. And the reality of your life will be sure to follow. -Ralph Marston
Today I slept until 8:40. I know I am a lazy one. It was great to just stay in bed for once. After I got up I did the elliptical for 45 min. so that makes up for sleeping so late. This afternoon I was going to leave to get the oil changed in my car and my garage door would not open all the way. I was stuck!!!! So Rick and Cooper came over and got it working for now. I have to call a repair man and have it adjusted. After I finally got out I washed my car, filled it with gas and had the oil changed. Now I am all ready for the week. I even came home and cooked for the second time this week. I know can you believe it, twice in one week. Tonight I have WAC league. Right now I am babysitting Liam. He is not to happy with me because I will not let him eat the cat food or play with my computer. I am such a mean Nana! I guess I better go play with the baby.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
If you don't think everyday is a good day, just try missing one.

Thursday, January 10, 2008
I am sooooo sleepy. Someone should tell me to go to bed at night instead of staying up watching movies all night. Ok it was not all night, but till 10:00. Not late for most of you but for me it is late. After all I do get up at 4:15 in the morning for work. I have had a busy week so far. Monday I went to FAC for Women's night. Tue. I had my first night of league at WAC. I shot a 295 35X. Can only go up! Last night was my night off so I did the elliptical for 45 minutes. Tonight I have my first night of league at FAC. I guess I better get back to work. Talk to you soon Sharon

Monday, January 7, 2008
Big Weekend
Well this weekend was the first big archery shoot for the year, the IA Pro-Am. It is a two day shoot. We shot 300 target on Sat. and a Vegas target on Sunday. I did good on Sat. but Sunday was not so good. I did manage to stay in the middle of the pack both days so that is OK. There was lots of people there from WAC and FAC. We all had lots of fun.
Today I am babysitting Liam for a little while. Right now he is sleeping. I am going to try and lift while he sleeps. So I better get going!!!
Today I am babysitting Liam for a little while. Right now he is sleeping. I am going to try and lift while he sleeps. So I better get going!!!
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